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The last epic battle on this site over political threads lead to the following...Now if you do not like it, than you should have all asked for it to read differently. This is like TV if you do not like the title of the next show(thread) coming up...switch to another station(thread)....If one wants more hunting related subjects on the recent boards that produce some that will get as much or more traffic than the political thread. Remember it's your responses that keep posts continuing.



Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions

New York Gun and Hunting Laws and Legislation and Politics Discussions


Edited by growalot
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Yes I am getting sick and tired of coming to this site to read about HUNTING and see only political issues.  The board seems to be always dominated by a few political posters.  Can we put political posts on a separate board.  If I want to read politics and opinions I will go to facebook.  Otherwise this is turning into a political site where hunting is secondary.


I see enough political junk pushed on yahoo, I really do not need more here.  The posts I would like to read go by so quickly that I never even get to see them because we have to talk about politics.   


I would like to see one line on the bottom of the board for political posts, this way IF I want to read them I can go and see what is posted.  This would keep the site on the topic of hunting as oppose to letting a few political posters dominate the site. 





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Yes I am getting sick and tired of coming to this site to read about HUNTING and see only political issues.  The board seems to be always dominated by a few political posters.  Can we put political posts on a separate board.  If I want to read politics and opinions I will go to facebook.  Otherwise this is turning into a political site where hunting is secondary.



We have about 42 different forums on this site. Many of those have sub-divisions, so the actual number is even higher. One of all those sites is political. It is no big trick to find all the hunting, fishing, trapping, camping, etc., subjects that you could ever want.....probably way more than you will ever have time to read.


The reason that a political forum is important on a hunting/outdoor forum site is that there are political aspects to hunting, hunting weapons and the people governing or influencing laws and policies that impact hunting.


There is no reason for anyone to feel compelled to access that one forum out of forty-something if they do not want to.


Lastly, I have to point out that this is not a "read only" site. Anyone who feels that there are not enough hunting/outdoor posts occurring is certainly free to start threads of their own and are encouraged to do so.

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Yes I am getting sick and tired of coming to this site to read about HUNTING and see only political issues.  The board seems to be always dominated by a few political posters.  Can we put political posts on a separate board.  If I want to read politics and opinions I will go to facebook.  Otherwise this is turning into a political site where hunting is secondary.


I see enough political junk pushed on yahoo, I really do not need more here.  The posts I would like to read go by so quickly that I never even get to see them because we have to talk about politics.   


I would like to see one line on the bottom of the board for political posts, this way IF I want to read them I can go and see what is posted.  This would keep the site on the topic of hunting as oppose to letting a few political posters dominate the site. 



Some sites have "preferences" where you can toggle off subjects that you don't want to come up.

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Rule number one in any internet discussion forum is (or should be): attack the post, not the poster. This keeps the discussion civil, on-topic and informative.


I find the politics section here to be valuable and insightful as it's a somewhat local group with some common interests. Knowing how someone from Oklahoma feels about NYS gun laws may be interesting but it isn't as helpful to me as knowing what my 'neighbor' thinks.

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Yes I am getting sick and tired of coming to this site to read about HUNTING and see only political issues.  The board seems to be always dominated by a few political posters.  Can we put political posts on a separate board.  If I want to read politics and opinions I will go to facebook.  Otherwise this is turning into a political site where hunting is secondary.


I see enough political junk pushed on yahoo, I really do not need more here.  The posts I would like to read go by so quickly that I never even get to see them because we have to talk about politics.   


I would like to see one line on the bottom of the board for political posts, this way IF I want to read them I can go and see what is posted.  This would keep the site on the topic of hunting as oppose to letting a few political posters dominate the site. 




I agree, important stuff scrolls out of view too quickly. I miss stuff because the political discussions overwhelm other posts.


I think NFA-ADK has a really good idea. Separate, or don't even scroll political posts unrelated to gun rights and hunting. The non-hunting related political posts seem to have no intent other than venting and provoking. As some of you might recall, I have been trying to get some of the heavy political OPs to tell me what they hope to accomplish.


The site should separate the political stuff into hunting-related and non-hunting topics.

Edited by Curmudgeon
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The non-hunting related political posts seem to have no intent other than venting and provoking. As some of you might recall, I have been trying to get some of the heavy political OPs to tell me what they hope to accomplish.




Let me point out , that a single person reading the content of one or more paragraphs to themselves,is the only one that  can deem said paragraphs as provoking. It has little to do with the person that created those paragraphs. They have no control over your feelings of being provoked. Now your asking said persons "What they hope to accomplish" Could very well sound provocative to them. Not responding to your question may very well be their way of not acting on said feelings. Not taking responsability for your state of mind.

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I would really hate to see anyone blocking the "Gun and Hunting Laws and politics Discussions" forum. That basically would be an admission of apathy when it comes to matters regarding the legal challenges to hunting and other outdoor activities. The one most important feature of this site is that it does keep us all informed about legal challenges and threats to the activities that we supposedly care so much about. I do understand the level of that apathy from the most recent election results, but at least the information has a venue of education for those of us who do care about such things. And hopefully, some of the information and details do reach some people here that might otherwise remain uninformed.

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Doc is absolutely right. None of us should miss hunting and gun related political posts. They are not the problem.


Grow - Whether something is provocative is not determined by how I react but by the reaction to the post. I am not so much provoked by them as distracted. When I am provoked, you won't mistake it.


Go back and read the "liberalism" post and others that have nothing to do with the purpose of this site. Not one of these posts ever changed the mind of someone on the other side.

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Go back and read the "liberalism" post and others that have nothing to do with the purpose of this site. Not one of these posts ever changed the mind of someone on the other side.



You are making a very big assumption here.  Speaking for yourself, and others that are convinced of their opinions, yes.  But you have no idea who else has read those posts without a firm opinion and has gathered some useful information on the subject.  There are hundreds of people who read these posts without ever replying to them.

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I understand having political discussions.  My point is that if you don't change the settings like First-light pointed out all you see is political issues.  They are dominating the board if you have the default settings.  At least I can filter them out.  Do I want to, NO but I am forced because their is only so much politics I can take.  I am a hunter and want to read about other hunters and the adventures THEY have, not politics.  Thanks First-light for reminding me about the filter!  


I would rather not filter this stuff out but when 2-3 people dominate a deer hunting site with politics, well I get enough in my e-mail and on the web of politics and media hype I don't need to come here for more. 


Filtered but not happy about it. 


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Go back and read the "liberalism" post and others that have nothing to do with the purpose of this site. Not one of these posts ever changed the mind of someone on the other side.

The irony is that some of the more ludicrous far right rants are changing the minds of the moderates & sending their sympathies farther to the left.


Just like parading around showing off assault rifles in public.


As someone else posted, it's counter-productive.

Edited by wildcat junkie
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That's only one issue.  One issue does not a "liberal" make.  


It is a total mindset of power and control that must be adopted to be a so called "liberal", which is what the thread was attempting to show.  It seems these days, labels in politics mean the exact opposite of what you might think.


I believe when enough information is gleaned by the uncommitted, "Liberal" is not a political ideology many will actually accept.


It's not so much trying to change people's minds, as it is trying to provide info for people to think for themselves.


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You are making a very big assumption here.  Speaking for yourself, and others that are convinced of their opinions, yes.  But you have no idea who else has read those posts without a firm opinion and has gathered some useful information on the subject.  There are hundreds of people who read these posts without ever replying to them.


I would feel better if someone spoke up and said you were right. I'm fishing for that one person who changed their mind.

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