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LIVE from the woods 2015 Edition! - Sixth Year Going Strong


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Yup, back out, give it a few hours. Go to work and bail early if you can. Not going to rain, so the trail will not go anywhere.

okay I am bailing. The trail is consistent but obviously not lung unless this thing need no air. Trail is super easy to follow so I will just come back later.

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So I stepped into the woods this morning 5:15 and right into a group of deer...they started running and one snorted...before it could get any more out I hit my archery hands free grunter..and then I heard a grunt behind me...I kept moving as quietly as possible.... grunting every 10 steps...... then stopped and listened...under cover of pines ...the deer were moving back in on me and milling around....... God forever!...I stood there a tad worried about just how big a buck had snorted and which steps I heard coming my way might be his...I stepped into a pine and started quietly bending and crushing branches, filling the air with the smell of pine...evenually the snapping of branches and steps in the leafs subsided...and I broke from the pine in hopes not to get nailed again...I'd spent 15 mins just 12 yrds from my stand and now it was getting lighter out...climbed up and just as I knocked an arrow in come some slow steady steps...I was praying it would have some wht. on it's head but it was still too dark to see clearly...I watched as it fed out in the clover 25 yrds away......by 6:25 it had fed in under my stand and I could clearly see it to be a doe fawn she kept looking behind her but nothing showed...then Mr B loading up and starting to leave had her attention...I had turned my head toward the road  and as I slowly turned back there she was looking straight up at me....thought about it a moment then jumped out of the plot...stopped again and looked my way but I was frozen...she fed in grass in the hedge and slowly moved off...nothing else seen...Pulled the cam I put on the apple tree 44yrds directly across the from the stand ...all night  a line of big doe and fawn right up to 5:15...It was that group of doe and fawn that had a group of buck come in to them...I recognized much of the noise I heard as doe being pushed around...either that or fawns being pushed away...but I did hear that grunt..


No deer but a great on ground hunting experience...I was able to keep them in the area even after having been snorted at..I got a buck to return grunt......success in my book as far as this game of chess goes.....Now to plan the next move...perhaps capture the queen.... ;)

Edited by growalot
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You may have hit one lung. They can go a long way on one lung.

That shot I showed with pooling clearly, undeniably has bubbles (post 1744). Most of the trail is light and at that point the deer I presume stood there and figured out what's going on before continuing to walk. I don't believe I spooked it before giving up the trail earlier, but it certainly went quite far. Is there any way the bubbles could NOT be from lung; can they enter the blood in any other manner, like from being licked or something? I found another couple of smaller pools later on before quitting but none had the bubbles of that first pic.

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Know that feeling...my ladder this morning creaked along the edge of stand...the pipe insulation I put on ...just to prevent this...had been worn through with all the winds we have had...always have spare piece attached to stands, just for this reason...quick fix before leaving no more squeak... ;)

The other day I went out with mineral oil and had to oil one of the ladder stands squeaking at the ladder joints...love mineral oil

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Just let two brief doe blups and three min later a small buck walks in. I got lazy with my stand. Turns out deer CAN look in trees. I draw it sees me doing it. Neither of us move for 30 seconds. Finally I decide I gotta let down or finish lining up my shot. However as I do the latter it decides no and runs off.

In the last hour I have learned the importance of making sure deer are not moving when shooting, that a call can work, that deer can look in trees, and that my spot is 10 yards past where it really should be.

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Just curious , how old are you?

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Just let two brief doe blups and three min later a small buck walks in. I got lazy with my stand. Turns out deer CAN look in trees. I draw it sees me doing it. Neither of us move for 30 seconds. Finally I decide I gotta let down or finish lining up my shot. However as I do the latter it decides no and runs off.

In the last hour I have learned the importance of making sure deer are not moving when shooting, that a call can work, that deer can look in trees, and that my spot is 10 yards past where it really should be.

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Just curious , how old are you?

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obviously I was not aiming for the deer's ass. I appear to be a poor shot in the woods but it isn't for lack of practice or accuracy on the range which is the best I can do without having live deer to target. In any case I am now on a blood trail and thankfully it is not raining.

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lol..Some things do not need to be put to print. Hope you were totally wrong on the hit but if you did hit it back hopefully you hit that major artery that runs back there and it will bleed out. Most hits there they bleed out pretty fast!  Hope luck is on your side. Things get crazy in the woods at times but many read the words put to print on this site and they are not all on our side!

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