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Dream Land... New to the Area ...where would you purchase?


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I would think you'd pay at least $10-15K in taxes per year ANYWHERE in NYS for 200-300 acres.  You could go to freakin Alaska or Africa every year for that kind of money with NO headaches of land ownership.  I know what I'd do!  LOL


You might be surprised.  I know the land across the road from my fathers house was for sale a while ago so I looked the info up.  No buildings on it, but also no exemptions claimed and for 220 acres of woods the taxes were under $1700 per year for county tax, and I'm assuming school tax was bout the same. 

Edited by BellR
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You might be surprised.  I know the land across the road from my fathers house was for sale a while ago so I looked the info up.  No buildings on it, but also no exemptions claimed and for 220 acres of woods the taxes were under $1700 per year for county tax, and I'm assuming school tax was bout the same. 



This is highly unusual, to say the least.  Not what the typical landowner will be getting with their land purchase in NYS.  And the more land you buy, the more you will be feeling it.

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It just depends on where you go.  The further you are from a large city the cheaper the land and the taxes are generally.  I can find parcel after parcel in his area that go for about the same taxes per acre.  Heck, I just bought 20 acres out that way this year and my total tax bill (county and school) will be around $400 with no exemptions.  Multiply that by ten on both sides and you have about $4000 for 200 acres.  Not to far off of what the land across the road goes for. 


Just look around for areas where there are good deals... you don't have to pay 3-5k per acre if you are willing to be further away from "civilization".

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I'm paying $2,700.00 per year for house, barn and 210 acres in Delaware County. Have the land in the forestry program. I think this is very reasonable. 


The timber harvest rotation is every 12 - 14 years, this pays for all expenses and puts many dollars in my pocket too. This year's harvest is paying for a dall sheep hunt next year.



Spark should look at all the land-tax options, ie Agriculture and Forestry.


As for fencing, most properties around me are bordered with beautiful stone walls. Much nicer to look at than wire.


There is good deer & turkey hunting but you will not find a 170" buck in Delaware County. 


Edited by catskillkid
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We have 150 acres in Catt county, great hunting with plenty of deer but since we don't live there trespassing is definitely a problem, one of the neighbors has a little square cut oit of our property near the edge and assumes he can use our acreage for his personal use another one claims to be "lost" on our side all the time. It's getting better but I agree that good neighbors would be very nice to have.

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Throughout northern new York, the zillions of stone fences are strictly there for one reason....a place to put rocks, which also help keep livestock in. The further from cities you go, and more trusting folks become, the fewer fences. It is a city attitude to fence in. Devious: :)

I'll respectively disagree with your comment about people outside the city being more trustworthy, I have come across just as many shady people in downtown no where as I have in and around the city.

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I'll respectively disagree with your comment about people outside the city being more trustworthy, I have come across just as many shady people in downtown no where as I have in and around the city.



+100 on that one!  Like all those treestands and trailcams that get stolen on private property, along with all the trespassing and feuding by neighbors.  It ain't the city boys who are coming up to do all that on the weekends!

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+100 on that one!  Like all those treestands and trailcams that get stolen on private property, along with all the trespassing and feuding by neighbors.  It ain't the city boys who are coming up to do all that on the weekends!

yeah, it's the City folk who drive up on the weekends to rip all the copper out of peoples cabins to sell for scrap....happens all the time.

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We don't even screw around anymore we just call the state boys and get their back tag number and have charges filed.


It all started 3 years ago when my wife was sitting in her stand some dipsh!t was shooting over the hill on our property and she had bullets whistling thru the branches above her stand. I lost it on the guy I was ready to pummel him. I'm a pretty even tempered man but my wife and father said they never saw that side of me before. I was livid, it still pisses me off thinking about it.

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I think a lot of you look at fences as simply being a giant "keep out" sign. Actually out where I live where the properties are rather large and wooded and line-of-sight doesn't hack it for keeping track of where you really are, fences keep people from honestly getting turned around and mis-oriented and putting food plots on someone else's land, or cutting firewood that doesn't belong to them, or pasturing animals on your property. When you get up on top of our hill, one property looks just like the next and without a surveyed and marked property line, all kinds of weird things could be showing up on our property. It all could happen quite innocently if there is nothing there to tell you when you have crossed onto someone else's property. Today most surveys of this kind of property amount to an iron stake in each corner and nothing in between.


So this idea that anyone would put up miles of fence as a barrier to trespassers is really not the case at all. That's what posted signs are for. Fencing is used to clarify boundaries and since the question was asked, I'm telling you that it is a hell of a good idea if you can afford it and have the strength and time to do the work.

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I agree Doc, 274 acres of mine all posted and reposted every year, paint on trees on line, if you can't see it your blind, neighbor to north posted 1x and nothing thru woods, complains about tresspassers, usually a neighbor who he kicked off, kind of became a problem when the deer he shot went on. Neighbors and got kicked off his, mark your lines and be amicable to the neighbors...

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+100 on that one!  Like all those treestands and trailcams that get stolen on private property, along with all the trespassing and feuding by neighbors.  It ain't the city boys who are coming up to do all that on the weekends!

Jeremy K and Steve,

I concede on this and take back that statement.... I must have been tired and grumpy when I entered it...having had plenty of trouble with locals ( identified) at my camp..More to the point I was trying to make, is that I have never known any one (farmers, land owners, etc. ) who felt it was needed to fence land, as it was never questioned that a neighbor may need access (for many reasons...lost dog, live stock, short cut, visiting, or just wandering...etc...

And I guess I should also apologize for contributing to getting the thread off track....

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