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Leftovers available....


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yeah, pretty sure that's why they say your chances of getting one on the first day are the same as on the last.....they hold back and recalculate when the deadline is over.

I don't think that's how it works with leftovers...as far as I knew daily tally are taken and area could be out tomorrow it's a first come situation...but if someone got one in am it's open for the whole day at least

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Lockport Walmart was good this afternoon, with just one guy at the counter ahead of me when I got there and I had no trouble getting (2) more 9F's, bringing my total to (4). Hopefully, I can start filling them next weekend when Crossbow opens up. The weather sounds perfect then with lows in the 30's. The rest of this week looks terrible with highs in the 70's. My deer fridge is full now with a 4-point a neighbor dropped off for us last night.

That one should be aged perfect for processing next weekend, and any I kill later should be able to hang out in the garage by the looks of the long-range weather predictions. I killed a tick on that young buck when I was skinning him this morning. We need some more cold to get rid of them damn things.

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Stopped off at DICKs in Webster . Long line but I waited . The holdup was guys buying their licenses and getting the permits also . Anyone that already had a license was processed quick .

Was able to get a 8H and a 8N anter less permit . Now all I need is to get a shot at some deer ! 

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I don't think that's how it works with leftovers...as far as I knew daily tally are taken and area could be out tomorrow it's a first come situation...but if someone got one in am it's open for the whole day at least

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two separate situations...

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Areas that have them, it's 1st come, 1st serve..until gone!


BTW - Found out this morning all you really need is a driver's lic, your hunting lic is not required! That was at a Town Clerk, but should be the same everywhere!

actually if they are available at the start of the business day everyone gets them that applies for that area. At the end of the day they close the areas where the quotas are met and a new open area list is generated for the following day.

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