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Palin hunting for a Vise...

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Ya know what I don't get? The fact that people seem to think there is any democracy anymore. That 'political' group was created when there were few enough people that we had a voice on some things. That was in the late 1700's! Get over it!

When was the last time an average American had a say in anything? Democrat, Republican, same thing. Dictator.

I don't care who it is, they aren't going to do anything for the country as a whole! Being a politician these days is like being an actor. It's all about playing the role and getting more money in the bank account!

Here's another pill to swallow, if you think for one second your vote matters, you are as delusional as the mentally impaired you keep talking about. Stop lying to yourselves about voting!

Politics are determined by big money corporations. Who they want in, gets in. That's the damn bottom line!

Here's a list from Wikipedia ( may not be 100% accurate, but's it's damn close):





Left, right, conservatives, liberals, w/e, are all just opinions that have blossomed into mega stardom political groups. They are all about me and mine! None of those groups really gives a rats ass about the USA! It's all about the fight! Which is a lie in itself. Who are you fighting? A Government you elected? That makes sense!


Damn! To be honest, if you voted for any of the dumbasses that have screwed up the USA then you are a big part of the problem! You backed them!

You reap what you sew and you get what you ask for!


Edited by ....rob
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Ya know what I don't get? The fact that people seem to think there is any democracy anymore. That 'political' group was created when there were few enough people that we had a voice on some things. That was in the late 1700's! Get over it!

When was the last time an average American had a say in anything? Democrat, Republican, same thing. Dictator.

I don't care who it is, they aren't going to do anything for the country as a whole! Being a politician these days is like being an actor. It's all about playing the role and getting more money in the bank account!

Here's another pill to swallow, if you think for one second your vote matters, you are as delusional as the mentally impaired you keep talking about. Stop lying to yourselves about voting!

Politics are determined by big money corporations. Who they want in, gets in. That's the damn bottom line!

Here's a list from Wikipedia ( may not be 100% accurate, but's it's damn close):





Left, right, conservatives, liberals, w/e, are all just opinions that have blossomed into mega stardom political groups. They are all about me and mine! None of those groups really gives a rats ass about the USA! It's all about the fight! Which is a lie in itself. Who are you fighting? A Government you elected? That makes sense!


Damn! To be honest, if you voted for any of the dumbasses that have screwed up the USA then you are a big part of the problem! You backed them!

You reap what you sew and you get what you ask for!

I wish I could dispute any of that with any kind of conviction, but it is true that our individual vote is so diluted, that it is almost meaningless. And if you want an exercise in futility, try being a Conservative in NYS. Your vote pretty much has been relegated to a very quiet protest.


On the other hand, if you don't participate in the system, I would have to say that you really have no business offering up any political opinions. It would seem that by opting out of the system of voting that we have, you are pretty much forfeiting whatever credibility that your opinion might have ever had.


I have no answers, but I will say that occasionally I do see some surprising changes and political results that just simply were not supposed to have happened. Those are the little victories that tell me not to give up yet, and to keep on trying to use the system. The alternatives to that are too terrible to even contemplate.

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Greg I will once again tell you to read the private message I sent you and act upon it

The only thing I will act upon is laughing at your stupid rants. So everyone knows he sent a private message to me and used the letter F and the letter U. You remind me of the Classic Donkey Dong, look in the mirror and you will understand what that means, maybe. LOL


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I'd have to say This country would be better off if McCain & Palin had won 2008. Instead we now have the incompetent in Chief & dumb Joe. Than Barry gave us Holder, Hillary, Susan Rice, Kerry, Lynch. Oh and his Race Ambassador Al Sharpton LOL. When I look at the last 8yrs of Obama & Joe, McCain & Palin doesn't sound to bad.

Edited by Huntscreek
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