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Best news was they're rethinking and postponing the Phase 3 implementation of MLs in early SZ bow season for those areas that were does-only in 2015. Bad news was there is a small window of opportunity for rescinding the doe-only restriction through required legislation. Hoping the DEC doesn't drag their feet too much...!


FYI - Those of you that don't subscribe to NYON, the latest issue has two articles of interest I believe the OP was referring to. One was about the DEC's decision or non-actions to implement any further AR restrictions. Other article was about rescinding 2015's doe-only restrictions. Nothing about crossbows!

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Good,as for doe only,it doesn't effect me but change it back, as for full inclusion of x bow legislation required doesn't come from dec, write and call your representatives!the Never cared for ar's but the people that have them seem to be happy with them so let them stay there...

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