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Almost ( might still get ) Got In Trouble


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We went to Sears today to buy a new dryer.

While in there it occurred to me that I can use my Sears card at Kmart, and they sell bows. I "casually" mention this to the g/f and got the 'evil eye of death'. But, me being me, I peeked on the Kmart site and they have the Winchester Laredo package on sale for $449. Trying to devise a plan to get the OK to make the purchase. I already know her big argument, "We can't afford that right now!", and she's 100% right.


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Yeah, I know. Just thinking out loud ( or through my fingers ? ) I guess. I just agreed about the money is super tight right now. But, I did plant a seed in her mind. A few weeks ago we were talking and she said "You better get a DMP and at least get a doe this year. It will help with the cost of food.". I reminded her that because I cannot hunt the private land I have access too up north  for this deer season, my season starts in mid November. She had forgotten about that. LOL. So, I brought it up again and said if I buy this bow I can get out there the first of October.

I will probably pass on the purchase right now. But, like most on here the though of new gear is like a kid on Christmas Eve. Visions of what might be under the tree. LOL


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Buy the bow! Do some side jobs around your new homestead and you'll have it paid off in a blink of an eye. People are always looking for yards mowed, gutters cleaned, trailers power washed....the possibilities for making extra loot are endless.

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41 minutes ago, mlammerhirt said:

Buy the bow! Do some side jobs around your new homestead and you'll have it paid off in a blink of an eye. People are always looking for yards mowed, gutters cleaned, trailers power washed....the possibilities for making extra loot are endless.

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Um, not so much around here. Most do it themselves or just don't bother. Or they pay the owners people to take care of it. Not sure I want to step on the land owners toes.

As for neighbors off the park, trying to get the odd jobs for hunting access, not cash.



We have a rule between the g/f and I, anything over $100 has to be talked about. I have already spent close to $1700 on hunting gear in less then a year, might not sound like a lot to some, but was a lot for us.

But, I was thinking, I have two snowboards, and don't out to ride much anymore. They aren't bottom of the barrel boards or bindings. I may sell one which will offset half the cost as least.


This is like the political primaries. I have to set my case forward and see what the 'house' says. LOL

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Rob I liked Paula's post..That said, if you  know you have that monthly pay up in your budget..We keep two cards 1 on line only and a different one for everyday use..both get payed off in full monthly. We average 600 a year in "free" stuff due to points and we pay no interest ever.

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1 hour ago, jjb4900 said:

that's the beauty of credit cards Rob, you don't have to have money now or be able to afford it now....go get it.

My father in law said something to me when I asked him to marry his daughter 19 years ago and it still rings true today. He said to me, "when it comes to credit cards, if you don't have the money now, you most likely won't have it later either".

Just something to ponder. Craigslist has tons of bows so shop around. An older bow is just as good as a new one. It's all up to the shooter.


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16 minutes ago, growalot said:

Rob I liked Paula's post..That said, if you  know you have that monthly pay up in your budget..We keep two cards 1 on line only and a different one for everyday use..both get payed off in full monthly. We average 600 a year in "free" stuff due to points and we pay no interest ever.

yep, if your smart about it there are benefits....I know a lot of people who buy everything with card for the points, but they pay it off immediately.....and then there's the one's who aren't so good.

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I made my decision. The g/f said sleep on it and we would talk in the morning. She would have had no problem with me buying the bow. I just can't.

As new and first time home owners, we have already dropped $1500 on appliances that were out dated and didn't work. That's why I had to get the Sears card to begin with.


Long story short.

If things break in our house it's up to us to get them fixed. I have to get my savings back up ( both of us do ) and pay off some debt incurred with our purchase.


Should have never even posted this thread. It was the excitement of being able to do something, then realizing it's not a realistic time to do it.


Sorry folks.

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12 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

Dryers suck. Bows do not suck.  Easy call in my book.  

Spoken like someone who lives in the tropics and can use a 'clothes line' all year. LOL. J/K

Had to go with priorities. On a budget here.


Plus, with the wait, I should be able to get a new bow and the big sister to my M&P 22LR ( either .223 or .308 ) next year.


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1 hour ago, ....rob said:

Should have never even posted this thread. It was the excitement of being able to do something, then realizing it's not a realistic time to do it.


Sorry folks.

Make an extra house payment if you get some spare change.....you'll feel better.

I just drained my hunt fund for a car, SUV is tired and have to have a way to get to work 100% of the time.

Sucks, but it is what it is.

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10 hours ago, jjb4900 said:

give up something you don't need for a month or so and you'll have the money in no time....I gave up drinking and smoking this past year, and let's just say I have a lot of spare cash lying around because of it.

Working on the quitting smoking myself. I make my own and no smoking in the house, so I think I am down to about 10-15 smokes a day and only spent about $16 in the past two weeks on it.

The drinking thing, um.....Nope. LOL. I love a cold beer ( or 5 at times ). Did switch to really cheap beer mostly though.

My outlook was it's better to wait until things are settled more, then have something else break and have to turn around and sell it and take a loss. I went with need over want. Silly me. LOL


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there's gotta be someone on here with an older bow they're looking to get rid of just to get you started......you should have jumped on the one I got rid of on here last year,it was in great shape and cheap, a lot cheaper then I wanted because the guy never paid and disappeared but that's another story.

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39 minutes ago, jjb4900 said:

there's gotta be someone on here with an older bow they're looking to get rid of just to get you started......you should have jumped on the one I got rid of on here last year,it was in great shape and cheap, a lot cheaper then I wanted because the guy never paid and disappeared but that's another story.

I remember reading that. That's something that sucks and sticks with you.

25 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

Do you need a bow ? I'll give you my old Alpine teton lite if you want it and it ill help you out . I still got the arrows i used with it too.

I appreciate the offer Jeremy. If I had nothing to hunt with I would take that offer. I have my deer rifles and both areas I plan to hunt this year are high probability for DMP's. If you want to give it to someone it should be to someone who wants to get into hunting but can't afford to. 

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Just my opinion and don't take offense with me rob. But humbly and graciously take Jeremy's very generous offer and just go hunt! Someday you will have the chance to pay it forward and I know you will and have in the past! He never would have extended the offer if he didn't want you to do otherwise. Just hunters helping hunters. That's why this forum is so awesome! 

Jeremy K, I'd give you my daily allotment of "likes"if I could, for making such a generous offer to another hunter you don't even know. Way to go man!

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Just my opinion and don't take offense with me rob. But humbly and graciously take Jeremy's very generous offer and just go hunt! Someday you will have the chance to pay it forward and I know you will and have in the past! He never would have extended the offer if he didn't want you to do otherwise. Just hunters helping hunters. That's why this forum is so awesome! 

Jeremy K, I'd give you my daily allotment of "likes"if I could, for making such a generous offer to another hunter you don't even know. Way to go man!

I'm with Grampy!

Ata boy for Jeremy! Take him up on it and go hunting! I would like to think of this group as pretty tight knit group. His offer is certainly not a welfare type freebie he wants to give something that he doesn't need to someone he knows will use it and appreciate it. A couple years from now when you have your stuff together you can pass it on again to get someone in the woods.

When you get it and get shooting let me know if you need anything I have boxes full of old sights and rests and what not.

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1 hour ago, grampy said:

Just my opinion and don't take offense with me rob. But humbly and graciously take Jeremy's very generous offer and just go hunt! Someday you will have the chance to pay it forward and I know you will and have in the past! He never would have extended the offer if he didn't want you to do otherwise. Just hunters helping hunters. That's why this forum is so awesome! 

Jeremy K, I'd give you my daily allotment of "likes"if I could, for making such a generous offer to another hunter you don't even know. Way to go man!

No offense taken.

I meant no offense to Jeremy. The offer is very generous and it's appreciated.

The reason I declined was because I am not in a situation where I can't hunt this year. There are others who might want or need a bow more then I do.

I might come off as a dick at times, but I actually do think about other people before myself a lot. I could buy the Winchester if I wanted to, I just had to put things in a priority. So accepting a bow for free knowing I could have spent the money for a bow doesn't feel right to me. It's not pride, thinking I am better then anyone else, or thinking I am too good for things, it's actually the exact opposite. It's me thinking maybe someone else who really needs it would benefit more then me.

I'll shoot Jeremy a PM.

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