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The VP presidential debate is breaking my heart

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I didn't plan on watching this, but had nothing better to do tonight.

It's only 30 minutes in so far, but we have an irritated, frankly irritating-to-watch Kaine vs Pence, who is cool, composed, and practiced. Both have obviously prepared for this, but Pence is (so far) doing a great job--better than Kaine at this point.

If only Pence were at the top of the ticket :notme:

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Pence is doing well. I think he is winning and I have made no secret about my view on Trump's performance, so I am not here to blindly gush. Not only is pence unshakeable, but he is also deftly defending against some of the crazy stuff Trump has said.

Kaine is not stupid, but he does not have the charisma that pence does, at least during this debate. Pence is also calling Kaine out on some of his practices lines lol

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Pence is killing it. He is a far better debater than Kaine, who is coming off as marvelously unlikable. Kaine also keeps going to the same well over and over on his prepared lines. And Pence calls him out on it.

I may not like everything Biden says, but the guy has charm. I cannot imagine listening to Kaine for the next four years.

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I turned this on with the mindset to not think Hillary or Trump but Kaine vs Pence.   I got to say Kaine is the rudest prick I ever seen debate.  All he did was try to talk over and change the subject.  It seemed Kaine was in dire desperation to bash instead of debate.  Pence held his composer, answered the questions he was asked and respected his opponent.  Both Hillary and Trump have turned my stomach in more ways than one and for once I wished we could all vote or someone we liked vs the lesser of who we think is evil.   This vp debate was  going to be my determining factor, I was leaning Trump but Pence just confirmed my decision.  Wish Pence had Trumps ticket for 2016.

Edited by wdswtr
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8 hours ago, wdswtr said:

I turned this on with the mindset to not think Hillary or Trump but Kaine vs Pence.   I got to say Kaine is the rudest prick I ever seen debate.  All he did was try to talk over and change the subject.  It seemed Kaine was in dire desperation to bash instead of debate.  Pence held his composer, answered the questions he was asked and respected his opponent.  Both Hillary and Trump have turned my stomach in more ways than one and for once I wished we could all vote or someone we liked vs the lesser of who we think is evil.   This vp debate was  going to be my determining factor, I was leaning Trump but Pence just confirmed my decision.  Wish Pence had Trumps ticket for 2016.

Yeah he was a dick, frankly. Rude and bothersome to watch.

FWIW CNN shows pence won the debate. I think the pundits will generally agree he won it. He took none of the bait from kaine at all despite repeated attempts with the same material over and over.

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39 minutes ago, bugsNbows said:

So, we have to choose between a crook and a clown for President. Too bad Pence was not the main guy... he performed very well. He was calm, collected and controlled. 

There is only one choice for president as far as I am concerned. We have the most corrupt person to ever being in politics...a confirmed liar, cheater and criminal and on the other side we have an I have no idea, who has never been in politics so is feeling his way and doing some stupid things. I will take the I have no idea and has never been in politics and not think twice about it....

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Pence restored some of my faith in politics. He was concise, direct and unwavering into not being sucked into the "taxes" and other topics that do NOt affect our nation.

How can Kane say with a straight face that we are safer as a nation just because Bin Laden was killed?

Seriously, is Washington so far out of touch of what is happening in our streets?

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3 hours ago, ApexerER said:

There is only one choice for president as far as I am concerned. We have the most corrupt person to ever being in politics...a confirmed liar, cheater and criminal and on the other side we have an I have no idea, who has never been in politics so is feeling his way and doing some stupid things. I will take the I have no idea and has never been in politics and not think twice about it....

That is just the problem I had though.  The list of politicians that are liars, cheaters and criminals outweigh the one that are not.  Her background and activities certainly scare me however so does the lack of experience, the non-serious attitude and the clown like verbiage he uses is not good.  If he doesnt tread lightly he is going to piss every country off with some of his stupid ideas and where will that lead us economically and our security?   Scary times ahead either way.

Edited by wdswtr
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Trump has said many stupid things during this presidential race and before. I think Pence said it correctly last night when he said Trump isn't a polished politician. Trump has never had to be "politically correct" and he shoots from the lip far too often. 

Trump has been a businessman, tough strong negotiator and now strong willed to fix Washington.  Our hope is that he DOES surround himself with brilliant staff and make the changes needed to move this country ahead. We do NOT need  more big government, higher taxes, regulations, and career politicians that can't tell the truth to the American public. The Clinton have been in politics since college and leave a wake behind them including abuse of power, deceit, sexual offenses and corruption. 

I love the answer to the tax question being you take all the deduction you are allowed?

Nope, I form a foundation and launder the dirty "pay for play" money through there.....

Too much CNN and caffeine today has me all fired up.:clapping:

The latest news is the Kane lost the debate intentionally to make Hillary look good....this spins more than my cloths washer on laundry day...:aggressive:   

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Not surprised that Kaine is a class "A" Pr-ck. I am surprised still to hear that members of congress still would rather work with Hillary as opposed to Trump. Socialist democrats are a bunch of street fighters that want what they want, not negotiate and reach common ground. What the heck are the repubs thinking??? bunch of morons letting this sh-t happen. Pence was cool and calm. 

If I were Trump, I would tell the debate people to shove it and not show up.

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I watched some clips on the net of the debate, Pence won from what I've seen. I will vote Trump because I already seen what Hillary has to offer, and don't want 2nd's. We all know Trump has a big mouth and hates to lose, but aren't we all tired of losing. I have had my full of white guilt, American guilt, Race division, Obama Care, and all the Lying. It will be nice to have a President that's for all the people.Trump needs to focus on Obama & her failings and the descent of America under her politics. He may have given Hillary a false sense of security from the last debate? and will come back hard Sunday night.  I could take four years of Trump in exchange for his Supreme court picks ,over Hillary's. Pence made it look easy because beating Hillary should be easy.

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