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Trump protest why you lost get over it .

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Have you not read my posts? But to make it clear, I do not recognize him as president.  

You do realize you and your liberal protesting buddies sound like nothing more than a bunch of 4year olds throwing a temper tantrum right? He is your president whether you choose to mentally accept that or not.

When will you finally grow up and rejoin us in the real world as we know it and move on like normal adults? I hope you can grasp the concept that this type of behavior is EXACTLY what the rest of the country is completely fed up with. Which is what led us to finally get off our asses and be patriotic Americans and vote our way to a better future.

You and the people like you are literally nothing more than a laughing stock. You are sealing your fates with your "protests" and childish behavior. How can any of you say your intelligent people when you literally based your entire opposition of trump on him inciting hate and racism in our country, and turn around and begin the largest hate and racist campaign yet less than 24 hours after the election.

When the hell did anyone ever see trump supporters making FB posts and tweets about supporting the killing of Hillary supports and whites? When did trump supporting celebs call for supporters to beat Hillary fans with bats? You people are the problem!!

Not only are you and others alike the biggest hypocrites known to man kind, but you really aren't the brightest crayons in the box either. I see reports of Hillary fans wanting to literally start a civil war over this. These are the same people who want to ban guns, need safe spaces and counseling to get over not getting their way. How in the holy hell could they even fathom wanting to start a civil war!!?? Did they forget what "war" means?? Did they also forget that map showing how red the US is these days? I'm not sure who could think that war would last more than about 3 mins.

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13 minutes ago, Adkhunter1590 said:


You do realize you and your liberal protesting buddies sound like nothing more than a bunch of 4year olds throwing a temper tantrum right? He is your president whether you choose to mentally accept that or not.

When will you finally grow up and rejoin us in the real world as we know it and move on like normal adults? I hope you can grasp the concept that this type of behavior is EXACTLY what the rest of the country is completely fed up with. Which is what led us to finally get off our asses and be patriotic Americans and vote our way to a better future.

You and the people like you are literally nothing more than a laughing stock. You are sealing your fates with your "protests" and childish behavior. How can any of you say your intelligent people when you literally based your entire opposition of trump on him inciting hate and racism in our country, and turn around and begin the largest hate and racist campaign yet less than 24 hours after the election.

When the hell did anyone ever see trump supporters making FB posts and tweets about supporting the killing of Hillary supports and whites? When did trump supporting celebs call for supporters to beat Hillary fans with bats? You people are the problem!!

Not only are you and others alike the biggest hypocrites known to man kind, but you really aren't the brightest crayons in the box either. I see reports of Hillary fans wanting to literally start a civil war over this. These are the same people who want to ban guns, need safe spaces and counseling to get over not getting their way. How in the holy hell could they even fathom wanting to start a civil war!!?? Did they forget what "war" means?? Did they also forget that map showing how red the US is these days? I'm not sure who could think that war would last more than about 3 mins.


Lol yea there a joke and are there worst enemy. These riots are a big reason hilderbeast lost these are the same idiots that rioted for black lives matters there the same morons . Wki leaks exposed all of this . Most  regular folks are either for trump or indifferent.

And everyone knows it, except for the media who are the ones who are really the only people that are mad. because all there usual lies have not worked this time ,its like the boy  that cryed wolf .

How many times can you accuse every one who disagrees with your leftist ideology racist homophobic sexist and a moron.

Before they finnally  decide they had enough of your bs and decide to vote you out and turn you off . The media has lost all credibility and they are only making it worse for themselves. Trump has been  nothing but a gentleman since he won .

But they keep up the big lie anyway and people are waking up to there  garbage.

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Have you not read my posts? But to make it clear, I do not recognize him as president.  

Then leave, I'm sure we can get enough people to pitch in and buy a 1 way ticket to Mexico or Canada via your choice of transportation. Your way of thinking is what is wrong with these protesters. You didn't get your way do you're going to throw a fit. My son is almost 2 and behaves better than these protestors you condone.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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Being a sore winner isn't in great form. But, if people are going to cry over it and wear safetypins (don't google that trend unless you want to lose more faith in America), those people deserve it. They would have done the same thing had hildabeast won.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, chas0218 said:

Then leave, I'm sure we can get enough people to pitch in and buy a 1 way ticket to Mexico or Canada via your choice of transportation. Your way of thinking is what is wrong with these protesters. You didn't get your way do you're going to throw a fit. My son is almost 2 and behaves better than these protestors you condone.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Some of us have already offered to buy his tickets, and help him pack. 

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On Friday, November 11, 2016 at 8:22 AM, Culvercreek hunt club said:

Protest all you want. It's part of our roots and everyone should feel that they can. The violence that has become the norm with this is unacceptable and should be dealt with harshly. 

Yep Protesting  is different then rioting and burning down buildings and stores . 


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On 11/11/2016 at 8:22 AM, Culvercreek hunt club said:

Protest all you want. It's part of our roots and everyone should feel that they can. The violence that has become the norm with this is unacceptable and should be dealt with harshly. 

I been saying that same damn thing for close to a year. It's domestic terrorism. People can try and cover it up, but but unless you live in a cardboard box you know exactly what's going on.

1 hour ago, 10point said:

Yep Protesting  is different then rioting and burning down buildings and stores . 


Said this as well in a few posts lately.


You can try and put any frosting on it you want, it's still a cake.

The thing thats really starting to p8$$ me off is that in this day and age it's easier to post what other people think then it is to say how you feel. It's not actually your words if you just paste what someone else already said. That's what the dems do.

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