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OMG...I cant budge this string! There you are with a shooter infront of you. You take a breath set your stance or lseated position and go to draw,having figured out it's path.....When the string won't budge with all your might you pull...but the string won't come back....How many of you have experienced this...be honest now....I have had it happen 3x's over the years.

Edited by growalot
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Haven't had it happen to me but I was with my wife as she struggle getting her bow back on a doe last year opening night. About the 10th attempt she got it back somehow, and without the deer noticing either.. which was unbelievable lol sad to say she only cut a few hairs off the back. 

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Both....once with the buck fever twice I had sat there so long  all the isometrics in the world wasn't going to keep my limbs warm or loose enough to allow a draw. The worst buck fever happened when I was already at full draw on a doe when we both heard the snap...I looked to my rt and 10 yrds out...was the tallest rack I have ever seen ...I lost all muscle control...the arrow released and sailed under the does chin...my legs went out from under me and All I could see were blue and pink "stars" dancing around in front of my eyes...I dang near passed out....It was so scary I went to the DR. that week My blood pressure was 183 over 136 ...She immediately popped a pill in my mouth and said you should be having a stroke right now...Then.... you have had no symptoms until that hunt......nope

 I had to go on Meds...I only take 5 mg but they said it's a good maintenance for the things I do...lol

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i haven't had that happen ever.  in my earlier days i have struggled more than i should to get it back, which caused me to get busted.  i make sure i can draw pretty well and i'm not over bowed.  brother had it happen with one "giant for the situation" buck where he couldn't even budge the string.  he was young with dad's bow though.  too long of a draw and too heavy for him.  all geared up and cold too.  had a lot going against him, but didn't know any better.

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6 minutes ago, growalot said:

Both....once with the buck fever twice I had sat there so long  all the isometrics in the world wasn't going to keep my limbs warm or loose enough to allow a draw. The worst buck fever happened when I was already at full draw on a doe when we both heard the snap...I looked to my rt and 10 yrds out...was the tallest rack I have ever seen ...I lost all muscle control...the arrow released and sailed under the does chin...my legs went out from under me and All I could see were blue and pink "stars" dancing around in front of my eyes...I dang near passed out....It was so scary I went to the DR. that week My blood pressure was 183 over 136 ...She immediately popped a pill in my mouth and said you should be having a stroke right now...Then.... you have had no symptoms until that hunt......nope

 I had to go on Meds...I only take 5 mg but they said it's a good maintenance for the things I do...lol

damn! haha

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My first year hunting, third or fourth time out, I'm sitting on the ground in a home made blind up against a pine tree with a whole bunch of pine branches and brush piled up in a semi circle front of me.  I had an 8 point buck, first buck I've ever seen while hunting, walk out of the brushy ravine about 60 yards in front of me.  He's walking directly at me so I can't move, can't raise my bow, and can't draw.  He finally gets about 8 YARDS away and turns broadside following a deer run.  So now I pull up the bow and try to draw, I'm shaking so bad that as hard as I'm trying to pull back the bow, all I'm doing is shaking and the string is not budging.  After about 5 seconds of that, the buck sees me and bounds back towards the ravine.  Well, as he's bounding away the string comes back and all I can see through my peep is a bounding tail and then he's gone in a flash...No shot but a great encounter!  That was back in 1983 but I can still see him in my mind and remember it like it happened yesterday!

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Never had that happen. Usually when adrenaline kicks in drawing your bow would be easier? Unless your just that flustered that your body forgets what it's doing?? Don't get me wrong, I get shook up at times but just not that way I guess. Weird.

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Your right and more than a few times I have sat down after killing a deer and think...wow I never even felt the draw...There really doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason why ones brain fails them..but when it does the message is to shut down muscle control....It's like with a severe fright and you can't scream... Startle me and I can rip a yelp that they could hear in Geneseo...but scare me and I have had my vocals shut down...  The bear at camp...I knew the danger and my mind was thinking clearly...jump in truck ...go for camp door...and there I stood with him going around to the back of the truck..It wasn't until I saw him walking away from me that I could move my very planted feet....I go through a routine in my mind for buck fever...Don't grip the bow, BREATH, and this is your only shot stupid...this is what I think and I refuse to do more than glance at the rack...it's all shoulderI want nothing to do with looking at the head...shoulder and body

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