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Live From The Woods 2017 edition!


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  On 10/30/2017 at 7:30 PM, Biz-R-OWorld said:



Straight black today. The other day I was trying to become first member to kill a nice buck in pink socks

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Some one of your stature is not wearing rubber boots in the woods. ThE deer are going to smell you a mile away!!  Lol I have a pair of cebelas stalkers I love and wear as long as I can. They get to light in the cold temp though.

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15093929601821750977024.thumb.jpg.1a2f97d54276a6902e39769ca652708d.jpgDang between rustling  leafs, and roaring  pines.  my heads been on swivel. ..good thing the chair swivels...my neck would be shot!..tried a little rattling..nothing...this is when I saw the big boy pop out from Rivers blind. Pick was woods behind that blind and next to the one I'm  in.heres my front view.

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  On 10/30/2017 at 7:35 PM, moog5050 said:
Wait, how did I not see that you missed something with the Matthews.  Send it back.  Hopefully its still under warranty.  I thought they came with a no miss guarantee!

It was in this thread and my journal. Missed a yote Sat morning at 44yds. It was a pup, barely bigger than a fox. Just low, so I guess I didn’t guesstimate high enough over his back on the aim.

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  On 10/30/2017 at 7:35 PM, biggamefish said:
Some one of your stature is not wearing rubber boots in the woods. ThE deer are going to smell you a mile away!!  Lol I have a pair of cebelas stalkers I love and wear as long as I can. They get to light in the cold temp though.

only use them in warm weather. Hunt from the ground and have deer under 20yds away tons of times over the years and never had one blow at me (regardless of wind)



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  On 10/30/2017 at 6:52 PM, TreeHugger said:

Didn’t seem like that unreasonable a question to me. Since this is a New York deer hunting thread I figured you must either have a time machine or are hunting somewhere else.

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No time machine and I'm still in New York, there are actually two different zones in New York with two different sets of season dates.

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Not gonna lie, while sitting in my office today day dreaming, I envisioned this hunt being a while lot more eventful. Kind of like the deer frolicking around my stand and partaking in the rutting ritual. Oh well, at least the squirrels are keeping me company.

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Well at least  you got squirrels. By all accounts they should have shown up by now..zip, zilch, nada....I have to say, cold gear on and wrapped in my fleece blanket...still freezing. ..time to get Mr buddy heater out....after I figure out where the Dang deer are!

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