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Power outage from northeaster 24 hours no power no heat


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11 hours ago, Storm914 said:

Yea so what am I paying all this extra high tax for here 

They just turn the power on here 

I guess they heard me .


2 hours early 

Thank you con ed :)




I didn't read this whole thread, but you do realize that property taxes do not pay for gas/electric?

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34 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:


Lucky man. Still nothing with NYSEG. they saying 10-12" of snow Wednesday, So hopefully they restore power before then. I stopped at my house this morning on my way to nyc for work and it was down to 40° inside.

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Fingers are crossed for you. 

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14 minutes ago, chas0218 said:

Yes our infrastructure is dated but works (for now). I am looking into converting my gas generator into a tri-fuel setup so I can run natural gas, propane, or gasoline. I would be able to run it for weeks with the ability to change fuels. Personally if I had a fireplace in my house I would be keeping a cord of wood just for backup heat. My current house I heat with wood so I wouldn't have an issue but in NY you need to have a backup plan we get such an array of weather one can never be sure of what will happen.


I will add with tri fuel you can run propane or natural gas and no carb issues from old gas.

And that is called being prepared. 

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I hope by the end of the work day, you will be good to go at home buddy.


Seems people are getting fed up with NYSEG giving the same 11:45pm tonight time as the estimated time for tens of thousands of customers. My house still says “assessing”. Guess we’ll see what happens.....it actually feels good to be in nyc and eat healthy instead of bar food or fast food . I won’t be grocery shopping at home locally anytime soon. Don’t trust the stores kept food cold. I chucked everything in my fridge and freezer already except for the beer



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34 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:


Seems people are getting fed up with NYSEG giving the same 11:45pm tonight time as the estimated time for tens of thousands of customers. My house still says “assessing”. Guess we’ll see what happens.....it actually feels good to be in nyc and eat healthy instead of bar food or fast food . I won’t be grocery shopping at home locally anytime soon. Don’t trust the stores kept food cold. I chucked everything in my fridge and freezer already except for the beer



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I don't really understand the single estimate for regions either.   Fingers crossed.  I feel like I am camping, just in a really nice tent.  Except our camp(cabin upstate)  has tv xD


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3 hours ago, moog5050 said:

I didn't read this whole thread, but you do realize that property taxes do not pay for gas/electric?

I know that but who  is supost to be watching  over those power company's ? The goverment right .

The same one that says we don't need guns to protect are selfs but don't do jack when something like this happens. 

Why do I have to pay them for then ? 

For roads and school that are  falling apart ? Those power company's are like a monopoly there not like other products that  you can easily  get power from  something else. unless government pushes them there not going to change lines to something better.  There is no incentive for them to change .

And even if they don't put the lines underground. 

I am sure they could do more to make the powerlines stronger so that when trees fall on them they don't break  as easy . 





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After living in Putnam County for 10+ years, I have learned the most important element in my power outage preparedness is to live on the same block as a NYSEG foreman. Not sure if it's a coincidence, but we certainly get power back quick.

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After living in Putnam County for 10+ years, I have learned the most important element in my power outage preparedness is to live on the same block as a NYSEG foreman. Not sure if it's a coincidence, but we certainly get power back quick.

Sent from my Moto E (4) Plus using Tapatalk

Does your contact have any real updates regarding the current situation? Seems everyone is listed as “assessing” or “11:45pm Monday” for the last 4 days but nothing changing. No trucks seen anywhere, etc.

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5 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

This thread is becoming comical ,I do feel bad for all those effected but never heard an adult complain so much about being with out power. I can't even imagine what you would do in a real emergency. 

That is some positive thinking you got there so when they build a Bridge in you town and it falls apart  is that what you say :)

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41 minutes ago, Storm914 said:

I know that but who  is supost to be watching  over those power company's ? The goverment right .

The same one that says we don't need guns to protect are selfs but don't do jack when something like this happens.

Jumpin' Jehoshaphat!! Do you mean the Guvamint isn't coming through on this?

Don't worry, "Cumo" will take care of it. Word is he likes you...


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Does your contact have any real updates regarding the current situation? Seems everyone is listed as “assessing” or “11:45pm Monday” for the last 4 days but nothing changing. No trucks seen anywhere, etc.

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I haven't seen his car in his driveway since Friday during the storm. I think Carmel was the worst hit in Putnam so they may be hitting that first. Good luck getting power back.

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Did the power company bring reinforcemens from other states yet ? The reason I ask is because it' so close to the city and they like to play games with outside the area workers . 

Yes and National Guard

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Hell of a drive but I have an extra room if you need it.

at this point Biz might want to rent a place with a jacuzzi in the city and say #^*& it til spring.  


Thx. I’m staying at Mother in Laws. She has power but no WiFi/Cable. I’m back to working in nyc today, but will probably work from home somewhere on Wednesday. WiFi would help tho.


Btw, NYSEG is getting crushed on social media.



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