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Loose screws on cams


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Hi all,  

i was in the yard shooting today and after I picked up my bow in between a few shots I heard some rattling. I started tapping around my bow w my finger and I discovered several of the hex bolts on my lower cam were loose. I took my Allen key and tightened the three that were loose. I just went hand tight and did not crank it. Is this a fairly common issue or is it a sign of a bigger problem. I shoot a 2016 bow tech btx. Thanks,

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i had the same thing happen with a bow.  All of a sudden it was noisy on a shot and just started checking and it had loose screws in 3 different spots.  It was a new bow and I tightened them and never had a problem since.  But i check them now everytime i wax the bow just to be sure.  

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I was just doing a little bit of reading last night on bow hunting and making sure your bow was ready. In the article it said to check all bolts/screws periodically due to vibrations and abuse on the bow while hunting and practicing.

I checked my own and found a loose screw on the grip. Everything else was still tight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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 purple loctite works  very well, it’s a step down from the blue. I have never seen it in a store but amazon has it for like $10. I started using it some time ago after a bunch of guys on archery talk recommended it.. 

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