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49 Years


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My wife and I are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate 49 years of marriage . She claims that we have had at least 1 (one) year of wedded bliss !  :D

HAHAHAHA!! That's what makes a relationship! Honesty! Congratulations!

A man isn't complete until he's married, but once married, he knows he's finished.  :D

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Congratulations.  49 years is a good long time! 

I once heard a comedian say that you can usually tell a married man from a single man when you see them getting in and out of a helicopter.  The single guy slouches over afraid of getting hit by the propeller blades while the married man walks straight up.


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I am trying to figure out where I went wrong . Most of my HS classmates have been married 2 or 3 times ..... ::)

You obviously both did plenty of things RIGHT!  It is those people who are bullheaded and have the "my way or the highway" mentality that are the ones that end up in divorces.  People need to approach marriage with an attitude that it CAN work and then it will.

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