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Coyotes-How Should They Be Dealt With?


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Looking for some opinions on what the DEC should do concerning the problem of coyotes. There is an article in today's Poughkeepsie Journal, as to where coyotes are becoming a problem in the Town Of Poughkeepsie. I know there was a petition going around at one time, requesting that all year hunting be allowed. What are your opinions on this?

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DEC cant put out chemicals or poison, it would find its way to other animals. Poisoned dogs and cats, foxes, etc would go over like a fart in church. If a farmer or someone has a coyote killing their pets or livestock, they can shoot them at any time currently. I think they should be open all year round.

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DEC cant put out chemicals or poison, it would find its way to other animals. Poisoned dogs and cats, foxes, etc would go over like a fart in church. If a farmer or someone has a coyote killing their pets or livestock, they can shoot them at any time currently. I think they should be open all year round.



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Per Section 11-0531 of volume 1 of the Environmental Conservation Law of New York:

Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, or any other law, rule or regulation to the contrary, on and after July 1,1971, it shall be unlawful for any department or division of this state, or any political subdivision thereof to pay bounties on taking of wildlife, except when the state Department of Health, or any local health authorities determine that a given type or class of animals constitute a health hazard as carriers or potential carriers of disease.


So as near as I can find, there is no legal way that coyote bounties could be levied except for reasons of health and public safety.

However, for those that want a challenging version of hunting, and also a bit of minor income, I will point out that coyote pelts are worth a bit of money and a heck of a tough adversary that will challenge the best of us. We're all hunters. Let's go get a few of them. Also, for the trappers among us, I'll bet you don't need a bounty to make a few extra sets for coyotes. Go for it!!!

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Let me tell ya about hunting coyotes lol. Last year I started huntin them with hounds; Running Walkers. What a blast!! Ended up getting about 20 of them from Jan to Mar. Called in 7 and shot 5 of those. I think we, as deer hunters, owe it to the deer to shot as many as we can. Take some time in the winter and go coyote hunting. Nothin like shooting 2,3,4,5,6 coyotes in a day.

I keep my trail cams out all summer. Last year I nethier seen or got pictures of many fanws at all. By shooting 7 coyotes out of the area last winter this year almost every doe has a fawn and there's numerous sets of twins. SHOOT COYOTES!!





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There seems to be some controversy about whether or not coyote hunting effectivelly reduces the number of coyotes in a given area. I have read several articles about hunting operations who have found that yr round 365 days a yrs trapping program is the only way to effectively reduce the population, and they still lose several radio collared trophy bucks a yr. So if you see one in the woods by all means shoot it but  it will not make a dent in the population. If you want to help deer the best time to put the pressure on the coyotes is in the spring during the fawning time. But with the increase of black bear and bobcats in most areas and now fisher also you probably still will not make much of a difference.

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Down to camp a couple years ago a dec officer making his rounds stopped into camp and we got talking about coyotes and he told us to have at it anytime as he would not and said most officers would not even blink an eye over it.  Wish Icould of gotten him to sign on that. 

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i think the bears are a worse problem than the yotes at least in my area.... i will be dropping a bear this year if its the last thing i do..... >:P

Think I'll have to agree with you on that one. I have only seen coyotes once where I hunt. I see Bear just about everytime I go out. Anyone know how they taste?

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I'll be honest .... even if coyote season were open year around, I just can't picture myself out there in the summer months swatting mosquitos just to get a shot at a coyote. Not only that, but being raised as trapper all of my early years, there would be something almost sacreligious about throwing out a furbearer simply because it was shot at a time when the pelt is worthless because it isn't prime. I'm not sure I could really do that. I have a feeling that there is some of that sentiment behind the DEC's decision to put a season on them.

On the other hand, I can relate to how other people feel toward coyotes. One thing to remember is that the coyote is at the top of his food chain with the possible exception of bears (where they exist). And most likely there probably has never been a bear that ever killed a healthy coyote. So there really are no natural controls on coyotes other than us and disease. Having everything kind of in the coyote's favor including only a small window of hunting time kind of negate's even us as a significant check to the population.

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Looking for some opinions on what the DEC should do concerning the problem of coyotes. There is an article in today's Poughkeepsie Journal, as to where coyotes are becoming a problem in the Town Of Poughkeepsie. I know there was a petition going around at one time, requesting that all year hunting be allowed. What are your opinions on this?

shoot em....
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Let me tell ya about hunting coyotes lol. Last year I started huntin them with hounds; Running Walkers. What a blast!! Ended up getting about 20 of them from Jan to Mar. Called in 7 and shot 5 of those. I think we, as deer hunters, owe it to the deer to shot as many as we can. Take some time in the winter and go coyote hunting. Nothin like shooting 2,3,4,5,6 coyotes in a day.

I keep my trail cams out all summer. Last year I nethier seen or got pictures of many fanws at all. By shooting 7 coyotes out of the area last winter this year almost every doe has a fawn and there's numerous sets of twins. SHOOT COYOTES!!

nice work!
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