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OnX or huntstand app

Team Hoyt

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have heard OnX is great - i use huntstand cause its free. Of course to use more options it costs.  But they have realtime to check friends locations and can share maps etc.   I use it to put all my stand locations in it and then check the wind direction and scent cone. HAve heard OnX is better for really detailed mapping of elevation etc.  But for what i use it for for free its great.  Can put in all my stands, trailcams, property lines, lookup parcels to see who owns them etc. https://www.huntstand.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwkqPrBRA3EiwAKdtwk1OCUNcTCdrRYc2VA0SHiZVigklor-rJhV5AumpyGyZRyHhTLId0HhoCaSgQAvD_BwE


Edited by Robhuntandfish
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7 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

have heard OnX is great - i use huntstand cause its free. Of course to use more options it costs.  But they have realtime to check friends locations and can share maps etc.   I use it to put all my stand locations in it and then check the wind direction and scent cone. HAve heard OnX is better for really detailed mapping of elevation etc.  But for what i use it for for free its great.  Can put in all my stands, trailcams, property lines, lookup parcels to see who owns them etc. https://www.huntstand.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwkqPrBRA3EiwAKdtwk1OCUNcTCdrRYc2VA0SHiZVigklor-rJhV5AumpyGyZRyHhTLId0HhoCaSgQAvD_BwE

How do you share maps with friends. Theres 3 of us on the same lease and cant get it to share. If they mark a camera they hung or etc, could I see it on mine?

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3 minutes ago, Team Hoyt said:

How do you share maps with friends. Theres 3 of us on the same lease and cant get it to share. If they mark a camera they hung or etc, could I see it on mine?

i havent used it but my hunting buddy has - I just use the free version so dunno if its avail unless you use the pay part as well but they def have it as an option. 


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6 hours ago, Jeremy K said:

OnX is a great app. Supposedly you will be able to view in real time where your friends are moving ,would be great for drives . Use the code THP for 20 percent off. 

Would be illegal under current laws same as radios and cellphones are, of course no one follows the no aid of electronic devices ...

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You guys hear of those rhino gps things? They work anywhere and work as a radio as well,some of my buddies have some. You see where the other units are,they use them for drives in Adirondacks at their camp. I am way to cheap to buy one though. You also see property lines and owner info. But $300 or more are way over the line for me.

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OnX boundary’s are sometimes off a bit. Dinorocks lives next to his brother. OnX shows Dino owns half his brothers pool , the shallow end which I’m cool with as I can’t swim anyhow 

But friend bought new house with 12 acres. I did mark straight lines from nearest houses and school realizing I can’t get anywhere on property outside 500 ‘ so it’s bow only for me. He was looking forward to target shooting til I told him the bad news. 

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