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Just a few photos form my yard


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A group of does with fawns have visited our apple tree at least once a day since it started dropping fruit. It's about done now.

I have chickens and it's funny, if I was out with the chickens the deer were so relaxed that I could approach within 20 yards, talking and smelling like a human I'm sure, hah!


A little button, he's the only male deer I've seen in my yard. I'm sure they must be around but aren't dumb enough to eat apples in my yard in the daylight!


Shedding her summer coat.

shedding deer.jpg

This one doe was 'playing' with the rest of the herd, like a dog! They always seem to get extra silly after they've had some apples. And the apples are not fermented.

playing deer.jpg

They were fearless all summer (I didn't encourage them or feed them, they just got the apples that I didn't from my tree). Now that it's getting into autumn though they are starting to get wary again. Soon I probably won't see them often anymore.


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Thanks for the kind feedback everyone!!

Thats cool getting to mix with them when they show up. I get to do it all the time and its awesome!!! That button buck has some decent genitics in him as i have seen some buttons this year out of some huge bucks and there not as big as that guys!!

He's a nice little guy huh? I'm a little sad that I'll never be able to hunt any of them. I own a little under 20 acres of woods that is attached to my yard/property but there have been houses built all around the perimeter. It's their right to build if they want to of course and I don't begrudge anyone but it's frustrating. I took out some maps once and a ruler and figured out that there is only about 20 square feet in the smack middle of it that I can legally hunt.

These are some great shots Jennifer! B)  Really nice, thanks for posting them!

What cam are you shooting?

Thanks! I'm using a Canon 60D. I paint wildlife for a living so finally after years of saving, I invested in a camera for reference photos.
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  • 2 months later...

I haven't had the chance to take too many photos in Nov/Dec... I was out hunting most of the daylight hours! Now that things are slowed back down again I'm trying to get behind the camera a bit more.

This button buck and his twin sister were fawned very near our house in the woods. When he was born, and long before we could tell he was a buck, we called him 'Gimpy', because he had a defect in his leg that looked like a large knot/tumor and caused him to limp badly. We knew his survivability was low because he couldn't run, and every predator likes to eat fawns! Well, the growth in his leg shrunk (you can still almost see it, a slight bulge above his front knee) and he can run very well now, and both he and his sister made it.


Here's the same guy a few months ago, you can see his weird leg growth better here. He couldn't put much weight on it when he was this age:


"Gimpy" in the front and his twin sis in the back:


It's good to know they made it through the season.

There is no audio-- all you would hear would be a train going by and my chickens making a racket, anyhow!

These are both shot in HD, for those inclined to watch in HD. My focus leaves a bit to be desired but it's not terrible since I still really don't know what I'm doing with the video.

Gimpy chews his cud (you can see him burp some up mid movie) and his sister walks by.

Gimpy gets up and scratches his ear. I would have panned with him but my tripod lock was on, oops!

Edited by Jennifer
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I think I would hunt that "20 square feet" !

I would, but what do I do if a deer runs off of my property or dies in someone's back yard? I have 14 neighbors whose back yards kiss the borders of my property all the way around. I've managed to talk to a few, but some won't even answer their doors. The last buck I shot (someplace else!), I got one lung and ruined his heart, and he still managed to run nearly 150 yards before piling up. I was really amazed afterward by how far he ran without a working heart! They must get one heck of an adrenaline surge.

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I have a 2 acre parcel I could hunt with plenty of deer, but not nice neighbors. The cops say, if the deer expires on the neighbor’s property, they are responsible for the carcass. So usually they will let you on the property to recover your harvest. But it's not worth the hassle of calling the cops to intervene on my behalf.

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I have a 2 acre parcel I could hunt with plenty of deer, but not nice neighbors. The cops say, if the deer expires on the neighbor’s property, they are responsible for the carcass. So usually they will let you on the property to recover your harvest. But it's not worth the hassle of calling the cops to intervene on my behalf.

That's what I'm worried about-- and I'd also rather be friendly with neighbors rather than 'enemies'. You know how it goes sometimes. I'm going to be trying to re-open the line of communication with some of them again this spring when I post it (I hate to but after having a fellow shooting literally right behind my house this year I gotta do what I gotta do, he sure didn't have permission from me to be within 500') to explain that I don't mind respectful use if they will ask me first.

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