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When you guys are checking your cams twice a month has anyone seen acorns yet, and if so good year for red or white oak nuts? I have seen the the deer less frequently in the beans as they turn yellow. I dont want to go in my areas and I'm sure cny is all relatively close to same times and types of feeding.

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4 hours ago, wolc123 said:

There is a white oak right next to my favorite stand.  There are lots of green acorns on it but no ripe ones dropping yet.  

Here they are.  This stand has white oak acorns. Field corn, sweet corn (silver queen), turnips, and soon will have wheat and white clover within 20 yards.


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Lots of acorns already on the ground in our area of 4H. Last year was a banner year. But still quite a few around this year too.

Lots of apples in the old homestead orchard as well. The total mast crop should be about average, or maybe a little bit above average here.

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Lots of red and white acorns here in Dogpatch...Nuts and nut cuttings all over the woods roads on the property...

Lots of squirrels, but due to the widepread acorn crop, they are spread out..Got 3 the other morning in about an hour..

I am always glad to see a good acorn crop, but as far as hunting goes sometimes  the heavy acorn forage keeps the deer in the woods and away from my food plots..

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