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D.E.C. finally nailed my neighbors baiting


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What goes around comes around sucks to be my

neighbors.Finally got caught trying to bait deer off

my property.Caught sitting in thier stand with bait with

in eye sight.I would have not been so pissed if they

just left me alone all season and before playing games.

the last straw was 2 weeks ago huning out of his truck

facing the property line when he saw us started beeping

the horn,playing the music loud and throwing rocks and

sticks in the woods.Then when we came out stood in thick

cover snapping brances(yes snapping brances) trying to

get one of us to shoot his way.So last weekend when I saw

him go to the stand 5 yards off the property line facing

into my land and having salt and mineral blocks around

thier stands yes I called the D.E.C. sorry fella you bought

it on yourself I think.I wrote and artical about this guy and his

crew earier this yr.Then he tells the officer in front of me

that they have had trouble with me all yr wow really.I officers

yes more then one who showed up saturday could not believe

what they saw and heard.The kicker for them was that the other guy actually tried to say it was me causing all the

trouble.Sorry I am such a bad person.I'll try to be better

next season pal.I guess I got to be a better neighbor huh guys.

Edited by hb270deermanager
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I can install a camera system if you are interested. As long as you have electric and cable you can monitor it anywhere. I can help with instructions if you want to do it yourself 2... We should have more people like you who actually report these poachers. And that is what they are, plain and simple. Sucks when you have nieghbors like that, hopefully the Judge takes away thier hunting licence for life. Mabe that would stop these idiots or at least make people think twice... Gives us real hunters a bad name.

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I agree with Biggamefish. Be on your toes next year for sure. It will take more than once to get the point across to a-holes like that. Good for you for standing up and taking charge. Hope the outcome is a heck of alot better than mine was. DEC hand slap was all they ever gave my trespassing baiting poaching neighbors. It took a lot of years of blowing them in before they got the point. There place is up for sale and they left for Florida. Hope it doesnt take you as long and they get out as well. Not to many things in life are worse than having neighbors like that.

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Thanks everyone I know that the law in our area is onto him.

They said next yr they'll be on him again.One cop from the town

hunts the other side of this property an had no idea.I will be

careful next yr these guys were actually fron nyc orginally.I had

him checked on by a friend who told me its not his first run in

like this.I will not be his last.Iknow that cause they blame everyone

else for thier lawlessness.After all I am the problem remember.

He got even madder when he found out we took 3 nice bucks off

our side of the fence and we have to drag them righ by his property.

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