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My sob story

Forest Hunter

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Well for some reason as soon as bow season started i had a ten point walking around my stand i never saw. Sohopes were high for that week he was around. Then he dissappered and he ws the only deer i had on my cam for that week. Then not for about a week or two there were not any deer coming up on my cam at all. Then somehow i got a little special three pointer that came in one day.

Well the story is i thought all the deer around were just plain somewhere else. I brought one of those bleat cans with me one day when i was done with school. I got in at about 3:45 and used the can a few times. Then the deer just came out of their woodworks. I had three does coming from one angle and five more from another. They all seemed edgey when they were coming in and i really did not think i spooked any of them i just ws exited there were actual alive deer in my area. Then they all cleared out in the same direction and lone behold guess who was chasing ALL of them. There was this lone three pointer coming through thinking he was the boss. He stopped and scraped a tree in front of me and then when he went broadside and said i ripped my bow back.I said "hey deer" while i looked down my peep sight. The sight of looking through my peep at this buck is something i will never ever forget. I set what i thought was my ten yard pin on the lungs which was actually the twenty. So when i pulled the lever on my release and the arrow and shot it hit real low and i knew that my chances were dwindling.

I went home and got some flashlights and i went back out and it was about an hour later. He bled somewhat while he had the arrow in him. I knew it must have been sticking out of him both sides since there were blood dots on both sides of the oath he was running. Then i found where he must have stopped and pulled out the arrow since there was blood everywhere. There was blood splatters six foot up the tree. The arrow was broken and bloody and the bloodtrail really picked up and i could just walk and follow it for about 20 yards. Then it dwindled down to nothing and i just followed specs until i lost it.

I still say "So what, it was still fun as hell seeing that guy so close and scrape that tree."

he might have healed up or keild over somewhere but all i know is if it is that much fun shooting it im not going to quit trying until i see how much fun it is finding one dead.

The first picture is when i first saw him

the second picture is when i was right about to hit him.

Not sure if they posted or not it did not say



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Wow. To shoot a deer, just for the sake of shooting it, is dead wrong. I've lost deer in the past, and it pissed me off to the point of talking to myself. I'd ask myself what happened, what I did wrong, etc. I would literally ponder what happened for what seemed like an eternity. Your viewpoint on the subject leaves something to be desired.

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yo uread this and the problem you had was mistaking a pinand saying het deer? Read a little deeper

Not so sure what makes this story so unbelievable to some here.

Simply sounds to me like a 16 year old who ran into a bit of misfortune this season but still got to feel all the excitement of the hunt without a kill. Instead of beating himself up over it he's looking forward to making his next encounter a sucessfull kill and recovery.

I don't think he was happy to wound the buck, rather enjoyed everything that led up to the shot and had a blunder at the moment of truth he wishes he could do over with a better out come.

Maybe I'm not reading deep enough. :closetema:

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how about the fact of nothing seems wrong with wounding deer as if it is no big deal and saying I will continue until I finally kill one. How about the fact of no real sense of trying to find the deer. How about the sense that the deer was just dispensible. Do I need to continue?

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I commend him for saying he'll continue till he kills one. What the hell's he supposed to do...slit his wrists over it?

He's only 16. I suspect he's not an award winning author of outdoor stories and may have left out a few of what some may consider the important details. But hey, if you guys wanna pounce on the kid have at it.

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It seems like there are better ways to educate a young hunter than simply flaming the hell out of him. It's likely that because of the tone of the replies here, no one will ever get a chance to engage him in conversation to perhaps straighten him out on some of the troubling parts of his post. We've probably heard the last from this kid.

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People, I thought the idea was to encourage young hunters into the field. This is not the way. We've all been there, a bad shot is always a possible outcome. How many young readers are you influencing here. We want to encourage young peoples posts. This can be a great learning experience.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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After reading this post again I can say I have to agree with Wolly and Doc. Here is a kid so excited he kind of loses himself in the moment. Look at how excited he was to have that deer in his sights. Now the pin mistake,

hate to say, happens to everyone. He does need and education on ethics "So what " doesn't cut it for me. With all that was said I don't understand how a deer spurting blood 6 feet up a tree couldn't be found. I guess a bit of exaggeration there. I think the kid needed a bit of help on the hunt, don't you think.

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