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looks like democrats going to try and steal the election

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18 minutes ago, steve863 said:


Trump and his sons have been freaking out that most republican congressmen and senators are keeping mum on all this voter fraud talk.  The Trump's think that they should all be screaming and yelling FRAUD just like they are.  They are getting a rude awakening I guess.  I've always said that most of the republicans that hold office in Washington can't stand Trump, but have been afraid to speak up to preserve their political careers.  They were afraid of the political damage Trump could cause them, but things are a bit different now.  Trump has pushed them around for 4 long years, so don't be surprised if they now stick the knife in his back to finish him off once and for all and finally have the last laugh.

If these lawsuits would somehow end up in the supreme court, the same thing will happen.  Trump thinks the justices he appointed will automatically cover his back.  He will get another rude awakening.  The lower courts have already been ruling against him.

Even FOX news who in the last 4 years were Trump's biggest propaganda machine are asking for Trump to present some real evidence instead of only shooting his mouth off. 

Last but not least, there are now people that voted for him who are becoming appalled by his whining and behavior through all this.  He is quickly losing much of the support he thought he had a firm grip on.  It ain't looking good for him.  Like I said in another post, the only person or thing he has to blame is Donald J. Trump.  He could have easily won this election if he just acted like a sane human being.  


Steve, I do believe you nailed it, I agree with every word you posted!

If there is fraud, show the nation some direct evidence. Quickly! That will get America's attention. Otherwise it reeks of whining. 

Right now, I want to see the next republican duo getting groomed for 2024. Whether it's Tom Cotton, Cruz, Haley, whomever, as long as he or she has strong conservative values and an engaging personality. I didn't care for Obama (policies), but he most definitely had the cool factor and that gets votes. Apparently having a "person of color" matters too. I cringed when Biden said his VP would be a "person of color" instead of the best qualified person because it struck me as exploitation. But I guess that in itself gets votes too. If a combination of cool and color can get just 5% more votes, that can be the winning plan. Trump laid out the design with his policies. All the next duo has to do is pick up the policy torch, don't be an a-hole, be likeable, and take back the white house in 2024. And no one in that duo should have the last name of Trump. 

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22 minutes ago, wildcat junkie said:

He failed at the Casino business, (Vegas wouldn't even grant him a gaming license)  he failed in real estate until the Russian mob deposited money in Deuchebank for him to borrow, (no US banks will loan a 7 time bankrupt LOSER money) the only thing he was successful at was a reality show. Seems that "Idiocracy" has turned into a documentary of the Trump's administration.


And until he produces his tax returns, the claim that he has "money" is baseless.

I think you need to read my entire post

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8 minutes ago, Steuben Jerry said:

Steve, I do believe you nailed it, I agree with every word you posted!

If there is fraud, show the nation some direct evidence. Quickly! That will get America's attention. Otherwise it reeks of whining. 

Right now, I want to see the next republican duo getting groomed for 2024. Whether it's Tom Cotton, Cruz, Haley, whomever, as long as he or she has strong conservative values and an engaging personality. I didn't care for Obama (policies), but he most definitely had the cool factor and that gets votes. Apparently having a "person of color" matters too. I cringed when Biden said his VP would be a "person of color" instead of the best qualified person because it struck me as exploitation. But I guess that in itself gets votes too. If a combination of cool and color can get just 5% more votes, that can be the winning plan. Trump laid out the design with his policies. All the next duo has to do is pick up the policy torch, don't be an a-hole, be likeable, and take back the white house in 2024. And no one in that duo should have the last name of Trump. 

No way that Trump doesnt run again in 24 if the current results hold.

We are going to have to listen to the "rigged" argument for the next 4 years from him and his followers. I would love to see Haley, but I dont think it will happen.Maybe as Ttumps VP ?

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11 minutes ago, cachemoney said:

No way that Trump doesnt run again in 24 if the current results hold.

We are going to have to listen to the "rigged" argument for the next 4 years from him and his followers. I would love to see Haley, but I dont think it will happen.Maybe as Ttumps VP ?

yea if he loses he will run again 24  probably 

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22 minutes ago, Steuben Jerry said:

Steve, I do believe you nailed it, I agree with every word you posted!

If there is fraud, show the nation some direct evidence. Quickly! That will get America's attention. Otherwise it reeks of whining. 

Right now, I want to see the next republican duo getting groomed for 2024. Whether it's Tom Cotton, Cruz, Haley, whomever, as long as he or she has strong conservative values and an engaging personality. I didn't care for Obama (policies), but he most definitely had the cool factor and that gets votes. Apparently having a "person of color" matters too. I cringed when Biden said his VP would be a "person of color" instead of the best qualified person because it struck me as exploitation. But I guess that in itself gets votes too. If a combination of cool and color can get just 5% more votes, that can be the winning plan. Trump laid out the design with his policies. All the next duo has to do is pick up the policy torch, don't be an a-hole, be likeable, and take back the white house in 2024. And no one in that duo should have the last name of Trump. 


What drives me absolutely insane is when I read some of the comments from the rabid Trump supporters under the articles on the FOX website.  Many predicted that Trump would win by a historic landslide like never seen before and many were also predicting that Trump Jr. or Ivanka would be elected in 2024 and 2028!  For Christ's sakes what were these people thinking??  Are they for real or what??




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39 minutes ago, wildcat junkie said:

He failed at the Casino business, (Vegas wouldn't even grant him a gaming license)  he failed in real estate until the Russian mob deposited money in Deuchebank for him to borrow, (no US banks will loan a 7 time bankrupt LOSER money) the only thing he was successful at was a reality show. Seems that "Idiocracy" has turned into a documentary of the Trump's administration.


And until he produces his tax returns, the claim that he has "money" is baseless.

Forbes says he is worth 2.5 billion he most be some   failure  that he can afford to donate his presidential  salary to charity every year .

while biden and Obama would not  even  donate the millions they got in bribes  from china and Russia to charity  or their  salary's  and they dident pay tax on those bribes and kickbacks either 

funny how no media points this out  but what ever 


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6 minutes ago, steve863 said:


What drives me absolutely insane is when I read some of the comments from the rabid Trump supporters under the articles on the FOX website.  Many predicted that Trump would win by a historic landslide like never seen before and many were also predicting that Trump Jr. or Ivanka would be elected in 2024 and 2028!  For Christ's sakes what were these people thinking??  Are they for real or what??




Fox knows its audience. I’m actually surprised by their somewhat more reasonable coverage of the vote counting process. I hope they don’t revert to lunacy once Biden officially claims victory and Trump refuses to concede. 

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I support Trump. What is sad is this election isn't gonna be decided by voters but rather multiple court rulings.
Regardless of which side people support there is clear voter fraud being reported.  Really sad. These are the things we learned in school that happened in other countries,  not the USA. 
In the end all voters are getting screwed because we are witnessing the beginning of the end of our democracy. 

There has been 2 substantiated claims of voter fraud so far in this election both were committed by republicans

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7 minutes ago, steve863 said:


What drives me absolutely insane is when I read some of the comments from the rabid Trump supporters under the articles on the FOX website.  Many predicted that Trump would win by a historic landslide like never seen before and many were also predicting that Trump Jr. or Ivanka would be elected in 2024 and 2028!  For Christ's sakes what were these people thinking??  Are they for real or what??




yea you got AOC  good luck with  that . Biden out spent trump 2 to1 and had media and china big tech on his side and its still close and they cheated in places looks like .  who the hell voted for a guy who  is  scared to come out the  basement ?  crazy  I would bet the ones who hate trump here   did not vote at all because they did not want biden .  just goes to show the power of media and big money to brainwash the masses like sheep . 

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11 minutes ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

Fox knows its audience. I’m actually surprised by their somewhat more reasonable coverage of the vote counting process. I hope they don’t revert to lunacy once Biden officially claims victory and Trump refuses to concede. 

yea fox is starting to be full of shit like the rest of them  since the old man died that ran it  .  

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1 minute ago, phantom said:

yea you got AOC  good luck with  that . Biden out spent trump 2 to1 and had media and china big tech on his side and its still close and they cheated in places looks like .  who the hell voted for a guy who  is  scared to come out the  basement ?  crazy  I would bet the ones who hate trump here   did not vote at all because they did not want biden .  just goes to show the power of media and big money to brainwash the masses like sheep . 


And you've obviously been brainwashed by a snake oil salesman named Donald J. Trump.

Look, I have little faith in Biden, most especially that it very well might be President Harris in a year or two.  I am not happy that they will be running the country for the next four years, but it was Donald J. Trump who has made this happen.  Any other sane republican would have won this election easily.  All he had to do was show a bit of compassion through this Covid drama, not mock people for wearing masks, etc. and not contradict experts at every turn and he would have sealed the deal.  But NOOOO, Trump has to show the world that he is the one who knows everything.



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3 minutes ago, steve863 said:


And you've obviously been brainwashed by a snake oil salesman named Donald J. Trump.

Look, I have little faith in Biden, most especially that it very well might be President Harris in a year or two.  I am not happy that they will be running the country for the next four years, but it was Donald J. Trump who has made this happen.  Any other sane republican would have won this election easily.  All he had to do was show a bit of compassion through this Covid drama, not mock people for wearing masks, etc. and not contradict experts at every turn and he would have sealed the deal.  But NOOOO, Trump has to show the world that he is the one who knows everything.



This is accurate

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11 minutes ago, steve863 said:


And you've obviously been brainwashed by a snake oil salesman named Donald J. Trump.

Look, I have little faith in Biden, most especially that it very well might be President Harris in a year or two.  I am not happy that they will be running the country for the next four years, but it was Donald J. Trump who has made this happen.  Any other sane republican would have won this election easily.  All he had to do was show a bit of compassion through this Covid drama, not mock people for wearing masks, etc. and not contradict experts at every turn and he would have sealed the deal.  But NOOOO, Trump has to show the world that he is the one who knows everything.



I contend that Mike Pence, Cruz, Rubio or Bush would have been a two term President if they were the nominee in 16. Anyone would have beaten Clinton in that election, she was never going to win. 

Inatead, we got 4 years of Trump only caring about "owning the libs" and we now see the repurcussions of it. Mitch Mcconnell did all his heavy lifting, he is the guy who got shit done, not Trump.

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2 minutes ago, cachemoney said:

I contend that Mike Pence, Cruz, Rubio or Bush would have been a two term President if they were the nominee in 16. Anyone would have beaten Clinton in that election, she was never going to win. 

Inatead, we got 4 years of Trump only caring about "owning the libs" and we now see the repurcussions of it. Mitch Mcconnell did all his heavy lifting, he is the guy who got shit done, not Trump.

That I disagree with. I think we were looking at a long line of clintons and obamas if Trump didnt come along

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1 minute ago, cachemoney said:

I contend that Mike Pence, Cruz, Rubio or Bush would have been a two term President if they were the nominee in 16. Anyone would have beaten Clinton in that election, she was never going to win. 

Inatead, we got 4 years of Trump only caring about "owning the libs" and we now see the repurcussions of it. Mitch Mcconnell did all his heavy lifting, he is the guy who got shit done, not Trump.

I agree.  For all the people that adore Trump in a cult-like fashion, I think in the long run Trump may have done irreparable damage to the republican brand.  Or at least it will take a good while to erase his name and image from the party profile.

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2 minutes ago, steve863 said:


And you've obviously been brainwashed by a snake oil salesman named Donald J. Trump.

Look, I have little faith in Biden, most especially that it very well might be President Harris in a year or two.  I am not happy that they will be running the country for the next four years, but it was Donald J. Trump who has made this happen.  Any other sane republican would have won this election easily.  All he had to do was show a bit of compassion through this Covid drama, not mock people for wearing masks, etc. and not contradict experts at every turn and he would have sealed the deal.  But NOOOO, Trump has to show the world that he is the one who knows everything.



So  tell me how  we are brainwashed did he not go after china on trade yes he did. did he not protect the borders yes he did ,  did the economy get better yes it did pre virus  did he not help black people yes he did .  did he not stop all the wars in the middle east yes he did .  did he not protect 2nd am yes, religious  rights yes . put in Judges  that fallow the law not make it, yes 

You  have been brainwashed  and will get shit from biden   less then shit he works for big money not you .  Why do  you think they wanted trump gone so bad  you guys just don't get it government is just a business for the political class most of them  are there to make money for themselves  and there family's  gov  is there only income . its not like trump who already had big money to be his own man that's why they hate him . and I can show you videos of trump saying the same basic things from 35 years ago  he con nobody he was the same back then . 

you got conned by the media and who do you think is the media in this country poor folks ? there billionaires  globalist  that figure out they can make more money with china then deal with the American worker and laws .   China thanks you and  is laughing at you  .. you gave them a gift of biden  and they gave you a virus and misery IN return . 



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