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Pretty Scary


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Guys, let's give him a chance to back up his story before jumping all over him. I don't understand why he would make it up.

that would be a crazy thing to make up... i havnt followed every thread of the kids but i hope he wouldnt lie about something like that. Something of this magnitude could of ended horrific in more ways then one. especially going after 2 guys with guns.

i am surprised didnt hear anything on the news tho, kind of suspect...

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Doc, its not just here, thats the way things work in any public setting. Any undocumented, crazy sounding story is going to attract its share of skeptisim. We have heard a few of these type of stories from Robinson in the past, and even recently. Remember the 91 lb coyote, just to mention one?

I like Robinson, and think hes a good kid, I just think he might exadurate a bit. I dont think Im alone in that line of thought.

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Really ...seriously UNBELIEVABLE!...why????

Because we all know how guys treasure the thought of going public with a story that ....has one getting their a$$es kicked by a couple of dirt bags and then getting away clean because one for gets the plate # after a very heated encounter..it makes total sense to me now

Now if you really wanted to question the validity of the story...it would be to ask why tell it so long after the fact?...that being said ..

I don't care one way or another it was a good read...brought to mind a few issues..regarding a possible situation and kudos to him posting it...for what ever reason he may have had...worked all the way around ...look at them vultures circling...I'm pretty sure it will be turned into another marathon..pages and pages of foolish "puffing"...have at it.... I'll just read :rolleyes:

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Doc, its not just here, thats the way things work in any public setting. Any undocumented, crazy sounding story is going to attract its share of skeptisim. We have heard a few of these type of stories from Robinson in the past, and even recently. Remember the 91 lb coyote, just to mention one?

I like Robinson, and think hes a good kid, I just think he might exadurate a bit. I dont think Im alone in that line of thought.

Yeah, I guess I am just one to let people tell their story and unless I have some personal stake or knowledge about it, my conclusions about whether it is true or not are kind of kept to myself. I have no interest in publicly trying to prove someone is a liar. It's just not my style. I tend to just let it slide.

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Im not sure there might be. I wasnt able to reach my father that night so I was unable to make a statement without a parent or guardian present (this was said by miller) being i am not an adult... And no nobody got a licsence plate, it happened alittle to fast and tensions were going pretty high. How many times do you hear about a firefighter going into a building and freezing up under pressure or hearing about someone catching on fire and them taking off running? when something serious happens you dont always think straight, you then later say oh coulda shoulda woulda... Not asking for you guyys to belive me, nor am i asking you to beleive me about the coyote, I know what i saw, i was right there, so you guys can try and call my bluff but im not pulling tails, have no reason too. Why would i come up with a story like this? Not looking for enemys on here but i read alot of stuff by you guys that is said out of your butts and nobody calls the bluff or if they do they dont go off like some of you. But to each his own.

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"Why would i come up with a story like this?"

For the attention obviously. Or you truely are dillusional and beleive it happened.

There were other adults there that would have filled out a report, or the cops them selves would have filed something. It would have made the news.

Other stories you have told include...

91lb coyote that would be a world record

Dog shot by tresspassing hunter that got away with it

City hunters shot a german shepard and brought it to a check station thinking it was a doe.

and I am sure there are more.

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Want me to unbury my dog? Im not sure how you would like me to prove it? would you like to speak to my mom or dad tonight and ask? would you like me to ask my brother inlaw if there was anything else the cops told him when they came back the following day when i got picked up? Help me out here.

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