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Lower the legal shooting distance for bow????


Should the legal shooting distance for a bow (any type) be lowered from 500 feet?  

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  1. 1. Should the legal shooting distance for a bow (any type) be lowered from 500 feet?

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That's nice that you know shooting toward any structure even 500ft isn't enough...and that you have common sence.....But let's be TOTALLY honest here for once....that does not apply to at least half the hunters out there at one point or another

Then you have the recovery issues for we both know deer can run over a 100yrds be fore expiring or 3yrds...with 60yrds being a fair average.It's nothing but a problem that doesn't need to be enacted....I have called my neighbors and asked how far they are from my line...NOT to ask permission for I don't want ppl hunting that close to me...but to find how far from my line I need to be to hunt legally ...safely and to make them feel safe as well.....I see that as building bridges...

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I'm wondering why the law never specifically makes it illegal to knowingly shoot in the direction of a building regardless of the distance. With so many counties now allowing rifle hunting for deer, the 500' minimum for guns really seems inadequate. I know this thread is dealing with archery regulations, but a few replies relative to guns have been stirred in as well, and it brought this thought to mind. In fact even with bow shooting, I would think it would be a good idea to include some language outlawing shooting directly at houses and other structures. Can anybody lend any theories why this "directional" thing has never been brought up?

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Yes, I assumed that the wording would have to be obviously worked out to include buildings in sight. I am picturing someone shooting at a deer with a nice shiny house just beyond the 500' limit, showing up right behind the deer. In the case of a rifle, what the heck good is 500 feet. Why should that scenario be legal? With rifles in the season, distance is not really the proper criteria for safety. That is obviously my point. 167 yards??? ...... That's even questionable with a shotgun or muzzleloader.

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Thing is the 500' rule is in effect and  rifle allowed in my area for over 5 years.. and i only remember 1 story of someone being shot in a house and the guy was like 75 yards from it. so 500 foot is for sound? no to disturb people , it should be lowered for bow and common scenc esays not to shoot toward a structure ..or another hunter for that matter ..if 500' is so safe why allow a hunter to be 500' from another..???

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Yes, I assumed that the wording would have to be obviously worked out to include buildings in sight. I am picturing someone shooting at a deer with a nice shiny house just beyond the 500' limit, showing up right behind the deer. In the case of a rifle, what the heck good is 500 feet. Why should that scenario be legal? With rifles in the season, distance is not really the proper criteria for safety. That is obviously my point. 167 yards??? ...... That's even questionable with a shotgun or muzzleloader.

In that situation, a shotgun or ML would have a chance of hitting the house as well. What you do in situations where someone makes a bad shot like that, is you charge them with reckless endangerment or something like that. No matter how far you are from a building or yard, you have to be aware of your background. I do not even shoot directly toward a house within a quarter mile from an elevated position where the bullet or slug is going to bury itself in the dirt. Theres always the chance of a ricochet. It would be the same way with a bow, if you something stupid like hit a house thats 60 or 70 yards away, even with the proposed law in effect, you should get charged with something like I mentioned. Basically some repercussions for stupidity.

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Thing is the 500' rule is in effect and  rifle allowed in my area for over 5 years.. and i only remember 1 story of someone being shot in a house and the guy was like 75 yards from it. so 500 foot is for sound? no to disturb people , it should be lowered for bow and common scenc esays not to shoot toward a structure ..or another hunter for that matter ..if 500' is so safe why allow a hunter to be 500' from another.. ???

Lol.....wouldn't it be nice if we could rely on common sense. We wouldn't need any of these kinds of laws. ;)

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To one post...never here of problems...Because the DEC has a policy...at least in reg 8...that unless you are wounded or dead...or property damage occurs ...shooting incidents are never written up...even when requested

as to not making it illegal to knowingly shoot in the direction of a building...I was calling the DEC as the yahoos in the open field next door was swinging and wildly shooting at deer running between our home and them...DEC said are they 500ft away?..barely....well they are legal!...Yet a guy was shot and hit...two years later by a slug that traveled 1/4 mile..DEC office told me as we were going to were my neighbor was nearly shot out of her 16ft stand....

Did you realize as the law is written...it is legal to shoot deer on another persons property?...what ever weapon used...just not legal to recover with out permission...They can't even write the laws to make common sense :;)

They change the 500ft ruling for bow and the DEC will be busy making arrests....on the places I don't have high fencing on...for I will NO LONGER ALLOW recovery for any animals....if that's what it takes to get the message across...It's taken me years of hard work to get the local wild dog problem ...the trespassing  problem and the shooting too close to my live stock and home problem under control for not only my self but a few others in the area that have thanked me.....by the way all of them being hunting land owners...Now the DEC idiots want to muck it all up.....Thats right name calling if you will...description of  IMOP

By the way now that I'm all fired up...where exactly is this proposal written down in the DEC 5 yr plan?...or is it just wishful thinking...I don't seem to be able to find it

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To one post...never here of problems...Because the DEC has a policy...at least in reg 8...that unless you are wounded or dead...or property damage occurs ...shooting incidents are never written up...even when requested

Care to back that claim up? Ill bet you money that I can get an official answer from DEC that completely contradicts that.

They change the 500ft ruling for bow and the DEC will be busy making arrests....on the places I don't have high fencing on...for I will NO LONGER ALLOW recovery for any animals....if that's what it takes to get the message across...It's taken me years of hard work to get the local wild dog problem ...the trespassing  problem and the shooting too close to my live stock and home problem under control for not only my self but a few others in the area that have thanked me.....by the way all of them being hunting land owners...Now the DEC idiots want to muck it all up.....Thats right name calling if you will...description of  IMOP

Wow, you wont allow people to recover a deer that died on your property after they shot it on property they are allowed to hunt? Thats pretty crappy of you.

By the way now that I'm all fired up...where exactly is this proposal written down in the DEC 5 yr plan?...or is it just wishful thinking...I don't seem to be able to find it

Its right in the 5 year plan. They have actually been talking about it for a while now.

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To one post...never here of problems...Because the DEC has a policy...at least in reg 8...that unless you are wounded or dead...or property damage occurs ...shooting incidents are never written up...even when requested

I am not one to stick up for DEC as I believe the majority of the officers are arrogant pieces of________.... But I believe you are mistaken on that point.

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Of course I'd have to say they wouldn't have it in writing ...but for the 3x' I have been nearly shot the 1x our daughter the two times the next door neighbor....This  has been  exactly what was said directly to our faces...when asked to have it written up...and one was a 911 call....they flatly said no.......So I'd conclude IMO....No report...no records for any one to get a hold of ...being able to give a clear picture of how many close calls really happen during NY deer season...by the way not all DEC officers have a "problem" but unfortunately the only one in the reg. 8 area  many ppl around here wanted to deal with...because he did his job....retired

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unfortunatly the houses/barns if on the tax roll are considerd in the 500 ft rule now even if only seasonal. lot of great deer hunting in lancaster and elma on big lots 2-5 acres lowering it for bow would help control the population there.

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Personally that change would be of no use to me. I have no intentions of hunting less than 500' from somebody's buildings. Also, I don't think I would be real happy about looking over on a neighbors property and finding someone staring out of the bushes at me ..... lol. In fact, in the interest of low-impact hunting among non-hunters, I think I would leave things the way they are now. Frankly, I don't want to be viewed as a pest, threat, or hindrance to anybody's privacy. I also look at buildings as places of human and critter activity, meaning that people and pets and farm animals are likely to be wandering around considerably closer than the structures.

If there is interest in hunting densely populated suburbia, I think it is not completely out of the question to simply get permission. If the deer population in such a setting is truly a problem, they will be more than glad to grant permission.

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Doc, I think it would depend where you hunt. In my area the homes are far apart and only have human activity in the summer months and after that you don't see anyone till next summer. So I would say that they are seasonal and there is no encroaching on any ones privacy.


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I think this is geared toward suburbia. You cant get permission from a lot of people as they  move out from the city and are afraid of everyone/thing.  You might of hunted there for years and now there is a house 100 yards from your treestand..deer are still there but new owners dont want you to shoot bambi... this would let you continue to protect your own shrubs and such without needing everyone in the neighborhood  knowing what your doing.

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Care to back that claim up? I'll bet you money that I can get an official answer from DEC that completely contradicts that.
Wow, you wont allow people to recover a deer that died on your  property after they shot it on property they are allowed to hunt? That's  pretty crappy of you.

WNYBH...As I've said SEVERAL times before ...I don't say anything that couldn't be backed up when it comes down to issues of region 8 DEC...as I've also said I'm fully aware that any officials reading my post know exactly who I am...so there is no point in my not telling it like it is..and yes I make SURE I have ppl...and records to back up what I say

Now as far as what you think of any decisions I make concerning my land due to DEC decisions...Let me make this as clear as humanly possible ....I don't give a rats behind what you think of me.

The above being said ....I'm sure ppl don't want another foolish round of you and I going at it so ..I won't subject them to it once again :)

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I also look at buildings as places of human and critter activity, meaning that people and pets and farm animals are likely to be wandering around considerably closer than the structures.

The law doesn't see it that way Doc. I have a section of the land I hunt on that I can't go near because the neighbor has a pole barn up there and it is about 100 yards from a very nice section of brush. He stores equipment in it and I almost never see him around it. BUT I have to sit there in my tree stand and watch them wander in and out of the brush all season...lol. I can really see both sides on this one and no matter which way it goes it really won't effect my hunting.

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