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Donald Trumps two sons are blasting away in Africa..not good

Fishin Magician

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I just saw on Yahoo...

while reading/watching video about why people are stealing Tide detergent from stores across the country...whatever.

the second half of the video shows the Trump boys shooting everything they can get in their cross hairs

over in Africa..and posting not so good pics..animal activists are going nuts...

now these are the clowns who need to be beat down..

I couldn't catch a web thread...maybe someone else can..

go get um...

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Give me a break. Go read the story and see it for what it is, and anti hunting hatchet piece.

"shooting everything they can get in their cross hairs"??? Youd make a good anti-hunting propaganda writer.

Heres the story, and you can Google the pics, nothing clownish about any of them.


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Very nice animals. The article is obvioulsy slanted towards the antis. Like Trump Jr said, if it were not for the money generated by hunting, africa's game would be gone. The people over there realize that big game safaris pays out, and are a lot less likely to poach.

Edited by Skillet
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I just saw on Yahoo...

while reading/watching video about why people are stealing Tide detergent from stores across the country...whatever.

the second half of the video shows the Trump boys shooting everything they can get in their cross hairs

over in Africa..and posting not so good pics..animal activists are going nuts...

now these are the clowns who need to be beat down..

I couldn't catch a web thread...maybe someone else can..

go get um...

You are as bad as the antis. What exactly did they do wrong? I'm glad they refuse to apologize. I sure wouldn't.

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I've sold a couple recurves to Don Jr. Swapped a few stories about hunting and fishing.

He is an avid hunter, both bow and gun, and has a real passion for fly fishing.

He likes getting away for DIY whenever he can - which you can't do in Africa.

We could use a lot more sportsmen like him.

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It's a anti hunting article plain and simple but they did nothing wrong from what I can see. Just another Anti-hunting group spewing junk... Remember when you post your video or pics, ask yourself or better yet some one who does not hunt, IS this offensive? Less ammo for the anti's the better!!!

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If you read the article, the pics were taken from the outfitter's website. Given that line of thinking, PETA should come after you because of your profile pic on here showing you torturing that poor fish. :rolleyes:

lol...good one .....I can live with that..maybe I was a little tough on them..I just can't see those pics helping things...

however....." I " did let that monster go ...after a million pictures.... roger that...

fish on old boy...

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The anti's just scream a lot and make a lot of trouble. I think the majority of non-hunters look at those photos and find them interesting, not offensive. Maybe those pictures actually get a few non-hunters to finally give hunting a try.

I have not given Trump's sons much thought. I like them and respect them now. The Donald is a different story. His daughter has always been of interest to me though.


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