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Yeah, if you are using a sight, it is time to make an adjustment. Obviously you are shooting high and right. The whole buch of holes as well as the three arrows indicate that you need a sight pin change to center your point of impact. Another little tip: put four small bullseyes on an 8-1/2" x 11" piece of paper and shoot one arrow at each instead of going for groups at a single aiming point. You can eyeball on the separate bulls as to what kind of groups you would have, and you will save a lot of time and money on the tore up fletching and busted up shafts that you will eventually be getting if you continue to shoot all arrows into a single aiming spot.3 points
Treeguy, thats just not realistic. Saying that if someone cant see the diff between a BB and a doe, they arent a hunter is just as bad as the elitist attitude that minority groups like NYB exude. All hunters cant be as perfect as some.2 points
They have a vacancy. Pygmy knows exactly what he is talking about too. He has been captive their 5 times and his finial freedom didn't occur until the Fuzzubumpers filed a restraining order to keep him away2 points
It's a tribal warning... The Kensico is a sacred hunting ground of the FUZZYBUMPER tribe, a tribe of primitive lesbian Amazons. If they catch you there they'll dress you up in leather, engineer boots and a chain drive wallet and lock you up in a mud hut as a love slave.2 points
10/25 .... 75 degrees.... Not much of a story, I was tight on their bedding area. 6pm he was coming right @ me up close and personable... 12 yard heart shot, he went 75 yards on a DEAD run.... Trail Cam of him in August....1 point
This is my go to stand. It is 6' by 10' 25' up. It was built when my kids were first starting out Bowhunting. It was the perfect place to teach young hunters the correct ways, while being supervised. 3 young hunters learned the basics here(2 sons and thier best friend). Each one took thier first Deer out of this stand. It has brought me years of enjoyment. It is situated on a hedegrow with Pines and Hardwoods in front and a Food Plot behind. If it is raining, cold or the wind is right I will hit this stand for all day sits.Its big enough to get up and walk around undetected. Being able to strech my legs makes it possible to stay longer. Since it was built in 2004, 28 Deer have been taken here. 7 were Bucks. The largest an 8 Pt scoring 124" All 3 boys hunted until college Now only thier friend Adam has time. Adam has been out 4 times this season,no luck so far. I'm hoping all 3 will return to thier roots after College. My oldest graduates next year.1 point
just a few pics of my daughter who found daddy's gear and wanted to make sure it all worked1 point
Most of the time I can tell a button buck from a doe, given enough time to check it out. But I certainly would stop short of saying that those that can't aren't hunters. Just like I would stop short of taking irrelevant, off-the wall, random shots that have no relevance to the discussion, at a segment of bowhunters just to make that point.1 point
It is called PROFESIONALISM and dedication to one's career....... Sadly we lack that in every field; way too many hands out looking for a free ride. Sad relection of society. I have been in the law enforcement field for 27 years and have seen major changes over the years of the canadates who apply and are accepted. Lucky they show up to work on time and when they are disciplined they are the "victim"..... Sad but true.................1 point
Some Turkeys from my Tree Stand .... Date and Time is way off !1 point
1 point
Hey all this storm is not looking good.Before I lost contact wanted to let you all know that im praying for all,John if there is any thing my wife and myself can do for any fellow members/on the island please let us know.And for every one thats looking at this applys to you all the same.Wish every one to be in a safe zone however looks like we are going to take another washing/flooding.Sandy is going to hit hard and stay for afew days.Just wanted to tell every one that im here to help.1 point
i dont know... dont see the big deal, its not like it shows you a dot on a map where the deer are for you to just walk up to and kill,. you still have to be in the right place at the right time, i personaly have sent and recived txt meggages and calls while hunting with my people to either tell them a deer is headed there way or someone letting me know a deer has headed my way, so far not one time have i kill or has anyone else kill a deer that way, have i seen them after gettting a txt sure but they still have to be close enough to shoot...would use the app? sure... but i just rememnber where i see deer and deer sign and remember where it was and i set up there with my climber if i dont have a stand in the area. with that said,,thats a great Buck conrats and i know its gotta be exciting to get a deer useing something you had a hand in creating, i know i was pumped when i shot my 1st buck out of my home made climber and it was not nearly as nice a deer.1 point
Yes, DL is a sponsor. I havn't decided where threads like these should reside just yet, which is my fault. However, like any other thread on the site you can choose to read or not read it. Some of the comments were a little harsh. Sponsors like him help offset the costs of keeping the site up and running and the software we use up to date, so please keep that in mind before posting. The software is actually pretty neat, in its simplest form its an electron log. Similar to your deer sightings log the DEC sends out for those to fill out during bow season. I don't think its going to make hunting "easier", but it keeps your notes / sightings organized.1 point
I never bothered to see what this deerlogic was all about. So it's a computer software to help hunters pattern deer, so they can better hunt them?? What kind of crap is that? Can't we do anything without computer help?? Pretty soon some clown will be trying to pawn off an a$$ wiping device that we can take out into the woods with us. Of course it will be remote control via our smart phones. We won't even have to get down from our treestands probably. Just poo from the stand into a scent controlled bucket below and then keep your butt stuck out there until something slides up the tree to wipe it!! LOL God bless American ingenuity!1 point
Also, another piece of advice. You might want to proof-read your posts and correct with some proper grammar. I think it'll only help get your point across. Dont worry, no one give a crap about your grammer skills.1 point
Hey there, Elmo... What do you have against hairy, manly looking beastley women ? Have you ever been to Cameron, NY ??1 point
1 point
I've been feeding them lead/copper for a few year now, am I in trouble? Maybe I shouldn't post this on the innanet? <<grin>>1 point
You aren't going to fool a deer's nose regardless of what gimmicks you buy. You need to play the wind.1 point
Some people just like to spend a lot on things you do not need,as Camo people started wearing that because it was left over from the Korean and Viet. Wars.Dont need it.Been wearing Red or Bright orange for 60 years got pleanty of deer walk right up to me.And never been shot at either.Do not use all of that stuff you see on the hunting shows So the deer do not smell you.Just use any unsented soap you can buy in any store.To kill the mouth odor,Eat apples,Good for your health and the deer like the left overs also,for lunch or snacks eat a PJ sandwitch All animals like Peanut butter.To quench your thirst take a thermos of warm apple cider,it will warm you up on the cold rainy days.And yes the deer walk around in the rain.1 point
I thought about that because I always think I am stronger than what I really am but I also have an irrational fear some dim wit will shoot at a floating deer.1 point
Im with you bucks still paired up and 1 1/2old bucks runing the button bucks off from Does.. Next week my guess here.. Have seen 8 different bucks all alone or together. Not interested in the does feeding.. Always around Halloween chasing and breeding seems to start around here..??? As far as I have been told and learned rut is determined by amount of daylight???/1 point
I try to drink apple juice or have some apple slices on hand while I am Hunting.1 point
This crossbow 'arguement' is reminicent of when compound bows were trying to be legalized. All of the "purists" were all up in arms - "those things aren't bows and shouldn't be allowed"; Sound familiar? Now, I'll bet most all who were chanting that manta use compounds. Crossbows are just that, bows. You still can't ethically shoot more than 40 yards. They should be legal in bow season and I regularly write my representatives and tell them so,1 point
I think they are either archery equipment or not. Get's far too complicated to break it up any other way. And I am a recurve hunter that supports full inclusion.1 point
I think they should allow people over a certain age and others who are deemed unable to shoot a vertical bow from a doctor aswell as from a dec agent.1 point