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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/24 in all areas

  1. Well, this thread is headed in the wrong direction. I started it to show how many users are still logging in for the worth while content. Please don't spoil the thread here with differences of opinion. Let's play the positive card for a change, shall we.
    4 points
  2. A good season for me; would have liked a buck with the bow or ML’r but didn’t see the “right” one. Passed a pile with the bow and a few in the late season. Most importantly the freezer is runneth’ over. Lol
    3 points
  3. I'm sorry to inform you, but most of your guests hits are most likely bots gathering info. Since the owner is MIA, nothing is being done to stop the issue.
    3 points
  4. Much to your chagrin this board as long as it is online and stays clean will cruise along nicely just as it is. Let me give you a little lesson about message boards, I have run three and one is coming up on it's 20 year anniversary and going strong. I did some surveys when I first got involved with message boards, the number one reason folks come to them is for "information". You will find that only a very small percentage of members post frequently, most do not join to get into some kind of circle jerk in crowd, in fact most never post and this board is a good example. It has 9000 members now. My Airedale board is the same, there is a core group of hunting dog folks that know what they are talking about that do the most posting, the vast majority of members log on and never post but read the content profusely, they are looking for useful and accurate information. I belong to several other boards for things like cars and motorcycles, have belonged to them for years and never made a post. It is all about content, good content gets clicks and traffic and this board has plenty of it. Al
    3 points
  5. Aw....Come-on and smile.
    2 points
  6. So that's where red squirrels come from......lol.
    2 points
  7. This site gets hundreds of hits every day, there were several hundred guest hit the other night, they all count when it comes to advertising. This board is alive and well. It is all about content and this board has it in spades. Al
    2 points
  8. Whatever the reason is, there's other options if one desires. I bounce back and forth between sites. Lots of great people in both.
    2 points
  9. Yes and she loves it! DJ did a great job!
    2 points
  10. Pretty cool photos from Nov 2 and Feb 1. Amazing the neck size difference. Photos are about 400 yards apart. Main target for next year and hopefully can find his sheds when its time. Snow picture is 30 yards from where I have a bow stand and shot my PA buck this year just about where he's standing, I also have a stand in the top spot, major rut travel routes.
    1 point
  11. One hundred users in the last 24 hours. Very nice in February!
    1 point
  12. Harleigh my Airedale and I hit the timber this afternoon to see what we could come up with, she treed two Squirrels but I gave them a pass as I have a few in the freezer now. She flushed a Hare out from under a windfall but I was on the wrong side and could not get a shot off. Harleigh trailed for a bit but she is far from being a rabbit-hare dog and lost it, she just does not have the nose power like a good Beagle. Even though we came home empty handed we had a good time. Stopped at the mailbox and found a prize I had ordered, a primitive knapped knife made by flint knapper Tony Stanfield, I have always wanted one of these for my collection and finally I bit the bullet and got one. This thing is very nice and very sharp, would have no problem field dressing and skinning a Deer. Al
    1 point
  13. Not many here have been members long enough to know the history of its origin. This forum was started by Burmjohn at a time when an existing forum suddenly shut down leaving a pile of us hanging without a New York State hunting forum. For that I thank him for the years of interesting discussions and interfaces that he made available for us to use. Now we find that he is no longer in contact with the forum for whatever reason. Most of you have made an assumption that he has just arbitrarily abandoned the site. But none of us know the actual reason for his absence. As for myself, I am not in a hurry to judge without any facts. I can only say thanks for the 13 years that we have had the site. It was a good thing that he picked up the ball when no other New York State hunter was willing to do so. Now let's see if the current members are adult enough to keep things going along smoothly without so much of the petty and small-minded bickering that makes the atmosphere here so strained and unfriendly at times. We don't really need all the static.
    1 point
  14. Yeah, like we need more red squirrels.
    1 point
  15. Again, you read and then twist to fit what you believe. I believe you spend more time on the other site you openly bash than you do here. You proved you visit. I'm sure the link is on your homepage. I hope to die a old man.. I think every guy wants that. As far as waiting for you to join another site. I didn't have to wait long. Enjoy both sites.
    1 point
  16. Your agenda is right there in black and white. And you will die an old man before you see me as a member on any other forum. You few will crawl back in your holes and we will enjoy the site for what it is once again. Never bash any sites and never need to join two. Especially that one. Thanks.
    1 point
  17. Ahhh. There he is. Only Steve and Moho to go. Give it time. Let’s hope the one mod that will see thru your agenda will do something. As you once again with the 4-5 other cronies only show up when someone posts about the other site and NEVER add anything hunting related. And bragging. Haha. Wipe that off your chin. It’s getting old. Just because you can’t walk the walk don’t down those that can.
    1 point
  18. I honestly don't understand the venom being thrown at members here who just choose to be on multiple forums?? When YOU are the biggest detriment to this, or any other forum with your bragging about nothing posts. Because YOU are just a poser, who needs to come here for an audience to boost your fragile ego. I figured you out long ago. I've mentored kids who in "real life" are twice the hunter you CLAIM to be. Anytime you want to go head to head with me in the woods, in any capacity, you give me a call! I will wait for your lame response for a good laugh Mayor Poser. How many others here watch only one TV channel? Listen to only one radio station? Never use FB, Google, or any other online medium?? This is 2024! Everyone goes from place to place! What's the big deal about me or anyone else, being a member of multiple forums?? I have been a member here for a long freakin time!! I don't come here to disparage this place!! And I NEVER have! I add content in a thoughtful manner. Unlike a certain AH member here does!! So now, other longtime members who I've respected for years, are calling me out because I am on another forum??? Look back at my content over the years I've been here!! I have been nothing but supportive and added positive posts to this place! I am not the absentee owner who ripped off members of this site! And who refuses to help out his own moderators in any way. With even a simple E-Mail! Or could give two craps about this place!!! I actually care! You couple who want to see me leave for making a free choice, can go pound salt! I am every bit as much a member here as you are! I will stay a member here to the end! I have done nothing to be banned! I will continue to post in a positive way! Just like I always have! If I am to be banned for speaking my mind here, then there are a couple others who should be as well for speaking theirs! This is all so childish and needless. Get over it!
    1 point
  19. Well I am tapping out of this Cluster_Puck thread, I allow myself around a half hour a day on social media and I have gone way over the limit. 40 degrees here, I am grabbing a gun and my dog and going hunting, see if I can kill something but probably won't, too soft. Al
    1 point
  20. And that's fine. No one has forced anyone to do anything.
    1 point
  21. With the likes of you and some of the other beauties that fled there! not a chance in Hell, I want no part of that board, I like it here. Al
    1 point
  22. Guy must need more to do
    1 point
  23. Ah, but who started these threads? Not the ones you claim jumped ship or are looking for this place to die, or stirring the pot. I'd like John to show up and explain what and why and hopefully get things back on track. Doesn't look like that's going to happen though.
    1 point
  24. Please show where he (or anyone for that matter) has said this site is “a piece of crap”. Im going to reheat my coffee, back in a few minutes. Thanks
    1 point
  25. Lets cut to the chase, they are here to undermine this site in any way they can, the sorry excuses for being here are laughable. They are not satisfied that they have a site that they always wanted and brag up, this site must be destroyed as far as they are concerned. It shows every time they come here, and these shits shows are they only time you see them for the most part, not to contribute useful tips to the board members all the rest of the times. Ya they post a complimentary post once in a while to keep their feet in the door, that is about it. Quit the charade! Al
    1 point
  26. Could not pay me to join that site. Al
    1 point
  27. I know the one was a drop from an earlier year. The other, not so sure about know.
    1 point
  28. I ain't going anywhere!!! I like it here just fine. Al
    1 point
  29. There are still some good people here that I'd hate to lose contact with, should this site suddenly disappear. I have no idea why Burmjohn will not contact his loyal moderators?? They are the one's keeping the flame alive for now. I have been a member here for years. And will stay and contribute to the end. Not to be disparaging to this site. But there is another NY site. And ALL are welcome should you choose to check it out.
    1 point
  30. Yes, because being it was usually too cold to sit for very long, they were mostly still hunters. I was told many times, "if you think you're going too slow. Go slower!! Keep your head up, and your eyes open! Look for movement, like an ear or tail twitch. You won't usually see a whole deer. Pick the woods apart before you move again!" They wore no camo. Just the clothes they worked in. Mostly overalls with Long John's. Layers of flannel. And always those thin green rubber boots!! There were always folks dropping by to gab and admire the deer hung in an oak or maple tree in their front yards. To this day I prefer a still hunt over sitting in a stand. But do both now depending on conditions. This was mostly done on large farm properties. Corn and hay fields, with many woodlots, sized from a few acres, to perhaps a couple hundred acres. With ridges and creek bottoms and some swamps for topography. Usually the last weekend of the season they would do still-drives. Which was when you walk very slowly, with the wind at your back, to poster's on the other end. The drivers would be staggered. Many times the drivers got deer that were circling back from a forward driver. This all was done with usually only 4 or 5 hunters. Of course there were favorite sitting spots as well. Always in some form of funnel or pinch point. To this day we still hunt some of those spots. And still see deer more often than not from them. One of the farmers had a son about my age. We rode the same school bus together. We have been lifelong friends. And together, own and hunt his family farm. We have around 750 acres available to us. And love to roam some of the same ground those old farmers did. Most of the farms are now gone. But we still have a few beef cattle and assorted other critters to take care of. All the original farmers have long since passed on. We are now the old guy's. And we're proud to have kept, and passed along many of the old traditions and ways. We both have kids, and grandkids who hopefully will carry on from us.
    1 point
  31. It burns in my soul to be out in the woods pursuing some time of game. I step into their world but it is my world also. We live long enough to learn, adapt and fulfill our ambitions. We also need to nurture that world som others can enjoy it. Do your part!
    1 point
  32. I picked up this guy a couple of days ago from the taxidermist. It was just about a year ago when I caught him. I knew of a hot otter toilet on a local steam that I wanted to trap but I kept putting off for a couple of years. Luckily last year I set it up because when I went to check on it a few days ago , I noticed a large tree fell right where the toilet was. These otters certainly have beautiful fur.
    1 point
  33. I hunt because it reminds me of my Grandfather and all of the great times we spent together in the woods. When Im hunting I feel closer to him- nice feeling !!
    1 point
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