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Everything posted by Farflung

  1. and also keeps any "clang" noises from happening.
  2. I have some with flip over bars. I have put foam pipe insulation on them, raises them slightly. Works for me, but i am only 5' 8".
  3. nice job. On our F&G range, I wanted some soft bags to leave outside. Got some I.V. bags, cut off the outlet till I could fill it with sand, put in a wooden plug with a little silicone sealent. Figured they would last a couple of years. They've been there about 10 years and they still are very useable.
  4. I believe that all ECO's are under mileage and overtime restrictions currently. Supposedly that was going to include the opening day of Southern zone, unles someone in administration got there head out of their hiney. Hope you catch the guy(s).
  5. you've still got that restriction on hunting with a semi-automatic firearm that has a total capacity of more than 6 shells between the magazine and chamber combined.
  6. johnplav had the magic word in his response. That is "fresh". Venison (and other liver) is great fresh (like the same day), o.k. the next day, and so-so on the third day. Makes great dog food after that. My wife makes venison liver "jerky" for the dogs is it does not get quickly cooked or if it has liver flukes. We have a lot of flukes in Boonville area.
  7. See above-think it is called a mag spark
  8. friend has a TC Hawken that has a enclosed setup that allow for use of a pistol primer. Setup is probably 40 years old. Works every time. Seems to be impervious to moisture and snow. Don't know if they make them any more. Takes forever to reload and I would worry about the little screw-on cover falling off. He likes it though.
  9. I don't often post on this site, but I am very involved with various sportsmen and conservation organizations. I'm probably preaching to the choir, but I have a couple of quick thoughts (hardly original ones) on the election. This is truly the election that will determine if our 2nd amendment rights will endure for ourselves, our children and grandchildren. The "progressive" democrats and socialists are bound and determined to take them away. They know that a unarmed populace are subjects rather than citizens ... and that is how they want us. They will try to take away our arms so they can subject us to higher taxation, the Green New Deal, and unfettered illegal immigration. How can we help ourselves at this late date? Well obviously by voting ourselves. It always annoys me when folks that have Election Day off from work, take the day to go hunting and skip the voting. Another way to help is by offering to drive folks, older or otherwise, to the polls. Remember that we will likely have a record turnout which combined with the Covid 19 issue, may make for long lines. In the 22nd Congressional District race, we have former Congresswoman Claudia Tenney versus Incumbent Anthony Brindisi. Claudia is well known for her support of the 2nd amendment. Both the NRA and the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association have given Claudia a "A" rating. Congress Brindisi seems a nice enough person, or at least until you consider the company that he keeps. He voted with Palozzi more than 90% of the time. And his campaign is run to a large extent on monies coming indirectly from George Soros, Big Tech and left-wing celebrities. So a vote for Brindisi is a vote for Palozzi (and AOC, Ilhan Omar, Bernie S., and the rest of the democrat-socialists). We can't rely on the Supreme Court to save us for any length of time. Biden will pack the court with leftist, activist justices who will flaunt the originalist meaning of the Constitution. They will revisit previous decisions (such as Heller) and will destroy our right to bear arms. And Biden has said that he would be putting Beto O'Rourke in charge of his gun policies (you remember that Beto stated in the primaries that he would do a mandatory confiscation of AR-15's and any other guns that he styled as assault weapons). The 2nd amendment will become a hollow shell of what the 2nd amendment s author, George Mason, intended when he stated "I ask, sir, what is the Militia? It is the whole people".
  10. Mowin- yup, I did after I opened up the Herkimer tax auction site. Principles hold true however.
  11. what armkb says is true that no land in NY state can be landlocked. But sometimes you pay "heck" (and a bunch of $$$) to get the row established. Lot of real property law and precedent is involved, going back to common law. Usually involves research to determine what the origion is in regards to how the patent and lots were derived. Very complicated. You should do a deed search to find how this property originated (devolved) and then consult with a real estate lawyer that is sharp on r.o.w.'s. Lots of times the short distance from a public road is not where legal access exists. And using a r.o.w. often establishes it permanently. Also check old atlases, maps showing postal routes and old county highway maps.
  12. related to me by a Conneticut wildlife manager. Happened for at least several years about 20 years ago. Every year there was a controlled hunt and anti-hunters would show up. In addition to making stands unsafe, they would follow hunters into the woods and chant/sing, etc. One guy was sick of this and led his harasers into a deep swamp, briar bushes and lost them way back in the property. Eventually, they found their way back, some crying and bitching. Another guy got a couple of deer that they drove to him.
  13. regarding the posting on Sterling Forest lands, When I worked for the state, we would occasionally have a adjacent landowner post the state forest or forest preserve. Sometimes they would use a fictitious name or no name at all. If we found out who it was, we would "counsel" them. Once they realized they could get their arse in a serious sling, the signs would disappear. Usually hunters trying to eliminate some competition or anti-hunters.
  14. Buck fawn got killed in front of my house the other day. Trooper asked if I wanted it. was butchered within one hour. Demolished one loin this evening. Vealson!!!
  15. You might also want to look into a DEC Modified Archers permit. Allows you to have a holdback device that takes the pressure off your shoulder and rotator cuffs. I've shot one and they are awkward to carry but shoot o.k. You should qualify but you will need a doctor to fill out a simple form.
  16. This year should be a zoo on state land. Tons of new hunters, many of them took the online course w/o any field session in gun handling in hunter safety. Supposedly the hunting license sales are up by a factor of three. The gun opener should be interesting. Through our federation I have forwarded a idea to have all of the hunting incidents that occur over the next 5 years be indexed back to see if the new online course is contributing to accidents. Hope the request goes somewhere.
  17. catskillkid has the key to the 480a tax program in the last sentence. when he said "I have no intention to sell the land anytime soon". When I was a state forester, I probably talked more folks out of putting there land under 480a than joining up. BUT for a person with the right goals, it is great. One thought, is that doing a silviculturally sound timber harvest under a timber mgt. plan can save you the severance tax if no harvest is needed right after you enroll the property. Note the silviculturally sound, not some loggers high-grade!!
  18. bunch of guys from another state, built a cabin near our southern tier deer camp. Lined a ridge on state forest with ladder stands. One was right next to a bucket and brush blind that I had used for years. Owner said that since his tree stand was there, that I could not use my bucket. After disagreeing with him in bow season, I returned the night before the gun opener. Used kerosene and cheap spray perfume both upwind and down wind of this stand. Rigged up two cheap transistor radios that I had and turned them on and placed them on two major runs coming up to his stand. I went and sat a couple of hundred yards away on some private land I could hunt. No shooting from his stand, but a small 5 point wandered by me and I dragged him back to camp.
  19. standing joke in my family, the umber of flashlights i have, But when one of my kids, wife or grandkids need a battery or flashlight, its me they come to!!!!!
  20. Hope he will be o.k. Know several guys that have had tree stand accidents. All survived, but messed a couple of them up.
  21. Our hunting group got a hold of 2 of the big shipping crates that they use to move servicemen's furniture from overseas. Converted them into box blinds for my mobility impaired cousin. Worked well with just a couple of plexiglass windows and old office chairs. If you have a military base near you, you might want to check with moving companies.
  22. just seeing this topic. My Uncle, several of our friends, my cousin and nephew all shot 180 grain Remington Coreloks. If they hit them in the boiler room (heart/lungs) the deer succumbed either on the spot or within 100 yards. Liver hits took longer. Gut shots were interminable but we almost always got the deer. This was over 100 deer and many years. Not my favorite round, but a deer hit resonabley right is a dead deer with a 180 grain. Only problems that occurred were when the bullet went thru the the top of the lungs and did not leave a good blood trail.
  23. number of years ago, I went in to maintain my tripod. got up in the stand and started moving the homemade skirt around. There was 2 wasp nests in it. Got stung twice. Slid down the ladder and ran off. Came back a couple of nights later and gave them a bath in insecticide. Very exciting. My big covered stand has a bunch of bees in it, need to go and hose them down in the next few days.
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