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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by NFA-ADK

  1. This one had me rolling!!! LMAO
  2. So true!!! Many of these shootings are from kids with mental issues and are usually under drugs to keep them at bay but they never want to address those issues!
  3. They would rather have a politically motivated agenda then actually fix this mental issues with these unstable people they want to put into society. Keeps getting them votes because they are protecting us so well! Crazy!
  4. Tracking snow! Finally I will get out this weekend, chasing whitetails! Hope to get one of my students into his first deer!
  5. If we can post women she can post men, all in good fun! lol
  6. Don't think a 9mm will do anything but piss off a big bear. 45 is a bit better but still low on power. I have to agree that if you really wanted to be protected I would go with a Mag like Rob-C stated also with the proper charge and round for that game.
  7. Shame you shoot everyone, some people are good.
  8. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
  9. They can be real nasty, one of my best friends had one as a pet. Thing was crazy! GO ahead and pet it he says, I get about 3 ft from the cage and it flips out going crazy! I said I don't think I will pet him today. Check with some of the trappers I am sure they would love to take them away for you especially if the pelts have no holes!
  10. Thought this was a post on how to deal with kids on Christmas, lol. J/K.
  11. Merry Christmas, hope Santa treats you well!
  12. Ball joint will not usually show play in the wheel unless it is really gone! But they can cause stiffness in turning. Steering wheel play is usually an Idler arm, tie rod or steering rack. If a ball joint is bad sometimes you will hear a clunk on hard turns then sometimes another when straightening out.
  13. Was a auto tech for over 10 years. When you set a wheel bearing you tighten the adjusting nut fully then spin the wheel to check for additional play. If it is tight the wheel should stop after a few rotations then you back the nut off a 1/4 turn to allow for some play in the bearing. This will cause a slight amount of movement when the wheel is on(Off the ground) this is normal. Usually a ball joint can be checked with a pry bar under the wheel to see if excess play exists. (Make sure you use jacks stands for safety!) Make sure you lub every grease fitting when doing the oil change and usually they will last, no lub they wear out quickly. Any excessive play or worn boots indicate replacement is needed. This is a bit harder to tell and helps if experienced. Testing bearing for noise can be done at high speeds and also just free spinning if they are bad you will hear noise. Any noise take them out and inspect, sometimes they just need to be repacked, any damage then replace. Trailers: I always carry extra bearing for my trailers along with races. Simple to do on side of road if needed. I always use bearing buddies and lub after getting the boat out of the water and usually at a stop I will give one pump of lub after a few hours of driving and feel the bearing for excessive heat indicating an issue. Some heat on long drives is normal.
  14. Exactly! Like asking us to call a guy who still has guy parts a girl, like Bruce Jenner. He is still a guy and I will always call him that despite his obvious mental disorders. I find it funny how he dis-approves of gay marriage.
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