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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by NFA-ADK

  1. Source? Ben Shapiro. Look him up. You will find many things the left want but will not admit like full removal of all guns.
  2. Awesome! Glad you can still get it done, congrats! Looking forward to pics!
  3. Belo they want to force churches to recognize gay marriage not sex, sorry. They want to force churches and other institutions for force them into having gay marriages in there institutions so they can regulate religion.
  4. If the state declares that gay sex is legal they want to enforce this on EVERYONE including religious institutions.
  5. Get at least one credit card, it builds credit if you ever want a large purchase like a house, boat, truck etc. Just don't get one if you like to buy crap or wast money on stupid things or are not good at managing your money. To many people get themselves into deep debt thinking I can pay it off later. Max out your card and you will pay pathetic amounts of interest if you only pay the minimum. My general rule is I only use it if I have to and will not use it on anything I can not afford and always pay it off the next billing cycle if I can.
  6. Some "Friends" will only be my friend if I do what they say! Told the guy I hunted with for 6 years in tree's that this year I would not set up a stand and would stalk, still hunt or just sit. That started an argument that resulted in him telling me I was out of his click, then I was threatened IF I tried to hunt ANY location he hunts. I learned I do not care if I ever shoot a buck with the bow, the chase is too much fun to give up and it is much more rewarding for me challenging them on there own turf vs sitting in a tree. I learned I should have gotten glasses years ago!
  7. Amen! We need to take care of our vets but you will not hear the politicians talking about that because it has nothing to do with VOTES! Unreal. We need to let them know VETs come first!
  8. My interpretation: Stop gun violence: 1st step of many to finally remove guns from all NY. Jersey banned the bump stocks, not one turned in, in they NY banned assault rifles yet millions are not registered, shows the people will not bow to unjustified regulations that go against our second amendment! Dream Act: LMAO We have to many immigrants, once they cross the border it is known that in NY you are protected and will not get deported. I have no objections to immigration IF they come here legally! Stop making me pay to educate 1000's of illegal aliens and the health care they put such a burden on! Improve our democracy: Pay more so we can help people you never met and pay for there kids education and health care and anything else we think they might need, LIKE HOUSING! Protect LGBTQ rights: Just another ploy to get more votes. Plain and simple they now want to regulate and force you to allow gays and transgender and any other gender they can think of to be married in you church or any other religious location! Forcing all to comply or loose there none for profit status! Legalize pot: They finally figured a way to make more money off of drugs! So lets stop putting people in jail for it! After how many years they might actually understand the war on drugs has failed! Can't keep it out of schools, jails etc. So now that the drug war is over they are gearing up to take away your guns and your rights to them, step by step. Starts with lets ban, assault weapons, then 10 round mags, then bump stocks, then a longer wait period then...
  9. Separation of church and state! Stay out of marriage and stop forcing churches and synagogues to comply with what you think should be allowed. They want to force this on all! This will force gay marriage into any church or other religious location. Stop trying to regulate religion Cuomo!!!
  10. Happy B-Day! Hope you had a great day!
  11. Happy Birthday Rob and Grizz!
  12. Good bow season so far seen deer every outing except my opening day also seeing a good amount of bucks. I was lucky in the ADK again which is a big bonus and we had a great time at camp. Weather has been a downer but with over a month to go I am hoping for some tracking snow at some point on LI. Have not sat in a tree once the entire year and have been using a small chair for sitting, so far one of the funnest years hunting to date. Looking forward to the weekend and the 5 vacation days I still have and can use in January just wish I could have used them more during the rut.
  13. That would be great to get those photo's in there! Congrats again great job!
  14. I don't really see any issue. A good deer and more than likely a P&Y, he admitted to a bad shot. Not a real big deer for NY over 130 inches def P&Y if 125 is the cut off. Who knows exactly where this is...
  15. Yea!!! Great to hear! Best of luck in the future! Prayers sent!
  16. Looks like a nice parcel if you can get retrieval rights.
  17. Could you picture getting dragged by a black bear 80 yards! What would you be thinking as he kept going after 50 yards! I would be thinking DAM I wish it was rifle season instead of bow, so much harder to shoot with a bear dragging me by my broken ankle! And Dam he has powerful jaws!
  18. This is a good one also! For example, in South Dakota, Illinois and eastern Montana study areas, where forests covered less than 35 percent of the landscape, young bucks dispersed on average 17.3 miles, and one deer in Montana traveled 132 miles. https://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/articles/deer-news/time-to-roam-what-to-know-about-whitetail-buck-dispersal 132 miles!!! WOW
  19. I have heard they travel up to 30 miles in extreme cases. I would think 5 would be average high with anything more being the exception. This is an article about one that went 10 miles. https://www.whitetaildna.com/tactics/2017/1/31/how-far-will-a-buck-really-travel
  20. Hope they throw the book at them!
  21. Found one of the videos. Pretty much matches what has been said.
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