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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Larry

  1. The copper solid slug they were using was the first stile they came out with. Remington doesn’t make that stile anymore. I have used both stiles and the old stile did not expand but the new stile works well and they shot very well out of my 870. The only reason I don’t use them when I use a shotgun for deer I found a slug that shot just as good and work as good for ½ the price.
  2. Larry

    EAB Proposed

    Gjs4 the only deer census that is needed is the one around your stand. Just count the number of deer you see. If you don’t see any then you are in a crappy spot if you see a lot of deer then you’re in a good spot. To do a census the DEC would have to do an aerial survey at night in the winter using flir and do you know how much it would cost to do the whole state. Here’s one more thing Phade and some others will be posting the BLACK HELICOPTERS ARE OUT. A census done in winter still wouldn’t give you a true herd size you would want to do the census before the season. The reason the census would be done in the winter is the deer would stand out better with a cold back ground and no foliage on the trees.
  3. Here my recommendation for your new bow. Try a few that interest you find one you like and buy it now. So you have time to break it in before the season. It doesn’t matter what bow we think you should buy. WE AREN’T GOING TO BE SHOOTING IT YOU ARE!
  4. A buddy of mine has one and has killed every deer he has shot with it.
  5. they say Hot Pink is easier to see then blaze orange. so have at it girls sorry I mean guys
  6. In France when they were attacked it was an Isis issue. In Belgium when they were attacked it was an Isis issue. When the Russians were attacked it was an Isis issue. When we are attack its not an Isis issue but a gun control issue. What wrong with this picture?
  7. Larry

    EAB Proposed

    For those WMU’s that need to increase doe harvest it’s an ACCESS ISSUE plain and simple. It doesn’t matter how many DMP’s they give out you can’t kill them if you can’t get to them.
  8. Hey uptownredneck you should re think your late post. Weather you believe evaluation or creation there is no such thing as Native Americans. There were no humans on this continent prior to about 13,000 years ago and now there are some indications that the first humans were of European origin and not Asian. At best they can be called the first Americans but not native. They were also invaders.
  9. I don't want a wall but I think the first 200yds on our side should be a FREE FIRE ZONE
  10. One of my dad’s brothers drove landing craft to Omaha Beach. My farther-in-law was a B-17 pilot. They have both passed away.
  11. I shot it last year had lots of fun this year its my weekend to work so I'm not shooting
  12. It’s not that we in these WMU’s aren’t trying to kill does. You can’t kill them if you can’t get to them. It’s all access driven no special hunts or more permits or earn a buck will help. As for more permits the DEC can’t give out all they have now. As for me 8G is not my primary place to hunt but I’m lucky and have a place to hunt.
  13. still haven't seen your data.
  14. There are over 90 WMU’s in the state how many more do you think we need? There are parts of 3 WMU’s going through the town of Cuba 9P(4151), 9W(1464) and 9X(1226) then they brake down by town 202 harvest how small do you want the brake down to be? They do break the harvest down in WMU’s to deer harvested per sq. mile. that number is an average.Forgot to put this in what do you mean by areas being wiped out?
  15. 358’s are easy to reload just 308’s necked up to 35cal. Just not a good bullet selection. The best bullet would I think hornady’s 200gr ftx.
  16. First here in NY we have a 43% report rate on our harvest that’s a lot better than a 1% survey. They also do deer check stations and do processor checks if you ever got your deer back from the processor and the tag has a hole punched through it. That processor was check while your deer was there. Just on the 43% report rate that is 87278 deer that you know for sure were harvested. Now seeing you know their numbers are wrong. Now the burden of proof is on you to prove their numbers are not with in a 2% margin of error. So now show us your data and the method you us to get your right numbers.
  17. Every year we compile deer harvest estimates by state in our Whitetail Report and release them to the hunting public, and every year we receive multiple responses that go something like this: “Those numbers can’t be accurate. I’ve never been asked how many deer I killed.” It’s a common and perennial response, so here’s an explanation of how your state agency can have an accurate estimate of the deer harvest even if they didn’t talk to you, examine your deer, or require you to tag it. It’s possible through the science of random sampling. Some states may be small enough or have a short enough deer season to physically count and examine every deer at mandatory check stations. But wildlife agencies in most states, like my home state of Georgia for example, cannot do this. Lengthening seasons, large land areas and massive numbers of hunters make it impractical. Instead, they use a survey method – usually a phone or mail survey – to randomly sample hunters and estimate things like days spent afield, harvest numbers, and species hunted. To get statistically accurate results with low margins of error, all you have to do is survey a large enough sample. Wildlife agencies do not have to survey anywhere near 100 percent of hunters to get a valid estimate of the harvest, an estimate that is more than adequate for tracking trends and making statewide management decisions. In fact, you might be surprised how few it takes to get a sound estimate. Using an online random survey calculator, I ran my own numbers for Georgia, which has a population of around 250,000 resident and non-resident deer hunters. I would only need to randomly survey about 2,500 hunters (1 percent of the population) to get results with a margin of error as low as 2 percent, and be 95 percent confident in that error rate. Try the calculator for yourself. You’ll see that the smaller the population you are surveying, the higher the percentage you must survey to maintain accuracy. If your population includes a total of 100 people, you will have to survey nearly all of them to get the same level of accuracy you can get by surveying only 1 percent of Georgia deer hunters. So, if my home state obtains random survey results from 2,500 hunters, they have an excellent idea how many deer were killed (Actually, Georgia WRD provides their survey information online, and I learned they annually survey exactly that number: 2,500 deer hunters). No, they do not know the exact number of deer killed. No state knows that, but they don’t need to. They can get close enough to make statewide management decisions. More importantly, if the survey is conducted the same way each year, they get an excellent idea of trends in deer harvest. Knowing whether the deer harvest is climbing or falling over a period of years, and by how much, is more useful and important than knowing the exact number that were killed in any given year. It’s important to note the word random throughout this discussion. People included in the survey must be chosen in a completely random manner or the results will not be accurate. Allowing respondents to choose to participate in a survey is one of the best ways to destroy the accuracy of results. In an open survey, people with an axe to grind (like those who aren’t happy about their recent deer hunting success) are more likely to participate so they can make sure the agency knows they are angry. People who are satisfied with their experience aren’t near as motivated to speak up through a survey. . FROM THE QDMA WEB SITE
  18. Just wondering how much basting away goes on in the park with 700 permits on the east side and 300 on the west side. There is also an antler restriction in the park. Granted the AR was put in place to increase the antlerless harvest. I do have to emit that I don’t hunt there on opening day I only hunt the ML season and have scored with a nice size buck or doe 7years in a row. Sometimes shooting a doe out of as many as 20 deer.
  19. Larry

    EAB Proposed

    sorry about the lines
  20. Larry

    EAB Proposed

    This is what the Dec is purposing: Proposal to Rescind an Antlerless-only Requirement for Several Wildlife Management Units (WMUs)DEC proposes to rescind the antlerless-only requirement for portions of the bow and muzzleloader seasons in WMUs 1C, 3M, 3S, 4J, 8A, 8C, 8F, 8G, 8H, 8N, 9A, and 9F, again allowing take of antlered and antlerless deer during the entire bow and muzzleloader seasons in these units. In these WMUs, deer populations are above desired levels, and the antlerless-only rule was implemented in 2015 as part of a multi-phase process to increase antlerless harvest. However, reported harvest of female deer did not differ substantially between the WMUs with the antlerless-only periods and nearby WMUs without the rule, nor did the antlerless-only periods increase reported female take as desired. "We are optimistic that hunters will embrace their role in reducing deer numbers in these areas for the benefit of local residents and habitats," Seggos said. "Over the next year we will be exploring options for hunters to increase their take of antlerless deer where needed and to engage more purposefully in our management processes."
  21. Larry

    EAB Proposed

    No EAB someone f***ing with you. Think about it who would have do EAB and how would they know if you’re hunting one of those WMU’s. the whole state would have to go to EAB.
  22. Hey let’s cut 2 week out of the gun season at best you only have the potential of cutting the overall deer harvest by less than 20%. It would be less maybe a lot less, with a 2 week season hunting pressure will be more intense and adding 2 week to the bow season would cut in to that 20% even more. You may end up cutting the harvest by only 5%.
  23. First you have to know what the rut is and it looks like most of you don’t have a clue. Or don’t know what part of the rut you’re even talking about. First other than the post rut phase the breeding phase is the best time to have the gun season. Bucks are moving less during this time and harder to find unless you find one with a doe. So with the rut starting as early as mid-October and running though mid – December. We should have the gun season the last 2 weeks of January and the first 2 week of February and make it only antlered deer only. This will save even more bucks, also move the bow season to the 2nd week of September to the end of October then no one hunts the rut and we can save more bucks.
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