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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Larry

  1. Most jacketed bullets are a cooper and zinc alloy and a boned core bullet may be what you’re looking for.
  2. Hey back in the 80’s my name and phone number was in almost every woman’s bathroom in Rochester. For a good time call Larry, that was till I got caught in the woman’s room in this bar writing on the walls.
  3. With most land in NY in privet hands (southern zone) the DEC has given land owners the tools to manage deer on their lands almost the way they want. Under some pretty liberal rules. You can even bait as long as you plant it and not pile it. But most would rather bitch about what the guys are doing around them instead taking care of their own business. Or their too stupid or lazy to realize it so they look to have someone do it for them by demanding a rule change instead of putting forth a little effort.
  4. Hey good luck hope it all works out and next season you are back in the woods. I went to the doctors a few weeks ago for my cortisone shot in both knees and he comes out with a box and tells me to open it. I said just what I always wanted a knee in a box can I have 2?
  5. a 22 will kill a deer if the shot is put in the right spot
  6. Just wondering why the states that have the best deer hunting don’t have AR’s and some states like Iowa have up to a 3 buck limit. All you have to do is look at Pa to see how well AR’s are working. After 14 years of AR’s Pa. finely makes 59% of the buck take at 2.5 year olds or greater. Here in NY the buck take was 52% 2.5 year old or older with limited AR’s and mostly in an area of poor habitat. Also Pa. has decimated its deer herd look at the size of the deer take in Pa 10 years ago to what it is now. With voluntary passing on small bucks we can easily pass that 60% mark in far less time than Pa. all it will take is an adetude change and not a rule change.
  7. You know life is a circle we all get it in the end
  8. I’ll tell you about a Texas hart shot I made on a doe. I was eating my lunch when a buck and a doe ran by me. By the time I got my gun up to take a shot I had no shot at the buck. So I took a shot at the doe running strait a way. I hit the doe in the right cheek of the ass and found the slug in the neck on the left side.
  9. When a doe fawn reaches a weight of 80lb or more they can be bread. That why up to 25% of the doe fawns are bread in the 2nd rut or late rut.
  10. If I were you I would find something that has a little more power the best you are going to be able to buy is an 110gr ball (FMJ) round. The 30 cal carbine was put in service for behind the line troops in WWII to be easier to shoot than the 45. It is vastly under powered for deer.
  11. I wonder if the people understand that now that they have accepted cash for hunting rites that they are liable for whatever happens to these guys while on their property. They can be sued and lose everything if one of these guys gets hurt or killed. they better talk to a lawyer. While you were hunting there for free (not paying money) they were protected under a state law that would protect them from you suing them.
  12. I drove though some state land in WMU 9P just to see what was going on yesterday. There were no car on the upper and lower roads. There used to be 10 or 15 cars in that state forest.
  13. I don’t care what side of the AR issue you are on. I’m going to make a suggestion: Spend more time hunting and less time worrying about what the other guy is doing or shooting. It’s none of your business As long as they are following the rules there’s nothing you can do about anyways. Maybe then you can shoot 9 P&Y bucks. Here’s another suggestion for you if you can’t do that then it’s time to quit hunting because you no enjoying yourself, find something else to do like maybe join the Democratic party or maybe PETA.
  15. I would look at the reg’s before shooting a bear near its den. The reg’s say you can’t shoot a bear from its den. I guess if you wait till it’s outside the den it would be ok to shoot. But is it ethical In the Southern Zone, hunters may not shoot a cub, shoot any bear from a group of bears, or shoot or take a bear from its den.
  16. Doc. I used a Moultrie 800 no flash it’s my oldest camera. I have gone to using just Moultrie cameras. It’s not that I think there the best they just do what I need them to do at reasonable price. But I do have a wild game that my son gave me and that takes good day time pics and ok night. This is my best yote pic.
  17. Here an over a scrape pull PICT0046.AVI PICT0072.AVI
  18. Hey anyone hunting 9p i'll be there this weekend. I hunt near Swain. I tag a nice buck on 11/1 that dressed at 196lbs
  19. Larry

    Safe weekend

    Hey everyone have a great weekend shoot straight and be safe out there. Stay alert stay alive.
  20. You can use a bow or and an x-bow during the gun season but you have to follow gun hunting rules. You have to use your reg. tag not your bow/mz tags. So you can’t shoot a doe on your bow/mz tag you would need a dmp for the wmu you are hunting. I do not know about the bow only hunting areas. In the late bow / mz /x-bow season you can bring all 3 with you as long as you purchased both the bow and mz privileges I would still call the dec to check
  21. There is no such thing as a brush busting bullet or caliber they all deflect or brake up
  22. Doesn’t matter shoot the dam thing then look at the teeth. That’s the only way to tell for sure. If you don’t want to shoot it then I will and then I’ll look at the teeth.
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