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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Larry

  1. None of us have the right to pass judgement on how big a deer someone shoots. It’s none of our business. So spend less time complaining and more time hunting and maybe you can get the big one. Another words shut the FUCK up.
  2. I’m not a religionist person but I always pay to god that I get back safely to my family and put in prayers for my family and to see deer. I never ask god to let me kill a deer. Then I pray to Orion the god of hunters for a true shot and a kill. If I get a deer I always say a prayer over it thanking god for letting me harvest it and giving up its life to help feed my family.
  3. I also had a 10ga single shot slug gun. I kill a few deer with it I even kill one without hitting it. The 1 3/4 oz. slug was close enough that the shock wave as it passed killed it.
  4. Let’s use the KISS prince able here. If you don’t own it and its not public property or have permission to be there weather or not its posted YOU ARE TRESPASSING and can be charged if the owner wishes. Always ask permission.
  5. Years ago I had an Ithaca Mag 10 for duck hunting. In the day of lead shot 2 1/4 oz. of 4s 60yds was the perfect range and even killed birds at 80yds. I killed a turkey at 65yds. It was great for hunting big water and fields. The gun was so heavy once you got swinging you always follow though.
  6. I have no intention of using a cross-bow but I do think there should be full inclusion. I also think cross-bow should be included in the bow class. It seems more bow hunters are buying cross-bows than gun hunters. The only way to tell for sure would be to put cross-bow in as a bow instead as a ML tag. Here is one thing that will have to be looked at is how much if any will the harvest increase with more cross-bow use.
  7. 1 buck 196lb dressed 1 doe about 120lb dressed 1 coyote with mange shot between the eyes with a 444marlin Let at least 10 bucks walk between bow and gun my choice saw deer every time I went out.
  8. Why would you want to unless you were shooting a recurve?
  9. If you look at the dates I put down on page2. They are the dates that we have now. The only thing I added was 1 week to the ML season and 3 weeks to bow but 2 weeks to bow would be enough. I wouldn’t mind if bow was pushed back a week or 2 and the days added to the late season.
  10. This year if the ML season went 7 more days it would have closed on the 28th if bow went two more week it would have closed on Jan. 4th. How many guys would be out and what are the odds of coming across a buck with no antlers. It could happen but other states run there bow season later into Jan. and not just the southern state run there bow season into late January.
  11. Snowmobile season is a Bullshit issue. Snowmobiler’s have to stay on designated trails or ride on lands they own or have permission to ride on. So its non-issue there small game hunters are out and with the bow set back being 150’. I don’t see a problem with adding a week to the muzzle loading season and 2 to 3 weeks to the bow season. After talking to some of the guys at the DEC at one of the outdoor shows, they indicated the state would be open to adding days to the late season. But certain originations keep pushing for earlier openers.
  12. Seeing everyone wants to make up their own seasons let’s try this. Bow October 1 through the Friday before the 3rd Saturday in November. Gun the 3rd Saturday in November running 23 days. Then a late bow and muzzle loader season running 9 days starting the Monday after the last day of gun season. This is for the southern zone. The only other thing would be add 1 week to the late muzzle loader and 3 weeks to the late bow.
  13. First thing I would ask is what do you consider an old doe? The next thing I would ask is how do you tell how old a doe is without looking at the teeth. You can’t use size that can vary considerably unless you are looking at fawns. You can’t use whether or not a doe has fawns or not 25% of all fawns born in the spring will have fawns next spring. Saying it looks old is just a guess. So all you can do to age a doe on the hoof is take a WAG.
  14. Hey just to let you know a shotgun shoots a pattern a rifle shoots a group.
  15. It means he’s out cruising the bars, getting all drunk up and silly. Waiting for last call to pick up the ugliest doe around and to have his way with her and to leave her in the morning. Then to think himself they sure look prettier at last call
  16. took almost all of November off, took that nice buck on 11/1 tagged a doe on Thanksgiving Day. I’m back at work now I won’t get down there till next week sometime. I have seen deer every time I’ve gone out not a lot guys out and I have passed on maybe 6 small bucks. I won’t shot another buck unless it’s bigger than the 1 I shot during bow. The hardest thing for me was to get my son to understand you can’t get a deer if you’re not in the stand.
  17. I just read in my new Outdoor News the DEC. appears to be moving forward on banning urine-base scents.
  18. If I remember the rule book was printed before the antlerless season from last year was rescinded. I would still call the DEC. though
  19. Another guy going home empty handed this season.
  20. Hey Doc your right everyone wants a PARTICIPATION TROPHY.
  21. How about try this: take some time off from deer and deer hunting you got 11 months till deer season. Spend some time with friends and family there’s more to life than deer hunting. You have the Holladay’s coming buy your significant other something nice.
  22. Glad you’re doing good, did they tell you what the down time would be.
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