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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. I am a liberal gun owner. Voted for obama the last two elections. I am putting myself out on a line here. look, this is a hunting website with some very passionate gun owners. i just want you to know that I, explain the reason to anti gun activists why people enjoy shooting "the assault weapons" the media portrays as the bad weapons of choice. I am out there telling people what it is like to behind a weapon like that and to shoot at a target. I do my best to explain it but we are on opposite sides of the fence. I don't know where we all fit in, the hunting community. You, I, we or something else??? Our guns will not be taken away, but some liberties will be lost. At what cost?? Human life, is it worth it? I say yes. This whole tangled web of gun control is running its course right now. You go and march on state capitals on Jan 19th is your choice, I won't do it. Some type of compromise has to take shape. I am not going to nit pick, too much of that going on, but to walk away and say no compromise is not an option. I hope one day I can look out upon America a know that private gun owners have their weapons in a safe place. That their families are known for mental illness and they don't have access to these guns. High capacity clips are outlawed for the reason we don't need them. A hope that inner city hand gun violence is tackled the same way as assault weapon violence in America. I applaud your passion for what you believe in but at times I don't understand at what cost. I didn't write this to get a rise out of you right wing gun owners. Hunters (right or left) own guns so we are one within. It is just a very complicated issue especially in the times we are in right now.
  2. Looks cool! Yea my project was going to clean my gun from last Thursday but......brother borrowed it for a hunt out east Wednesday. Oh well always next weekend!
  3. No I don't. I think it may be the hawks in the area, saw many of them.
  4. Yea I thought it was a lot also. Maybe just a combination of things. All kinds of birds just not one type.
  5. So we spent yesterday deer hunting Otis Pike. I put a lot of mileage on for one day and noticed something that seemed odd. I found a lot of dead birds, all kinds. Just a bunch of feathers in a spot no carcass. I probably would say at least 30. One was a hawk. Could it be birds of prey? Hunters shooting at anything (hope not). Any thoughts from you guys that hunt out there regularly??
  6. 50-75,000 $822 75-100,000 $1,206 100-200,000 $1,784 Average Fed income tax change by income.
  7. Joe I like your posts on hunting but you seem a bit off base on other topics. Need some mileage there boy...............
  8. W/O even looking at the poster I knew who wrote this!
  9. Thanks it was a super day. 4 deer were brought in 3 were doe and one was a shed buck. He wasn't very big maybe 90 lbs.
  10. Not on the Island. It was a blue bird day, couldn't asked for anything better!
  11. The best. Yes she is a member there. We did a lot of pushes and saw so many deer. Well worth it.
  12. Thanks guys, it was a blast. we did put on the miles today!!!
  13. We had a fantastic time at Otis pike today!!!!! The men did not do as well as the woman:( We saw a total of about 24 deer. A number of them were moving fast but we (my god daughter) managed to keep up with them and bagged her first deer!!!! We had section 9 and 10 which was huge. My brother and I probably walked 10 miles each. He shot a few times and so did I. I had 4 doe served to me on a silver platter but missed the lead doe and my gun jammed on the second shot. My buddy missed one also but many were moving fast as we were pushing a lot of the property. My brother texted me and said I will get my daughter a deer on this drive. He sent 7 deer her way and she took the last one in the group. I'm so proud of her, it was a great day we saw a lot of deer and will do this again next year, well maybe next week (I feel a bit sick) lol BTW I flushed out 3 grouse 4 pheasant. It was a great day!!!!!
  14. We had a fantastic time at Otis pike today!!!!! The men did not do as well as the woman:( We saw a total of about 24 deer. A number of them were moving fast but we (my god daughter) managed to keep up with them and bagged her first deer!!!! We had section 9 and 10 which was huge. My brother and I probably walked 10 miles each. He shot a few times and so did I. I had 4 doe served to me on a silver platter but missed the lead doe and my gun jammed on the second shot. My buddy missed one also but many were moving fast as we were pushing a lot of the property. My brother texted me and said I will get my daughter a deer on this drive. He sent 7 deer her way and she took the last one in the group. I'm so proud of her, it was a great day we saw a lot of deer and will do this again next year, well maybe next week (I feel a bit sick) lol BTW I flushed out 3 grouse 4 pheasant. It was a great day!!!!!
  15. We had a fantastic time at Otis pike today!!!!! The men did not do as well as the woman:( We saw a total of about 24 deer. A number of them were moving fast but we (my god daughter) managed to keep up with them and bagged her first deer!!!! We had section 9 and 10 which was huge. My brother and I probably walked 10 miles each. He shot a few times and so did I. I had 4 doe served to me on a silver platter but missed the lead doe and my gun jammed on the second shot. My buddy missed one also but many were moving fast as we were pushing a lot of the property. My brother texted me and said I will get my daughter a deer on this drive. He sent 7 deer her way and she took the last one in the group. I'm so proud of her, it was a great day we saw a lot of deer and will do this again next year, well maybe next week (I feel a bit sick) lol BTW I flushed out 3 grouse 4 pheasant. It was a great day!!!!!
  16. It's going to happen one way or another. http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/09/politics/gun-control-battle/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  17. I'm out there tomorrow morning. We have 4 hunting the 9 and 10 area of Otis Pike. It should be fun!!! I'll report back tomorrow night, this is a first for all of us to hunt LI with shotgun.
  18. http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c4#/video/us/2013/01/08/dnt-deer-crashes-into-classroom.wlwt
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