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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. that bad boy should last forever! Congrats!
  2. No biggie since I will end up encountering a Booner only a week after I kill this guy 3 months from now. Tagged out with my biggest buck ever feeding under me for 2 hours. That disappointment will far outweigh the technical breach of the rules.
  3. I used an extra large post it note (not very photoshop savvy like some here). The buck is way bigger than he looks. haha
  4. All that steam can't be good for the wood stock. I would stick with a black gun or at least synthetic stock for that stand!
  5. That Kudu is awesome. Not that I want someone else's trophy in my home. Did you notice that the seller said she learned of a possible issue of whether they can sell the mounts and are conferring with counsel?
  6. We had a bit of a hodge podge John. I used Frigid Forage big n beasty blend with some whitetail institute clover at my place. In mendon, we used the same blend that Phade bought last year at tractor supply (don't recall name but it worked great). He was able to grab 2 more bags this year plus what I had left of the frigid forage. Now just hoping for some more rain.
  7. You may be right. He doesn't look small to me. Still trying to use the 55 gallon comparison the guide suggested. And his body alone looks longer I think which is a big black bear.
  8. I would have liked to have held off for 10 day more days or so but I had the tractor when I had it and rain was coming so I planted this last weekend. Hopefully is works out. The mix sounds close to what you are using John.
  9. You have killed a few - how big do you think he is. If those 2 bigger trees in the background are as big as I am imagining (10-12" diameter) , I would think 200 plus. Pretty neat by the way.
  10. 2 weeks after using 41% glysophate bought at TS (I think 24oz mixed with about 30 gallons of water) on a 1/2 acre or less plot pretty much killed all of the overgrown weeds/grasses in the plot. I cut it before tilling but not even sure it was needed. It looked mostly dead after 7 days but by the next Saturday it was clearly crispy.
  11. Bay Goodman is still around. Corner of Winton and Browncroft. I like cup and char too. Marks has it.
  12. Exactly why I never want a moonroof. Ruins the structural integrity. If he didn’t have that option the damage would have been limited to a bit of buffing. Any you just never know what May land on your roof.
  13. No game taken - well one trailer for his show of a buck shot. I didn’t really like it much. Like Paula said, a couple of funny moments.
  14. Plot tilled, fertilizer spread, seed spread, compacted a bit. And it started rainIng as I was driving home. Good timing.
  15. Spring tooth digs, lifts and loosens soil. The chain link is more for smoothing from what I understand. It should dig plenty deep for clovers and brassicas. I don’t think it would work for a seed that requires deeper planting. I will let you know how it works. Dropping it off today.
  16. No question there Biz. Good luck.
  17. I prefer open stands too unless the weather is miserable or I have a 9yr old tagging along.
  18. Not only that, I now double cheat by having blinds in the sky. lol
  19. Well you are cheating with a ground blind. Probably covers your scent too. Way worse that sitting in a stand.
  20. I hunt the wind but do still use unscented soap and laundry detergent. Can’t hurt. I used the green soap last year. I think Hunters specialties and some big name brand detergent that has no color or uv enhancer. Cheer free I thInk.
  21. Beauty but she is a he. Look at the swivel stud. Blonde Winchester 70? Hmmm. Trying to find a photo of one like that. Maybe a weatherby? Where is Biz when you need him.
  22. Looks good. I have one on my savage 220. Also fit perfect.
  23. You keeping a little extra clover in that lawn Dave? Looks like a good opening day blind and plot - comfy! I had a doe head bobbing my hog 3d target the other day. That was funny.
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