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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Same here , no need to do it a year early either . But hopefully a couple hundred thousand of us drop paper forms on their desk all at once .
  2. I only have an iPad and iPhone , never delete history , clean temp files , run cleaners or the like , no,issues .
  3. Did the same thing Pygmy, climbed down , was relieving myself looked up and three doe were heading my way , grabbed my other gun and shot one figured they must still have been in heat.... I had to hurry and missed the second "R" !
  4. You really love that Tomcat.... I have one as well, great grip on a small gun.
  5. Why do some vacation in the mountains and others the beach ? Why do some listen to classical music while others love rap ? And who in their right mind puts anchovies on a pizza ? What makes a rainbow good ? It just is. Joe Dirt
  6. Grow , not a year goes by when I'll be down on our land shed hunting or shooting on my range , when I'll run into a walker or jogger at the road, they always express their concern that there will be houses built there . I always tell them , well I'm nearing retirement and if a delvoper makes us an offer, I'll give them right of first refusal if they wish, oddly enough no takers .
  7. Opening day on the drive down I play Subterranean Homesick Blues over and over till I park at my spot . As far as killing them from my couch , that is pretty easy but some of the pearl clutchers in the neighborhood get all uptight ....
  8. You got me going now. Here is what I saved from my collection . Many are air cans, never filled with beer , but with a complete top and bottom. Each year Iron City made a Steelers can, I gave all away to Steelers fans but this '79 air can .
  9. OH and beer can collectors don't want full cans as the weight is to great. I had a small collection , but it still was a few hundred cans hanging on my wall. We do want the top " unopened " though, which is why when we buy them full we open them from the bottom . I suppose folks that just want an old can for some reason or another many like a full one . Trigger, if you got a Playmate malt liquor can, you have a valuable one ! Playboy sued them in '66 I believe and they had to,stop making the can, it's one of the most sought after to,this day .
  10. Billy beer cans open and unopened are far from rare, and last I knew worth next to nothing, as everyone saved them, not just collectors . Every so,often someone who is not into collecting comes across some and tries to sell them for prices far above market rates . There has been a ton of changes to Genny cans over the years , I had 15 or so different Genny light cans, and I stopped many years ago ..... But I see the humor . Billy Beer cans – whether opened or unopened – are not rare by any means. They're your basic novelty beer cans, produced and saved in great quantity with supply far outstripping demand. That, however, doesn't mean that they don't possess any value. A collector in need of a Billy Beer can today may pay anywhere from 25 cents to $10 for a specimen, depending on condition. Occasionally at auction, Billy Beer cans have been known to bring out the beast in some bidders who still subscribe to the urban legend that they're truly bidding on something rare.
  11. I like the last one followed by the one above it . I do a lot of plaques like the double on the wall , those two are from many years ago. The round piece of wood I was hoping to hang a euro on but many here shot it down , so I simply bought an arrow shaped hook .
  12. Sure I had most of them in my collection back in the day . Had several hundred, got rid of most as it became to hard to keep up with all the new ones, I can't imagine trying to collect today with all the craft beers. I keep my Genny collection for awhile , which was even larger then your Grand dads, but gave that to a Genny fan at work . Keep some , the first Harley bike week can,a couple rare Genny cans, Billy , some with hunting themes .
  13. I'm not for taking needless risks for guys gear, cats in trees and the like , but from the video it's a small and appears shallow cheek ( which is why they were able to walk out after falling through ) . The guys are in dry suits with pfd's and lines as well as two inflatables and it looks like the gear is maybe 20 feet away, I'd also guess there are guys stationed down stream with throw bags and the like . Its not a ragging river with waterfalls or 1/4 mile out on a lake . Like so many news stories leaves you with more questions then answers, my guess is people saw the gear and hole in ice which generated the response , they went in to check for bodies , they learned the guys got out and grabbed the gear for them. I mean just gear left on ice will not get a response , but if they believe someone went in they're going out , which is my GUESS.
  14. It's funny , I have the time and means to hunt about anywhere in N America , as well as friends in Western states to hunt with , but no,to,little desire to. I would like to hunt alligators with the Swamp People , but only if I could kill one with a knife , ( gator not one of the Swamp people I like most of them fine ). Also most years just prior to O.D. I have the same dream of walking in as its dark and coming across a UFO in the field and killing an alien as it tries to abduct me . If that counts as a dream hunt . And no I'm not kidding about the dream .
  15. Nomad


    80 and wall to wall sun here . Last 2 beers , off yo airport.
  16. Nomad


    Same here, back to the grey and gloom .
  17. Nomad


    Pretend there is a beer in these pics .
  18. By getting the .357 version , you gain a few ounces over the .38 . Many choose it to run .38 in as the extra oz. helps tame recoil over the .38 version , plus you still have the .358 option .
  19. Nomad


    Fla. beers , not so great I'm finding . One and done, although the shrimp salad was great !
  20. Keep the bigger ones , give away others , toss 'Em out side got squirrels to chew on . Though Wooly has got me thinking !
  21. Glass breaking and I'm in bed, I'm grabbing a 9mm and handlight off the top of my night stand, and taking a stand at top of stairs while the Mrs calls 911. No reason to try and clear the downstairs , defense wins, two or four legs .....
  22. Nomad


    Sometimes it's not the beer , but the where .
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