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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. For those in favor of a shorter season ,aren't a large number of the total take shot the first two days, followed by Thanksgiving week end ? Lopping off the last week would protect how many I wonder ? Guys here mostly say the woods are empty of hunters then and seeing deer tend to be fewer and farther between as well . Without seeing the real numbers I can't see how we can be sure one way or another.
  2. Great last effort fellas ! I sold my ML with 4 other long guns this summer , 11 caps loose powder a pain to,clean and load , always have a buck in bow . After seeing this I may buy a new one !
  3. Without my reading glasses, I thought it said " venison fries ", interesting that sounds good .....
  4. I just came across this , I pull a card and just look at the thumbnails for bucks, which I then blow up . So I never saw this Bobcat till last night while going through pics again. The same card had this coyote with what looks like th legs of a deer or perhaps a skinny stripper . This is North of 5/20 in 8H .
  5. Nomad


    I mentioned here I was trying to find this beer with no luck . A member graciously bought some packed it up and sent it my way ! Big thanks ! See if you can guess who ?
  6. Zen, hate to point this out but that pipe wrench on the right is hanging a little crooked . Nice job on the doe !
  7. In Mississippi you can also hunt deer one half hour before sunrise and after sunset, they can also kill 3 bucks a year . Also it does not appear they have manditory reporting , just having " deer tags" is controversial there, it seems. No tags no reporting of kills they rely on the " honor system ." http://www.clarionledger.com/story/sports/outdoors/outdoorsreport/2014/12/20/deer-harvest-tags-mississippi/20715797/ all that plus a long season oh and they can hunt using dogs yet somehow guys can still kill big bucks there .
  8. Personally I don't care much one way or another , but a shorter gun season would hurt a few of my friends who don't get much vacation time and work Sat. as well . One state we have are eye on moving to if we move for good and not just winters , is Tennesee . Bow starts Sept 24 and gun ends Jan 8th . Depending on the unit you can kill up to 4 doe a DAY and 2 bucks a season ! My nephew and family / friends shoot some very nice bucks there .
  9. Well many will laugh, but I use a blow drier on my feet after showing if I'm going hunting right away . It made a big improvement on keeping my feet dry and then warm. My socks would always be somewhat damp even though I just sit, so rule out sweat. I would towel dry, but if you felt them a bit later they would still be damp, between toes and on the bottoms . Blow drier = as dry a feet as you can get. I understand this is what the Indians used to do , I learned this from that Ishi fella .
  10. Been to Punta Cana too, we moved slow on renewing our passports , so are staying in the motherland . DR is way cheaper then Key West, but everyone I know who have been , and I know a few who've gone for 20 plus years, love it . Need to scout some places to spend our winters in the very near future as well, won't be Key West as its 500k for a small house that needs to,be torn down . the shed above looks better .....
  11. Key West Fla. after the holidays for a bit . Hit the gym a bit more, shoot my handguns, walk the dog in the woods , go out with our friends a bit more .
  12. Got a few sharpening systems . Lansky and others are fine, just be aware of a couple things. Due to their preset angles , you may need to reprofile the primary edge the first time you use it .Lets say the sharpening angles are , 20, 25 and 30. Now 25 is the often recommended one for field knives, but if yours is currently at say 22 , you'll need to reprofile the whole edge . Many use a marker to color the edge so they can see if the stones are hitting the edge correctly . One issue I have with these type systems, is the spine of your knife fitting in the groove of the clamp correctly , clip points and knives with swedges will not clamp well and wobble around. Long blades you'll need to move the clamp as you work the edge or the angle with change as move out towards the end . Each time you clamp it in its easy to be off center a little, it's not a precise system really, use the marker each time you'll see . The average guy who can't free hand or hone a lasting edge will be satisfied though . Of course convex edges as found on many fixed blade hunting knives can't be sharpened with them, and keep the convex edge anyway . Many factory knives and all customs can be returned to the marker for sharpening , often free or just shipping cost . Spyderco does it for free, they also test the lock and if it fails, you get a new knife free, I've had them buff out scratches as well on ones I've sent in . You may want to check , if so send it in if its bad, then just touch it up regularly through the year and you should be fine . i have a different system I use on really bad edges and a Spyderco Tri Angle system for easy touch ups . Many swear by Razors Edge System and one more who's name I forget. Many factors affect the ease of sharpening as well as edge holding . Steel, heat treat, inclusive edge angle, primary and secondary bevels, thickness, blade profiles, flat, hollow ground, semi hollow and on and on . well I gotta shower walk the dog and be to work in less then an hour now.... You'll probably be happy with it just make sure to clamp it the same each time and use the marker on the edge to make sure. It's kind like a gateway system, it's good but there are much better , soon you'll be cutting free hanging tiolet paper .
  13. Love bow season . Bow to me is for killing bucks,hunting them while they're " natural " and gun is for taking my daughter, hunting with friends at different spots, taking does if I want more meat or to give away ,and the thought that perhaps I'll get a crack at a buck larger then my bow buck ,largely because he messes up . Warm weather , lots of bucks on their feet after the does, falls colors, undisturbed deer, and in my opinion an easier way to kill nice bucks , what's not to like ?
  14. Good move ! At 2:00 AM we cut two people out of their rolled car on 490 . I caught a "day" ot Sat. and the drive in at 6:30 was about the worst I've driven in , in sometime good thing not much traffic on Sat . mornings . Keep the shiny side up !
  15. My water back up ran for three days during a power outage , we were in Fla at the time ..... That's the issue with alarms and AC back ups, you have to be home not out hunting or away in vacation . A reason to have someone check your house on the inside whe you go away, sump, furnace and so on . With today's smart phones you can get notified of sump,pump failure on the beach 2,000 miles away and make a service call right away . Something I need to upgrade to . With close to 30 years working as a FF I'll say this , prepair for water damage at some point. Sump failure , washer hose, bursts ( which is why it should be turned off when not in use ), frozen pipe, ground water seepage , water tank failure and on and on . Half my basement is finished , but no carpet , tile . Nothing near the floor I don't mind loosing either. All storage items are in plastic totes and on shelving .
  16. Highly recommend Liberty pumps, made in NY not far from Rochester . Great products and great customer service . I run a Liberty sump with a Liberty water driven back up for power outages , or main pump failure . You get what you pay for . i also have alarms like Core, problem is you have to be home to hear it . Guy at work has an App for his, he also gets notified each time his garage door opens.
  17. Well anything over 8 hours in a day is time and a half for him, I'm sure it gets old but the check is nice .
  18. Ha ha ha , sorry no way I'm hunting in the AM with this weather , and joining the wife meeting up with her former co workers tomorrow night . Hey the freezer is over flowing , I can be picky ! Have not even pulled the bow back since Nov. 4th not sure I can at 10 degrees .... I've never bow hunted the late season , and I've bow hunted since '88. The good news is I just booked a trip to Key West for Jan.
  19. Hum I'm working sat, sun and mon nights, so I could give tue afternoon a shot myself ..... If nothing else I can take a hang on out after the hunt .
  20. I'm working days at the FD and our oldest daughter is working days at Strong Memorial Hospital ,if all goes well, we'll meet up sometime after 5:00 I'd guess , at my sisters and pick through the left overs . Save me some shrimp ! I work every other Christmas and she's working it so those with young kids don't have to .
  21. As usual the news accounts suck . This is my understanding of it only . They were walking out after hunting in a cut bean field . The defendant through sloppy gun handling and ignoring basic safety rules shot and killed a person. He had no muzzle or trigger discipline , that along with his safety being off , lead to the gun being fired and killing another person . So of the four basic gun safety rules . 1.treat all guns as loaded 2. Don't point at anything not willing to destroy 3.keep your bugger hook of the bang switch till ready to shoot 4 be sure of your target and what's beyond it He pretty much broke all of them . The rumor mill on this one, has many scenarios being put forth about what really happened , but the charges seemed to be based upon breaking basic gun safety rules , leading to a death .
  22. Very nice job ! I don't call them " cull bucks ," I call them "management bucks" , any buck I can manage to shoot ..... congrats on the buck and hanging in the hunt .
  23. Best of luck to you and your wife moving forward . My wife had 30 years in at a family owned company , when they sold it to a large Corp. who closed the factory ( she was in the office ) and moved it to Mexico . She got 16 weeks pay . Fortunately we're savers and investors plus I've got a good Gov job . Dispite me giving her a sombrero and Spanish dictionary , see elected to stay here and retired, so it did not hit us hard. On the good side many of her co workers have found new jobs, a couple companies snapped up, many of the workers .In fact one offered her a job and she wasn't even looking . Best of luck .
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