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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Enjoy your time outdoors . Also most sheds are still attached to the bucks heads, sure some have found nice ones but things will pick up in a month or so . I walk hedgerows ,and trails in thickets mostly . For green fields like a golf course , I scan with binoculars , although fields they feed in this time of year that run along thickets I'll walk a couple passes near the thickets . Darn now I want to go look for some...
  2. Oh ya, after 18 years with the Golden Eagle , (I think '88 till 2006 or so ) I saw a big differance in size and weight of bows and I was no,longer shooting 2117 telephone poles. I could also use a drop away rest to see what the fuss was about . The Reflex shot much flatter which was cool , although , I've only shot one deer at25 yards and that was with the Golden Eagle .... Most are shot at ~15yards or less . So what would i gain today ? Easier to draw and hold ? Big sticker for the back windshield of the Buick ? Moog, yes and my buddy out West will be happy I removed the training wheels from my bow too ! we'll talk I need to match the poundage to my shoulders I think . The whole " stick and string " thing is starting to appeal to me . I may even plant some Yew trees and flint knap some heads .....
  3. Ha ha ha .... I often place something in the background , seeing if any sharp eyes here , so I always search guys pics . Side track, a guy at work could not find his Hinderer XM 18 . We tore the firehouse apart, the rig, outside, his pick up a few times, after work he did the same at home . After a week of this we gave up..... Guy who was off came back first run of the day he found it in his boot ! I need to clean house and get rid of many , then I'd like a small Sebbie with flags , or maybe a large or ......
  4. Buzzards gotta eat , same as worms . Josey Wales
  5. Who cares about the camera. I'm more interested in that Chris Reeve, Sebenza in the back ground ! Class act my friend .
  6. I'm a bit like Grampy, my Reflex is about 10 years old, before that I used my Golden Eagle for 18 years . im not sure what a new bow can do for me . Although if I retire this May, I may try out a traditional bow for something to do .
  7. To be fair all gun manufactures will from time to,time have a bad one slip through , if not out right bad designs , or even recalls . Some however have way more the others , Taurus's issues with QC stared many many years ago and have to a degree been corrected . Some say that they have been out of touch with today's buyers , given their low sales during a time guns were flying off shelves ( Obama years ). Ranges that rent guns , which is a great test of guns , given the amount they are shot by differant folks and sometime only basic cleaning , will tell you the little .380 Taurus makes holds up better then the other brands . They also tell you that's an exception among the brand . Here in lies the rub, I no longer buy a little cheaper hoping I get the good one. When I wanted a new pocket pistol,Kel Tec was all the rage , however back then they used their end customer as their QC dept. , about 1 in 5 had to be sent back after a trip to the range , based on forum talk ....... . Oh they came back 100% , but I wasn't willing to roll the dice to save a few bucks. Bought a Berretta Tom Cat .
  8. Taurus , is generally not well received on gun forums . That alone will keep,me away . Now that said I do have a Mod. 85 snubby that has been rock solid the idk 25 plus years I've owned it. Their wheel guns generally are seen as less problematic then their semis, now I bought it at a time when the price difference between them and SW was enough to sway me , today I wouldn't even give it a look .
  9. Id need to see the layout . If the house is in the middle of 3 acres , you're going to need more then 1/4 acrage of grass just to do from the road to house . That said my father in law like many farmers have sold off building lots, there are tons of " yards" that boarder crop fields , over grown scrub fields and so on. They basically go right from one to the other . You can find a local to cut the scrub a few times a year for cheap
  10. I'm really starting to get hooked on shed hunting ! Most years the ones I've found have just been when I as scouting new Stand spots. A few years ago I just went " shed hunting " as a means to,it's ,its own . Last year I found idk 7 or 8 in about 15 hours of looking . If I don't find one each walk I'm kinda bummed . All dinks last year though . All on my hunting ground I may expand to,parks and such this year .
  11. Hum and I was thinking I would drive across the state for that ....
  12. Agree wth Phade . I belong to The Usual Suspect Network, a forum stared for knife guys, we have regional groups with regular get togathers nationwide, and what has become one of the largest knife shows in the world in Los Vegas. Members attend that from around the world, all started from a few guys who broke off of another knife forum and started their own . Clearly an exception , but it can be done . perhaps we could get a sticky, for area meet ups ?
  13. I've met Phade, Moog,Lawdwaz, Rockspec , Terry , would,love to add to this. Biz I'll definitely shoot over to Buffalo in May, ought to be able to get a couple more to join us.
  14. I've been thinking the same thing. I've met a few from the Roch area and one from Buffalo. Myself I'd do a western NY, say mid point between Roch and Buff. Bativa ? Not sure how many would drive hours or do an overnight, let each region set up there own, some one wants to drive farther to attend another is free to do so. my thought was sooner then August though, March or April are dead times for many .
  15. I'm not sure I want to know how you know about those .
  16. This is the first buck I shot , as a kid and sawed off the antlers. Many years later a friend made me this, since I cut it off a bit from the skull here's what he did .
  17. Nomad


    Pretty sure if that's done on a regular basis , it's done up the code or they would have been stopped long ago. The " flames" one can see are not actual fire, but some sort of sparking thing, then there is the guy with a large extinguisher looking thing following them and discharging it .If I were a betting man I'd say there are other precautions taken as well .
  18. Nice job on the deer and the story ! Keep on posting and adding to the forum .
  19. Nomad


    The Mrs. Went to the liquor store looking for a bottle to give me for our anniversary , they could have sold her anything including ones much more costly but they recommended Forty Creek . im no whiskey expert I just enjoy it.
  20. Nomad


    Currently Forty Creek , is my go to . Give it a try fairly cheap won a ton of awards, pretty smooth if you ask me . Bains, out of South Africa of all places . Liquor store gave me a sample or two... that's all it took . Bushmills has been my go to for awhile early on . Ive had plenty of pricier ones and limited editions.... But Forty Creek does it for me. Neat in a rocks glass, sometimes one cube .
  21. Some one once gave me a knife made out of a polymer , Cold Steel makes them too. While it had an " edge" you could not really cut with it. I took a file to the edge in hopes of making it better, it got worse. My guess is it comes as sharp as it can ever be, and that's not much, it appears that it uses the serrations to " rip" more then cut . a guy at work uses fixed blade Magnus heads, each year he sends them in for free sharping , and it seems they just send him new ones..... That seems pretty cheap . edit, Cold Steel doesn't make anything, they're a marketing company , everything they sell they have made by others. In the knife world CS is often not though well off , because of their over top claims and almost fantasy type products , plus ripping off others ideas. Heres a video with the reps quote " you don't need to have them sharp....." Seems to be more for , "hey I'm going to shoot that darn squirrel " with out waisting your real BH.
  22. Nomad


    Looks kind of interesting to me, I can't shoot much in my yard, and while I work,out year round the best movement for drawing and shooting a bow is drawing and shooting a bow. Sorry I'm not driving to a range and this may keep my bad shoulders in shape . As for the price of $150 if that's list, cost will be a bit lower. In comparison for $150 you could get 1/2 a night in the resort we stayed in last week, or one person could go snorkeling on the boat we went out on for 4 hours . competitive handgun shooters fire thousands upon thousands of rounds a year in pratice , sometimes a thousand in a week, yet they dry fire perhaps even more .
  23. That's ok , I was 18 and don't remember it ! Now '93 I was working , fire trucks were getting stuck on the roads , busses and cars abandoned in the middle of intersections , car fires burned themselfs out before we could get there. Was on nights , almost none of the day shift could make it in so we were all held over.
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