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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Looks like the start of a respectful hunter. His parents should be proud.
  2. At least he'll have gravity on his side just in case a #2 comes knocking.
  3. Anyone remember the good ol days when you could stand in a pine tree on just a limb for hours and not think twice about it ,all in the name of getting a shot.
  4. I have a pair of monarch 3, I am looking for something smaller to bring in the woods.
  5. My dad filled the empty space in the freezer today, actually had a slight deflection end up in his favor if you notice the small slice in the neck.
  6. Some days I certainly would, others day I don't care if I see anything or not, sometimes you need some treestand therapy.
  7. Just got into cuba, light dusting of snow to help things out, almost blasted a big 8 pointer on rt. 16 near ischua. Should be a good day today.
  8. My wife turned my little buddy into a penguin for the night. I don't know who hates it more ,me or the dog...probably the dog.
  9. You will find this intersting to watch , John Neeman is a master of his craft.
  10. Im shooting the same rounds as the OP.I tried a few diffrent rounds once i had the scope adjusted and the winchester 168s are by far the round my 06 likes the best.
  11. I have a feeling i know how this story ends already.
  12. I had my phone ring while in the stand and the spike I was watching never even looked in my direction.
  13. Just got home from Cuba, starting to see the little bucks out cruising , I saw 5 today but got no chance at a shot. I had a doe come past my stand and she never winded me,a small victory i guess.
  14. You could always have some fun and download a bunch of monster buck pictures and save them to an SD card and then swap it with his.maybe throw in some cougars and Bigfoot pictures too.
  15. Last time I used tape in the woods was on private property so my brother could figure out where I put his tree stand.
  16. We found a weather balloon with the weather station attached to it last year. It is clearly marked and is ready for shipment back to the owner upon finding it.
  17. Just the sound of his voice makes me cringe,i would rather use hot soldering irons for ear plugs then to hear that voice !
  18. Did he at least tell you his recipe that he loads in it?
  19. I saw a decent line of scrapes last weekend, actually im gonna remove one of the licking branches and give it to my buddy to use where he hunts to experiment with the zip tie branch that people have been doing.
  20. The only time i ever got any action from urine in a bottle was when Code Blue first came out ,i watched a buck follow my drag line path right to where i hung the drag, i watched a spike walk right passed a drag soaked with antler ice last season, i have given up completley on any thing in a bottle.
  21. When I can take my 63 year old dad in a fight, then I'll tell him where he can and can't hunt. As of right now the decision is still his.
  22. There is a guy that is really good ,almost at the intersection of 78 and 98 in java, maybe a little bit out of your criteria.
  23. Thermacare patch stuck on the kidney portion of your back will warm any part of you that gets cold .
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