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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. Ahh not so fast, the little _ is a very nice addition to "Buffalo Tim".
  2. Neat gun (s).........did you get that around home or via the 'net?
  3. I sold Larry302 a set of LW sticks a few years ago, check with him.
  4. Downpour, nope. Light misty rain in the rut, heck yes. I'm talking bow. Gun, I'll hunt in a downpour all day.
  5. Sounds like some great brewers here! I have fond, fond memories of my friends father's hard cider. That stuff would knock you right off your feet after couple glasses. Good times..........
  6. It's nice to see a few more "Supporting Members" here. I don't know what motivated the rest of the people that have done it but for me it's twofold; first off I get perturbed by ads so I downloaded an ad blocker. I found out about a certain ad blocker on another site that has HORRID ads and all kinds of issues when visiting. The ad blocker worked good. So, after doing that I knew that I was hosing the owner of this site because I wasn't seeing his ads. Regardless of whether or not it effected the site owners revenue I thought that I owed it to the site to help out. I've had a ton of fun here, learned tons more and made some great friends I'd never meet anywhere else. Thanks John, I've enjoyed my time here and look forward to much more.
  7. Wow, hung up in a tree. Good thing a ladder and motivation were handy, I know a few guys who'd have walked away. Congrats on the birds and better yet, the efffort you put into the pooch pays off in spades.
  8. Crap, I'd have jumped on this. WTH man, I should have had dibs?
  9. Well done Matty! Gotta be a heck of a story to follow, I'm looking forward to it.......
  10. Wooly's probably in the dark room developing the film as we speak. Patients isn't my strong suit..................................But I'm hanging in there.
  11. Here's another Red: In Rochester, NY........... http://www.24hourcampfire.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php/topics/11481645/FS:_Tikka_T3_Lite_Stainless_30#Post11481645
  12. I've been leaving my bow in the tree overnight for 30 odd years. Where's it going? Heck, some jamoke left their bike in a tree and no one stole THAT.
  13. Live from my sack.........just woke up; tough day of work yesterday and had an outing with some buddies last night. Slept a little later than I'd like. Time to feed the dog and grab a coffee, no hunting yet for me. Good luck troops!!
  14. Sounds like a good chance of success come morning, looking forward to the report!
  15. A good friends boy with a dandy dandy buck from the plains of Colorado..... My son with some ducks and a deer....
  16. And IF you do get it, I may have some factory -06 ammo with your name on it..........
  17. Hey Red.........How about a Tikka 30-06 for 4 bills, shipped? http://www.24hourcampfire.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/11492595/gonew/1/tikka_t3_30-06,_lilja_Ar_barre#UNREAD JUMP ON IT!
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