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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. Holy cow, I just checked my app and NOW it has an 80% chance of rain instead of 100% chance!! I reckon I'll bring some Coppertone, just in case.
  2. Still no change............
  3. Every 15 minutes I recheck the weather app on my phone........damn the luck!!
  4. Cool pic, what is he eating?
  5. I've been following this guy for a number of years. I don't recall how I stumbled onto him............ http://hardcoreoutdoor.com/ He is sharper than most outdoors folks and there's no BS with him. Not much of a hunter but I've learned a fair amount on gear and a variety of other subjects.
  6. Lawdwaz


    You forgot the smiley face. (oh wait, does it work?)
  7. Nothing can be done about the flying predators, hawks and owls. I've seen the damage they can do! I don't know if it's true or not but a preserve owner told me years ago that the hawk kills to eat but the owl kills for the thrill.
  8. After 46 seconds of the news clip I had to shut it down, that's all I needed to see. Bobcats are EVERYWHERE now! Hide your pets!!!!!!!
  9. Great bow moog! Tell me more on you broadhead/arrow combo?? I'd LOVE to shoot a 50# 28" bow someday, again. Started with a 45# Bear Grizzly before (probably!) before you were born. When I was into traditional archery seriously (1987 +/- until 1999) I used 63#-70# only 'cause everybody else was. I bet that is a dream to shoot. Black Widow has been at the top of the heap for many, many years. Nice.............
  10. I didn't see anything on the news here last night, hopefully no loss of human life or property.
  11. Only about 6 million things can go wrong between now and Sunday.
  12. I never noticed a smell when things come back from the taxidude.....It's been 5 years but I'm expecting to pick one up soon. Hopefully somebody will step in and help you with picks.........SOON!
  13. On Opening Day of PA spring gobbler season 1992, I encountered a sow with 5 (yes FIVE) cubs. IIRC the year before or the year after that sighting I saw a sow with 3 cubs. Both situations were on the same dead end road..........very cool! Congrats to you on your sighting, they are neat to see!
  14. Tail fans, heads (freeze dried rock, artificial not so much) etc. ?? And feathers & feet............. I've seen some pretty ratty looking fans and wing feathers, either shot up, torn up from fighting or in from thrashing in their death throes.
  15. I've seen geese a bunch of times sitting on the roof of homes in neighborhoods and had to help find the source of a terrible odor in a commercial business in Amherst a number of years ago. Turns out geese were NESTING on the roof and the amount of feces and urine were unbelievable.........big time gross!! Geese have been reduced to common pests.....sadly. Twas a time 20 years ago when, if you were outside and heard a flock of geese honking up above, you stopped what you were doing and glanced skyward in awe.......no more, they have morphed into a common pest, even more sadly.
  16. Does your GF have any use for any of the outer parts to a nice bird like your son's?
  17. All right! Congrats to the young man and you. Details??
  18. I'm probably missing the boat on those type of blinds..........only hunted out of one, one time. Didn't like it much and it only lasted 30 minutes. I was with a buddy and it was too confining for my liking. I can see the appeal though........... Another buddy has a early Double Bull blind, I borrowed it once and couldn't get the POS set up.
  19. Remember; it's the Indian, not the arrow.
  20. Yesterday I mentioned on a thread that a guy in a picture looked familiar. I didn't mention his name out of privacy as he wasn't the one who snapped the shutter. So last night I got a PM from a fellow forum member saying that he recognized the guy also and mentioned his name. I said yup, that's who I thought it was. So I said to him that we probably had some other friends in common. His profile says he is in Niagara County and I know quite a few folks up there, what was his name and where up "there" did he live? I said my name and where I lived......... He replies back that he has moved and lives on the street BEHIND me. I told him to stop by sometime when he saw me out & about. So now I have 2012_taco one street to my west, me in the middle and another member to my east, one street. I'M SURROUNDED!!!!!!!!!!!! One other member on here, "turkeyfeathers" has a connection we discovered a month or so ago via the PM system. Although we aren't close friends I've known his older brother for at least 25 years through a mutual friend. Pretty neat stuff!
  21. Sweet.................Perfect placement of the blind! Did you hear any shots this morning?
  22. Original battery I assume? You might want to put a load test on the battery JUST to be sure. They'll EAT batteries when not used.................... Good luck and keep us posted.
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