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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. I know its hard but maybe leave the stuff from other threads in the other threads that it originates from, it makes you look like the hater. I'm sure we are all guilty of that though.
  2. Putting it in the vacuum seal speeds up the marinating process and possibly even gets it in the meat better.
  3. That remionds me of a certain chain restuarant that makes a hell of a JD sauce. Here is one bootleg recipie for that. 1 Head of garlic 1 tablespoon Olive oil ⅔ cup Water 1 cup Pineapple juice ¼ cup Kikkoman teriyaki sauce 1 tablespoon Soy sauce 1⅓ cup Dark brown sugar 3 tablespoon Lemon juice 3 tablespoon Minced white onion 1 tablespoon Jack Daniels Whiskey 1 tablespoon Crushed pineapple ¼ teaspoon Cayenne pepper I have seen a few different variations of it on the web. I would combine your idea and this sauce and enjoy.
  4. My wife goes you know your mustang has to go when we have a kid.. I said you'll go before my mustang goes... That ended that discussion I said those exact same words only sub Hayabusa for mustang.....we are still married and I no longer own a wicked fast bike.
  5. I really don't see anti's as a real threat, I think we are the biggest threat to ourselves. Like Steve said we have more hunting now then ever, do you know something we don't? I'm not messing with you, I am honestly asking you a question here, what is their side doing that we should be scared of? I can't say I keep tabs on antis, they mostly come off as crazy kooks. Do you guys from the city run into them more, cause up here, there aren't any brave enough to speak up. Sometimes I forget where I live is different then others... Look I made all the way through with out insulting any one.. ah enough of that, I was also wondering how you and sits fit on the same soap box, or do you take turns? Is that thing made of reinforced steel, it must be to support sit's ego. Sorry guys its Friday, and I am out on vaca half of next week...I am going totaly nugent over here.
  6. Ted Nugent and the specifics aside I don't think you can blame him for working out a plea. If any one of us was in legal trouble I'd bet my left nut we'd lawyer up and get the best deal we could. That's just common sense. I wouldn't know, I don't commit serious enough crimes to need a lawyer. Thats just common sense.
  7. ok fine back to civilized discusion...hehe Like I said before, I think that magnified scopes on bows or crossbows are a bad idea. It will only encourage way to long of shots, its bad enough now with compounds and their capabilities. ex. I work with a guy that honestly thinks its ok to shot 60-90 yards at deer with his bow. He is a nut, but if you give some one a scope they are naturally going to think they can make an 80 yard shot just because they can see 80 yards. As Doc said I don't think scopes are going to sweep the nation being that they are un-practical, so why even allow them.
  8. I am just trying to get you to admit that bolts and arrows are not the same. jeesh, what happened on your camping trip? you seem grumpy today, just stop taking the bait from the hook and I will leave you alone.
  9. "Please tell me how length and nock style make them fly and react to objects differently." I never said they don't fly the same, and I'm pretty sure all knocks for arrows are the same in that they attach to the string. Correct? Bolts do not attach to a string.
  10. Then you should get it that there is no difference other than length and a slight difference of nock design. They are virtually the same projectile and fly the same exact way. : Theres that word again.. difference...meaning they are different!!!!!!!!! I don't care if they are Virtually the same, they are still not the same! Bicycle tires and car tires are virtually the same but I bet you don't swap em out. You are sounding a little desperate to fit in with your crossbow. Relax a bolt is a bolt and an arrow is an arrow, and I will still accept you into the club .ok?
  11. Cross bows shot bolts, not arrows. We have already discussed their differences before.
  12. Yup I said it, people (not you fantail) look at him like he is a god. Tell me you have never heard some one say, Uncle Ted for President? That kind of blind support of some one that has alot of skeletons in his closet is scary. And now he has brought negative attention to OUR sport so he needs to go. Oh and haveing his lawyer enter a plea deal isn't stepping up and taking responsibility is it, its sounds more like skirting the problem to me. Good post steveb and steve863
  13. I'm kinda surprised that some of the strictly gun hunters have not picked up on the fact that they will affected too. There will be less DMP's, and possibly their season could be changed drastically too.
  14. Whats pathetic is how people look to the nuge like he is some kind of god with out looking at all of the stuff the he says and does. I don't know why putting the truth out is digging some thing up and could be considered pitting hunter against hunter. Sounds like you are fan.
  15. "ON MILITARY SERVICE He claims that 30 days before his draft board physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days, he ingested nothing but Vienna sausages and Pepsi; and a week before his physical, he stopped using bathrooms altogether, virtually living inside pants caked with his own excrement, stained by his urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment, he says. "... but if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd killed all the hippies in the foxholes...I would have killed everybody." - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990" Are you sure you want him to represent you as a hunter... the man is a racist, draft dodging womanizing peice of crap nut job. I don't care what he does that can be considered good, it doesn't make up for all of the bad through out his life. He had 11 counts against him but pleaded to 2 for this, yea thats stepping up to the plate and admitting wrong.
  16. That and there was that problem with not knowing whats in the feed, ie. contaminents. Remember mad cow disease. If I had enough land I would be more apt to grow a food that I could eat/sell, usually deer like those veggies too.
  17. "In 2002, DEC banned the supplemental feeding of white-tailed deer in New York State" Yup its been that way for 9 years now. Some of us may want to read the regs more often.
  18. I read it too, it was good to see a different point of veiw.
  19. Some body should write him a ticket for making bad music all these years... aah puke. I lost what ever shred of respect I had for him when I seen him hunting inside a fenced in area. All the deer were tagged for christ sake, might as well had a price tag on them.
  20. I started Gus as soon as we got him. I got him started on wings and now he is on to live birds. We got him at 16 weeks. He will not be hunted until next year, but that depends on the dog from what I gather. Some are ready at 6 months, some 2 years.
  21. You can as long as its not a laser sight, or as long as it doesn't emmit light toward the target. So those little lights they sell for sights are legal too as long as they only light the sight. I personaly agree scopes on bows of any knid ain't right and shouldn't be allowed. The only thing it will do is encourage shots that are far beyond the capabilities of the hunter.
  22. The only thing to keep in mind is the thickness of the string on the the string loop. Presently I have one I put on that is on the thin side and I don't care for it. I prefer the heavier string loop material. Usually there is a picture right on the package that shows you how its done. Just makes sure to tie a knot in the end of the string before you start to prevent slipping and when you are done melt the ends of the loop.
  23. I got one of them Bushnell Sport 450's last x-mas. It seems to work well and was cheap, @130 I think. I also see no need to range a deer that is under 30, my pins are close enough together that it doesn't matter if I am off a couple of yards. However I will deff use it on deer that are at a farther distance where I need to know exactaly how far they are.
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