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avg. joe

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Everything posted by avg. joe

  1. Make sure they are layers and not meat chickens.
  2. Snow blower. I bought mine several years ago and will not do without. I tell everybody that if I have to limit myself to one 3 pt attachment for the tractor, the snow blower wins. Plus there are no piles or banks that build up. I guess to each his own.
  3. Gotta really wonder just how reliant they are on the land. I was on a fishing trip in Alaska several years back and the subject came up. The Captain and first mate laughed about one fellow that was on one of those shows. Basically the show had a lengthy segment of one fellow out hunting squirrels. The show made it out like getting a squirrel was a life and death issue. Long story short, they knew the guy and said he could have walked into town and bought a burger in less time than the show made it look like he was squirrel hunting!
  4. In case anybody loads lead free (non-toxic) bullets, you can get a rebate up to $60. https://huntersforeagleconservation.org/new-york/rebate/ The rebate is for loaded ammo or bullets for reloading.
  5. Having a farm puts you outside lots more than most people. I've seen lots while out doing chores.
  6. Yes, but I am out and about all the time so it isn't an issue.
  7. Mine are up all year. I have them on my property, so it isn't a problem with theft. Believe it or not, I put up some pretty cheap (Amazon Chinese specials) and get several years out of them.
  8. Factory or reloaded shells? If reloads, check the sizing on the brass.
  9. I don't think that I didn't go out because I didn't want to be bothered, but I have gone out with no intention of harvesting anything. I have gone out for deer and decided the only thing I would take would be a nice buck. I've walked through the grouse woods and never loaded the shotgun. So, I have gone out with no plan on getting anything or wanting to get anything. The older I get the more I just take my gun for a walk than hunt.
  10. Good for your daughter and those with her. Hopefully all works well for them and no problems arise from it.
  11. Looks like the Chautauqua Ridge will miss out on this one ( I hope). If it gets bad enough to shut down I-90 maybe they will close up the plant and I'll get a snow day.
  12. I have a rule for my property: When in the stands, NO HARNESS, NO HUNTING!
  13. Try to get hold of a tracking dog. If it is down a dog will find it.
  14. Vacuum packing is hands down the way to go. Depending on how much you use it, just get another one. If you do a lot, consider something made for high use. I have a Weston that we use for packing the chickens we sell at the farm. It has to be about 10 years old and has sealed thousands of bags. Only replaced the seals a couple times with no other issues.
  15. Agreed, as long as you do your part, I see no problem. I know several who have used the .22-250 and were pretty impressed with the result.
  16. First bats, now deer. Maybe they will get herd immunity! I even seen an article about a tiger in some zoo that has it.
  17. The honda marine website used to have a page that you could put the s/n in it gave the year.
  18. Welcome to life of a farmer! There aren't many years that everything goes right, or actually any years that everything goes right! I've had to hay cows in late July because of no rain and have had them nearly destroy the pastures because of too much rain. There have been years where planting was late because it is too wet and years that planting never took off because it is too dry. It's just the way farming is, you keep doing it not because it is easy, you do it because it is part of your way of life.
  19. You will need both. The license covers general fishing, but you need the trout stamp for trout fishing. Same way for Lake Erie and its tribs. You need a license and a Lake Erie stamp.
  20. I use all copper, my choice. I've been loading the Barnes bullets for deer for several years in 30.06. They are great in the .06, but, as was stated earlier, some rifles don't have the twist rate for them. That could lead to some testing different bullet weights to get one that works, and that could get pricey and even to the point of not being able to find the ammo to figure it out. This isn't the time for this. Bullets are in demand and scarce in some cases. If they plan on doing this it could lead to a bigger lack of hunters in the field. You can't shoot if you don't have ammo!
  21. I guess I didn't realize that NYB members had priority over other hunters. I certainly wouldn't want to harvest one of "their bucks" off my own property!
  22. Say what you want about crossbows. I can't shoot a bow anymore. Nothing to do with drawing it back, but with tremors. I can't hold a bow still enough to hit broadside of a barn. A crossbow would be the only way for me to hunt the full archery season in NY. All my archery hunting is now in PA, with a crossbow. So go ahead and sit on your high horse and complain about crossbows, I would love to be able to hunt the whole archery season in NY again! I don't wish anything bad on anybody, but if you couldn't hunt with a verticle you would probably change your tune.
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