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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Three kids less than 5, one on the way, you both work full time and wife even goes to school full time?? Wow, I am amazed that you have time to brush your teeth, never mind have time to go hunting. With all due respect, if one wants a big family one has to realize that there won't be much time left for hobbies, pastimes, etc.. Especially when the kids are still young. Life can be challenging enough with one or two kids, but if one chooses to take on the huge responsibility of having many kids, then there isn't much good advice anyone can give you since you were the one who made the decision to have so many.
  2. He was a cut above most others on the guitar.
  3. I actually find Wolc's posts entertaining. He sort of reminds me of that guy who sells pillows on TV. Wolc would be an awesome salesman for the PA girth chart and butt-out tool.
  4. So what do you use if steel or fiberglass is not good?? I don't know, I've seen some crowns that looked quite run down and the guns may have not been tack drivers, but surely had good enough hunting accuracy. Definitely weren't shooting the kind of groups the original poster is describing here.
  5. I would think that the barrel would have to be REALLY bad to be shooting all over the place at 50 yards. Unless there is some bad corrosion in there I doubt anyone shot the gun enough to get it to be that bad. Even if the crown wasn't perfect it most likely wouldn't be shooting that poorly. I inherited one rifle from my uncle where he filed down the crown pretty good with a cleaning rod, yet the gun still shoots well. My hunch is that the scope mounting was done poorly where the screws aren't tightened down well enough. Something is probably loose there.
  6. He's holding it down until Wolc comes over with the tape to take the girth measurement.
  7. I'm assuming the buck you are talking about is the one pictured in your first post. I don't know. Somehow that deer does not look like a 4 1/2 year old or over to me. Definitely a healthy, big bodied buck, but just doesn't appear to be that old to me.
  8. The breakdown of the votes for Governor. The other party votes would NOT have helped Molinaro in this election.
  9. Actually I don't think he would have won even if he got the votes that were cast for the Green party and Liberarian candidates. Can't speak about your Aunt, though. I know that there are lots of women WITHOUT balls that can be more masculine looking than uncles WITH balls. LOL
  10. The number of people who vote democrat in NYS is staggering. Of course it's a given in NYC and the surrounding counties, but I just looked at the results from the upstate counties where Molinaro did win the counties, but yet his margin of victory was still not that great. Plenty of people in the rural parts of upstate NY voted for Cuomo which really starts boggling the mind!
  11. That is not true. Plenty of Italians and Greeks from southern Europe, and Slavs and Jews from eastern Europe came to this country at the turn of the century thru 1965. They can not be considered "Northern" Europeans.
  12. I can imagine it will be a LONG 5 or 6 hours for you. There is no way I'd have the patience to wait that long to start following up on the deer let alone wait for the deer search dogs.
  13. Listen to Culver's suggestion. His place is rustic, but an engineering marvel. Has everything one needs to be comfortable.
  14. Not diminishing this guys kill, but hunting on LI is definitely all about having a spot on private land. You surely won't kill one like this on the little public land available out there. There are some who have access to private land, but it's far from a simple chore to get permission. Between the billions of ticks crawling up your butt and the challenges of hunting around a suburban environment, most hunters I know have very little interest in hunting LI no matter how big the bucks can get.
  15. One of Rodney's famous jokes was that his family was so poor when he was growing up and they couldn't afford a pumpkin so his mother made him sit by the window during the Halloween season. LOL
  16. Please don't tell us you shave your chest hair!! Time to turn in your Weatherby's and all other weapons if that is the case.
  17. Your question was about baiting and how it would prove that AR's work. Baiting is ILLEGAL in NYS, so your question is irrelevant to the discussion.
  18. Why does it seem that in every AR thread we get these guys with 3 total posts to their name here telling us how great AR's work? These dudes must be from those "sportsman" clubs that bamboozled the DEC to implement AR's.
  19. Some of us were predicting failure from the beginning. Plenty of lively debates on this forum over AR's, especially a few years ago. The main reason AR's were implemented was because of a few vocal "sportsman" groups who were lobbying the DEC to implement them. The every day Joe Hunter sure as hell wasn't for them. I hope these "sportsman" groups got what they wanted. They helped make the Catskills a ghost town for hunters, so hopefully they can now enjoy the entire Catskill region all to themselves.
  20. Was this a do it yourself hunt? That is a spectacular animal no matter how you hunted, but even more impressive if you were on your own.
  21. Yes, Molinaro is nothing to write home about. The Republicans had since the last election to think of a plan to try to defeat Cuomo. At least they could have tried to make an effort to support Molinaro or found a better candidate to run. Looks like they didn't do a damned thing other than throw in the towel.
  22. Is this some kind of joke? He doesn't have a shot in the world. Like others have said, a vote for Sharpe is a vote for Cuomo since you are not giving Molinaro a vote. I watched the debate and Cuomo was on a tear. He is the most arrogant, pathetic human being I've ever had the misfortune to watch. His speech pattern makes my stomach turn. Sounds like a freaking mafia boss who has never had anyone tell him that he was wrong. He thinks whatever he says should be obeyed by everyone. Freaking Trump can be an arrogant SOB, too, but he sounds like a pussycat compared to the ruthless Cuomo. It is less than two weeks until the election and I have yet to see a TV commercial for Molinaro, while I see Cuomo's negative ads every day. The Republican party in this state has done JACK $#!+ to try to help Molinaro win.
  23. I've caught some of the "Meateater" episodes on Netflix and I do like his approach very much. Certainly a heck of a lot better than the run-of-the mill hunting show. I don't subscribe to the outdoor networks, but have seen some of the shows and the vast majority of them are staged garbage. You can find another very good hunting series on Youtube. Search Randy Newberg. He posts day to day coverage of his hunts on public land out west. He's another guy like Rinella who will NOT end the show at the kill scene like the typical hunting show. He will show how he processes his kill and on many occasions will show how he cooks it up at camp or when he gets back home. On most hunting shows it's all about the trophy, but on these shows it's more about the meat and the experience.
  24. I heard someone say that one has a better chance of getting hit by lightning 3 times than winning this lottery. With my luck I'd give my wife that goodbye hug and well wishes, then I'd be struck dead by lightning on my way out of the house! LOL
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