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Everything posted by Fantail

  1. Up the access road at camp theres some logging going on. It's not super loud but very noticable. I think activity will go on at least a bit while Bow season is open. I'm actually hoping in the near future this opens up some bedding areas in the neighborhood and jazz for Turkeys.
  2. I might put a paper towel over the coneys, you know just to keep any dust off.
  3. Insurance plan available at Herb Phillipson's in the form of a decent rain suit; about 80$.
  4. Fantail

    3 Voices

    It's Tuesday, Sept. 25th. NZ Bow - 48 hrs. | SZ Bow - 6 days. Do you know where your gut hook knife is?
  5. Excellent examples showing plots don't need to be large open feilds. Ever loose track of where they all are?
  6. Nice - the corner of that inner feild, 150 yards?
  7. Growalot; are those American hazelnut or the arbor day hybrid? I am thinking of planting a 1/2 dozen next year. I mean if they take and yeild within 4 to 6 years seems like a good choice.
  8. Fantail

    3 Voices

    I'm out the door this morning for work usually with my laptop bag breifcase combo, and thought this seems light. Look down I'm carrying my bow case.
  9. Fantail

    3 Voices

    With about a week untill the opener as soon as I get home I'm starting to hear three voices; What's the hold up? This waiting thing is getting old. Unwrap me, use me. Then I realised it was a pack of Magnus Stinger Buzzcuts sending subliminal msg's.
  10. Im sure other deer don't balk at her like this;
  11. Nice loins for 2014. That's what I'm thinking.
  12. Interesting how the little doe is tight with the buck there.
  13. Didn't buy a 3-D for nuttin`. Been warming up all month, even with the back-up Bow.
  14. If you haven't already, practice with your climber. They take a little getting used to, get to know it so set up at the base of the tree is quiet as possible and not rushed. And - the starting angle; nothing worse then getting to the height you want and being at a down angle. Don't drop your release
  15. I'd put a back-up plan in the works now just in case. You can hit craigslist if all else fails. If your in need of a tech and not to far from Syr. there's a guy by the name of Micky works at RaLin's on Burnett, they also have a selection of used Bows.
  16. I think after that storm that just passed, any loose acorns are down. Not that there was much to start with. Most of the apple trees are on vacation. Guess it's down to the plots this year.
  17. Deer in new winter rye plot spooks mystery critter up a tree. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZPqnXnQifE
  18. Activity just under 2-weeks after planting. salvaged plot - mild shade - winter rye bare spot up top part of next years expansion plan clover plot (hammered) 20 yards to the right strip of oats next to soy/peas - mild shade - plot came back after drought oddly the deer don't seem to know what to make of the soy yet, hoping the oats will help. clover plot (mentioned above) about 30 yards to the left. new plot - winter rye - pic shows most of it - matted down a bit after a storm.
  19. I used my Cherokee to tow a 15' up to camp, it was only a single axle camper but I would probably beef up the springs / towing package before i upgrade. Anyhow once you get a camper where you want it you can use a set of come alongs and some tow straps to get it into place, no need to beat the snot out of your jeep or any truck for that matter. Then - important - pick up 4 - 6 jack stands and some pt/board cuts to level it out and give it a solid base. I see 15' - 30' er's on craigslist all the time, avoid the listings without pics. You can rearrainge some of the campers plumbing for just water drainaige (sink) right outside. Make sure that has a trap and a removable drain section you can cap off. As far as the crapper goes - most campers are set up with holding tanks, I'm going to suggest a loo seat & a bucket or one of the portable crappers unless you want to do a bunch of extra things to the camper's system. The portables all use extra water and chem oder treatments, which work. I've switched to a dry crapper system. Power, well if your going to plug into the grid, thats that. A good generator is probably 3-400$ &^. Then you'll need to remember all the extra gas. Plus deal with the fumes & noise. I use a 1/4 kilowatt hybrid solar system. No noise, no gas. I run refrigeration, lights, recharge my aa's, power tools, vacuum for the camper, radio, even the laptop on occasion. Last year for example I used a sportcat heater. These things are designed to work with the 1lb canisters, well you can get a hose adaptor & use a 20lb er. Anyhow it kept the inside of the camper, an older 68' by the way, a decent 45-50 all through November. I don't recomend a kerosine heater for a hunting camper. You'll be risking fumes and oders on your clothes & gear. Good luck & happy camping.
  20. Good stuff. The chicory plot I planted in the spring is near the size of the 2nd pic, it bombed though. Salvaged it with winter rye / peas, fingers crossed. But definatly plan to try chicory again next spring.
  21. Thumbs up for keeping it down to one list.
  22. Saw this on another form. Thought it would be worth sharring.
  23. Sounds good. Just a thing on a new woodstove, have some ventalation ready for that new stove burnt off paint oder.
  24. You don't want those deer on your property, I mean realy think of all the sleep you'll loose just before the opener. Have the dec tranquilize and relocte them to 6k. I'll throw in a 6-pack.
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