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Everything posted by stubby68

  1. Oh There were problems. Once I approached them in a way in which got my point across and remembered the problems stopped. Who said they were crooked. I have a right to keep people off my property. How I do that is my choice. As long Noone sees anything it is just hearsay. I got news for you there is not a cop judge or anyone else in law enforcement who is not an outlaw to some degree. If they were completely on the up and up they could not do there job correctly. Just as there no civilians who are completely law abideing. Good cops and bad cops do not exist there are only cops and not so bad cops. And then some really bad cops.
  2. There are 3 state troopers, 1 county judge, 1 town judge, and a couple of prison guards in our hunting party. Also an Eco who comes a couple times a year. They are worse then I am. There saying is pick up the empty and go get a different gun. Not really a problem. Funny seeing people posting about trouble with trespassers. Haveing to tell someone to stay off even once is too much let alone 2 or 3 times. Get the point across and word gets out and you have no problems again. Heck one neighbor hasn't been back in 9 years. He only used his property to access ours. He was told twice the first year after that it was done my way. He decided it wasn't worth it I guess. It's not being a tuff guy. I refuse to lose hunting time Chace in people off and this has put a stop to it. Everyone posting how the have problems with trespassers and even ones who have been kicked off come back. Every year there are posts of complaining about trespassers from many on here. I do not have those problems. I found a way to stop it yet I'm the bad guy. Go ahead waste your season chasing trespassers I am not.
  3. Not a tough guy. If you want to put up with the cap go ahead, I don't . Had the cops called on me for it once. Trooper told the guy he should stay off other people's property. The problem in PA was the confrontation. Never walk up to them. Shoot and start yelling. They are too scared to shoot back all they want is out of there. Human nature to flee first. If protecting my property is being a tufo guy then that is what I am. I say I am someone who got tired of people thinking they can do what they want. Need to do something to stop the trespassing and the laws do not work. My way does.
  4. The only bad choice is trespassing on me. And I don't have that happen very often anymore
  5. One shot and then yell stay the bleep off my land. After this happens to a couple people you won't have any more problems.
  6. I had a pair of Danner and will never own another pair. 1000 gram they were warm but feet hurt at end of day. They fell apart after by end of first season. Complained to Danner got no where . I now have a pair of 1000 gram lacrosse and 1000 gram herman surviors. The her man's I bought at wally world. they are lighter , warmer, and more comfortable then my lacross. I like lacrosse but they are just not as good as the hermans. My advise would be do not over look the so called cheaper brands. Some of bigger brands are junk and cost way more.
  7. Check the ac pump. those like to loosen up a little causing the pump to tilt just enough to put out of alignment. Also just because a pull does not make noise or feels tight does not mean it isn't bad. The belt puts a lot of tension on them look at each one with belt on. check with a square if you can look for any tilt in pully. After you do that go buy a Ford. Just a thought.
  8. All my hunting coats and one set of bibs. came Walmart save for one which has a liner and came from Milton in Batavia. Don't know if they are even still around. I wear long unders that are artic weight rocks from wally world ? I through on the understanding then a wool sweater. The sweaters are Co prison sweaters. That's all I have on the upper. for the lower half it is long understand of the same and Ice house pants from ha band clothing in PA. Never get cold. If I wear the coat from Milton and put bibs from Walmart over pants it is too cold out for Eskimos . That's me though and I love the cold.
  9. Go to pharmacy ND get a cup holder that clamps on to a walker. they workpretty good
  10. Can't use them where you are now and you are sure they be able to be used after full inclusion. So why are you having a problem? Sounds like you are and will be safe from all the problems you keep saying will come from them.
  11. stubby68


    On some of my trails I get nights and then 1 day. Meaning 3 days all night pic then 1 day of daylight pick. Others I have activity all the time. As far as stand burn out goes. I do not believe in it. I can sit a stand for a week straight and get same activity on cams as I do when not there at all. If you shoot a deer in a stand in the am and have a couple guys come help withdrag. Then someone else uses that stand in the pm and gets deer. Then more deer are seen or gotten there the next day it's a good bet they're not bothered by the activity at that stand.
  12. I got a set from sportsman's guide 3 stealth put cams and a card reader for 240. had these cams out for 2 months great pics and batteries still say full.
  13. Just watch the animals and what nature has to show and tell me. learn a lot from just watching and listening.
  14. Saw a guy get rod stuck in ml one time. Instead of pulling plug and pushing it through he primed it and shot. Rod flew 80 yards and hit target. If he was able to shoot the rod then safe to bet you could do the same with arrow from your vertical bow.
  15. How many of those 2000 deer were killed by bow hunters who got one with there vertical then took one with there cross. I doubt all those crossbow kills were by gun hunters who bought a cross.
  16. Even if the number was 95 what's the big deal? They were given a choice not forced. The ones who didn't to use a crossbow don't. Those who did had that choice and made. If everyone switches to cross yet you still have the choice which u will then stay with your bow.
  17. Yep it works. Also they make that spray on flex seal inclear.
  18. get a pair of Alpaca pads for your boost too. I have them they are great. when you wash the socks use cold water and hang dry. I wash mine by hand. If you don't they willshrink. My pads will shrink up some too. If shrinking happens gently stretch them back out.Pull slowly in all directions and they won't tear. You will love how warm they are
  19. There free. My dad has lifetime with free dmp and he gets leftovers and is not charged.
  20. Actually the studies show that it is most of the NY bow hunters who have little impact on the deer population. Theh seem to do a good job in other states. It is not just the gun hunters who want full inclusion of crossbow. More then one bow hunter on here has stated they wanted it. And I haven't seen a crossbow advocate say bring in crossbow but keep gun out. Guns are not even the topic here. Some old guy saying that letting compound bow in to archery will pave the way for other things 60 years ago means nothing. If it happened within a couple years of them saying that then sure they were right. Crossbows being added 60 years later is not them predicting. That is like the cable company saying they will have a guy at your house between 9 and 5 tomorrow. Sure he is going to show up but giving him all day to do it doesn't make him on time. I wonder how the hunters in other states dealt with the ending of there hunting when crossbows were introduced in there states. Oh wait it didn't end the hunting in fact those states seem to being well. Just hold your breath things will be OK the world will not come to an end just yet.
  21. I've never seen a 10 spot used as lure but I guess it works. Wonder what a c note would get ya.
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