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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Just put all the corn chips and fresh fruit, in a large bag, and nobody gets hurt.
  2. Beautiful picture buddy! Would make a perfect Christmas card!! Sending good luck!
  3. Awhile back we had "Christy" calling every day about the "problem" we have with our credit card. My wife told her each time, we have no problem, please don't call back! The last call came when I picked up the phone and in a heavy breath, I said "Chrrisssty, ohhh, that's such a sweeet naaaame, keeep taaalking baaaby, oh yes oh yes" Never heard from Christy again!!!!...................hehehe.
  4. If you ever decide to hunt Partridge Run, PM me, and I'll be happy to get you going in the right direction.
  5. Though the Adirondacks do have some large mature bucks and thousands of acres to hunt. The deer are spread out, and a hunter could hunt days without seeing any deer. The WNY areas along Lake Ontario, and the finger lakes WMU's hold good numbers of large bucks. That would be my pick. But that being said, most anywhere in NY on public land, you can kill a mature buck. But they are not easy to kill, without putting in a bunch of time and having a certain amount of skill and patience. Try looking for public land that is not over run with hunters. Or a bow only WMU. In my area of 4-H, we have Partridge Run. A public land that gives up a few nice mature bucks every year. Outside of just blind luck, you need to put your boots on the ground to scout, and be willing to go where others don't or won't go. That is where the mature bucks will be. For every hunting season a buck lives through, I believe, he becomes twice as hard to kill. That's what makes them so challenging to hunt.
  6. Heck, I know who you're talking about now! You know, his brother is even bigger, meaner, and notably crazier! Do you still live in the same location?.....hehehe.
  7. Unfortunately, I can't get it to open either fasteddie. On my tablet or phone. Would really like to see it, as I'm always looking for another call!
  8. No matter who made the box calls, or where, they look awesome! And no doubt, the big gobblers that come running to em, won't give two spits either.
  9. Nothing wrong with legally shooting the deer in a preserve, if that's the way he chooses to shoot his deer. ( Wouldn't be my choice ) But lying about it, truly shows his character. Was it worth the "fame," for putting his hands on a big set of antlers? I don't think so. One's integrity is worth much more. than a set of deer antlers.
  10. Went through a tough spell for awhile too recently. Hope they get ya all fixed and patched up soon! You will feel so much better when it's all done! I know I do! Prayers and good vibes being sent.
  11. Looking to pick one of these up, just remembered this post. I'll look up the order information, when I'm home later. Will be a gift to myself. How long before it arrives?
  12. Been adding hunting and fishing themed ornaments to this, for 15 years or so. Most all purchased from our trips to Vermont and Maine. Put up each year in my reading room. Family calls it grampy's tree!
  13. My buddy uses a 22 Hornet, not too loud, and works great for close coyote action.
  14. I'd tell myself to just slow down, and enjoy every second in the woods. It really doesn't matter how many deer you kill, or how big the buck is. Health is a fleeting thing as you get older. So cherish the frost in the air, the cold windy days, a fresh snow, or the warm balmy October day. Without good health, you can not enjoy any of those days. Reach out and help another hunter, who has not had the opportunities you had, don't be so secretive and selfish, they are only deer. Oh, and one last thing. ALWAYS take a slow look, ALL around you, before standing up!
  15. True. Heck, when I started it was only smoke signals!............hehehe.
  16. Congratulations, and a great story, of an awesome hunt! Way to go wildcat!
  17. Got this little beauty in the first week of gun season too. Having a nice pair of ice fishing mittens done! Now on to the yotes!
  18. Deer gear mostly put away. Now on to the song dogs. Got a new scope mounted light, for the 7mm-08, to go along with the hand held light I picked up last year. Got a lanyard for multiple calls set to go. Got snow on the ground too! Hunting partner called last night, to say two packs were calling back and forth on the farm last night. So, whhoooooo hoooo, it's time to get after them yotes! Great winter fun. And every bit challenging, as they are no push over. And very rarely do you ever kill them using the same set up in the same season.
  19. Beautiful Buck! And killed in "eastern" NY!
  20. I will post pic's after they are dead. But I don't shoot 170 inch deer either. But my trail cam pic's, of my top bucks, I'll hold close to the vest, for the same reasons as above.
  21. Nice!!! If that baby performs half as good as it looks, and I know it will in your hands, then that is a deer killing, bulls eye shooting masterpiece! Way to go moog! Many years of smiles coming your way, with that beauty! And the black Widow, is a bow you are very comfortable with as well, is it not? Tough decision, on which one gets left behind on a given hunt, I'd imagine!
  22. Got a buck with the bow. Passed on shots at smaller bucks and multiple doe with the rifle. Got meat in the freezer, so no soup for me.
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