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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. They look great, and taste even better, I'll bet! Perfect day for this kind of labor of love! Enjoy! Yum!
  2. Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! Wish you all the best in 2018!
  3. Hey, I know where your coming from. Got a grandson into hunting that I'm so proud of too. And I've posted a bunch of pictures on here of him shooting. But I've never posted a video of him, because I'm not sure how to do it from my phone or tablet. If I knew how, I'd share it with ya. Just hang in there, someone will chip in here. I'd really like to see your grandson shooting his bow! Can ya post pictures? Kid pictures are always popular here. So don't be getting riled up. Oh, and Happy New Year to ya! Woods time with the grandson in 2018 is something to look forward to!
  4. The Ruger mini 14. There is one in the for sale section, that has me on the edge of my seat. Lots of add on's and things you can do with it.
  5. His photography, deer knowledge, writing and hunting skills, lunar rut charts, and down to earth manner, set him a step above most of the outdoor media types. Condolences to his family and friends. He will be sorely missed. RIP Charlie.
  6. Oh yeah......pick up moog5050 on the way here! Now that would be epic!
  7. Happy Birthday! Enjoy all that comes your way today sir.
  8. I would like to add that I'm fortunate enough to have well over 500 acres between two properties of land to hunt. Though we are separated by a four plus hour drive, Jay you and your daughter will always have an open invitation to hunt here with me. Even have two spare bedrooms here at the homestead! Would love to have you anytime! Roadtrip???
  9. There is no doubt that Jay, aka Turkeyfeathers is one awesome hombre! I had the pleasure of meeting him, and some other great guy's from WNY, in person last bow season. Thanks to an invite from moog, another awesome hombre! I'm certain, that everyone there, will never forget "The Wheel"! .....lol. Jay's sense of humor is not matched by many! There is no doubt that TF's has the hunting skills, to be an awesome bow hunter, should he decide to join the ranks! I have a bunch of assorted archery stuff, like rests, sights, arrows and things that I would be willing to send out to him. If I had an extra working bow, I'd send that too! The idea of getting together with some local guys to shoot with him is a great one! And the crossbow is definitely a great idea too! (I got some extra stuff for that too.) So whataya say, TF, will 2018 be the year we see your smiling mug, in a picture with a bow killed deer? Hope so!
  10. Sending you the Happiest of Birthday wishes my friend!
  11. Since my teens, anything by Jack London.
  12. I have not ice fished the last two years, as ice conditions were not perfect enough for me. They are getting close to perfect now on the small lakes that I like to go to. I enjoy spending a few hours out there with a jigging rod and a few tip ups. Used to be quite a few of us that would go. Now I mostly go solo. Though my grandson and one of his friends want to go, so that will be fun! And those pan fish filets are so tasty, when I get home!
  13. You are right, of course. And you truly are a wise man Larry. Doing the "right" thing for the young ones, is never wrong. Because two wrongs, do not make a "right". I should have known this. My apologies for insinuating otherwise. But I still feel Andy is a Dick-Tater! And in time, the young ones can decide for themselves.
  14. Purchased pre safe act?................................If so, wasn't the gun ALWAYS "his" all along????
  15. He legally can not take possession until paperwork is complete. So says Andy the DICK-tater. But hasn't your nephew really owned that gun since birth????..........................
  16. Mowin is armed, and no one is getting his bacon!
  17. Yum! Dang that looks good! Whats for beakfast?
  18. He probably has rope burns under that zippered collar. Poor bastid.
  19. I had one of these for a few years. Worked great!
  20. I too spent more than a few New Years eve's, behind a mic and a six or a 12 string, being entertained by drunken revelers. The one that stands out most, was in the late 70's, playing a sorority house party, in Charleston SC. Let me tell ya, THAT was entertaining! The one where a drunk fell into my mic stand, and chipped my front tooth was not so entertaining though......
  21. Welcome, from another Capitol Region hunter! We are lucky to have a number, of good public land hunting spots, within a short drive. We are smack dab in between the Dacks and the Catskills too. I'm not too familiar with spots east of the Hudson, but on this side of the river, PM me and I could get you headed in the right direction. Stay tuned! I'm looking to put together a meet and greet with the Albany area members, in early spring, before turkey season. Would be a great way to pick up some local info, and meet some great hunters too!
  22. Killed my first deer and a good number after that with an Ithaca model 37 in 16g with no scope. Furthest shot made, 70 yards. And a pile more with the Deerslayer 2 with a Leupold 1x4. shooting 2 3/4 inch Remington Copper Sabots. Furthest shot made, 120 yards. I still carry the DS-2 at least once a season, when I hunt in the thick stuff. The DS-2 has a fixed barrel and is much more accurate than the model 37. If I were to ever buy another slug gun, it would be the Savage 220. Also, since my area of 4-H went to rifle a few years ago, my longest shot was 40 yards.
  23. -9 at the homestead this morning. With a stiff breeze, feels much colder. Kinda happy we aren't doing, First Night, in Saratoga this year. And reconsidering ice fishing this weekend up on Onderdonk Lake, and a night coyote hunt too. Never would have thought about not going, twenty years ago! Guess I'm getting soft!
  24. Happy Birthday John! Wishing you all the best on your special day, and for the coming year! I too, thank you for the best darn hunting site going!
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