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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Weather I like what is being said, or not. I myself prefer honesty over political double speak.
  2. You my friend, "get it", and have the true hunters spirit. Along with most others here. Though many of us do shoot the best deer we can, antlers do not consume us. There are far to many other variables that make up what most consider a good hunt, successful or not. One of my best deer ever, was an old matriark doe that busted me, time and again, for three years, before I was able to arrow her. She was more satisfying to me, than some of my biggest bucks. Charlie A said as much in one of his articles in D&DH a few years ago too. Shoot what makes you happy, and be happy with what you shoot. And never question what may make another hunter happy. Most all of us, "get" this. FSW will come back and flame me as a hypocrite, that's ok. But his antics on here lately, have left me shaking my head, as to why he feels everyone should be like him. And if they are not, they are somewhat inferior to him. That's kinda sad really. No doubt, Charlie A. would say the same too. And it's fine with me if FSW chooses to shoot only a B& C buck each year! Cool! Good for him! I do really enjoy the back and forth on a hunting forum. What I don't enjoy, though it comes with the territory, is the holier than thou, elitist attitudes, sometimes on display by some. No doubt, some will just never have the true hunters spirit or "get it". I can tell ya, it's not measured in inches. I'll make sure my grandson has the "true hunters spirit," to pass along to the future of hunting. It just ain't all about antlers. JMO. Take it for what it is.
  3. Great deal on a nice rifle! And from my experience, Billdogge is a super good guy! Hey Bill, ya got any short carbines going on the market? I still owe ya a cup of coffee too!
  4. We mostly use ours for work on the farm. But now and then we make time for fun too.
  5. I wonder what happened, after he took the bunny suit off her????
  6. Yup, some of us are VERY different.................. Guess it's all in how one perceives it I suppose.
  7. One of my mentors, an old farmer, told me, "if ya pay attention, the deer will teach ya more than I ever can".
  8. Mr. Alsheimer truly had a "Hunters Spirit". His words of wisdom ring from the wild places we go. Only those with the kindred "Hunting Spirit" will hear them, and understand.
  9. Dogs just make life better! Looks like ya got a couple good ones.
  10. Welcome! Hope he's still out there! Really cool looking buck!
  11. Pretty cool technology! Pretty pricey too. You didn't even read about stuff like this in comic books, back when I started flinging arrows.......lol If money was not a factor, I would use this sight. Would look cool on my 18 year old bow!
  12. Wow! A true monarch of the deer woods. Hoping you meet up with him again this year. Good luck.
  13. Look into Partridge Run. Lots of coyotes in there. You just may find a couple of good deer spots too.
  14. Me too. As a property owner, I do not call this trespassing. And I have been on both sides of this.
  15. Nice! Glad it found a good home! That pic of the SS Fat Guy still cracks me up!
  16. Guess I'm on par with most of the longtime NY hunters here. Well except Dinsdale and a couple others, of course!!! Wouldn't it be cool, to share a beer and a campfire with a guys like that? To hear some of those hunting stories would be absolutely captivating, IMO. One of these days I hope to do just that! Some of the odd ball stuff I've killed are...... Rattlesnakes, Copperheads and Cotton Mouths in SC and Fla. Wild boar in SC Gator in SC and Fla. A few Bobcats here in NY and a bunch in SC Coyote Fox, red and grey Possum Muskrat Mink Beaver (These last four shot not trapped.) Never shot a bear, though have had many opportunities. Maybe someday? Would like to hunt for elk and caribou someday. And who knows, if I can save up the coin. A trip to the Dark Continent with Dinsdale!
  17. Without that, everything else, and all goals are pretty much out the window..................grin. After last year, I'll take nothing for granted. # 1 for me, is still to see my grandson kill his first deer. He carries my torch when I can no longer participate. This year he will be 14. That opens up firearms season with a rifle. Last two years with bow, we just didn't get it done. This year a bow AND rifle kill would be so awesome!
  18. To be alive and well.........................hehehe.
  19. I'd be ashamed to post a video like this one. No, I wouldn't hunt with a 9mm. hand gun.
  20. Right now it's my 12g. Ithaca Deerslayer 2. But I'm currently keeping my eyes open for a short carbine.
  21. Nice pic's! Really looking forward to seeing more of em this year! We have nowhere near that much snow here. The deer are still able to easily move around. But during the bitter cold, I often reflect on how tough, these beautiful animals really are.
  22. grampy

    Iced gold

    Nice!!! Some good eats in that bucket! Wish I were out there with ya!
  23. We could all just agree that FSW is BETTER at EVERYTHING, than EVERYONE else, and be done with all the BS. But then, we wouldn't be nearly as entertained by all the braggadocio. Does shooting "baby bucks," doves, or anything else, make you less of a hunter, or person? I tend to not think so. To each their own. There is no doubt, that I will never measure up to the expectations of some. That's ok by me.
  24. That was an awesome show! One of the best wildlife cinematographers ever.
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