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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Good luck with that one Tacks! Looks like an awesome crowd. Wish I could be there.
  2. My number one thing is playing the wind. I also hunt mostly from the ground. And have for quite a few years now. I've also killed a bunch of deer after having to set a smoke down to make the shot.
  3. While you are signing autographs, everyone else will be eating and drinking. And if you are "REAL" lucky, they might even save you some.
  4. Way to go wooly! Congratulations! As always, nice pic's too!
  5. I just slap the side of my upper thigh with my hand. But whatever works, it's all good!
  6. I think Tim the tool man was patterned after some of my exploits! I've had a couple doozy's! Like the time I told my BIL, "there's no way the tree will fall on your shed"!!! .............oops.
  7. Mowin, you are the man! And jeff, thats a very nice offer! It doesn't get much better than that! Way to go!
  8. You absolutely found a good site. Some awesome hunters hang out here! And most all are great people to boot. You definitely want to pattern your gun with the turkey loads you will be using. Different loads will pattern differently in various guns. So you really need to see where your shot pattern is, with the set up you have.
  9. Welcome to the forum! Glad you found us and decided to start your hunting career. Lots of info for you here, to help with the latest learning curve. You are not real far from me. I'm up in the Helderbergs, out side of Albany. I'll be out of commission for a bit with some surgery. But I may be able to guide you on a private land hunt towards the end of May. Trying to get my grandson his first bird too. Have you patterned yout turkey gun yet?
  10. Sounds like a solid plan Doc. But maybe a local professional with insurance could give you a fair price. Only suggesting this because a couple of my own well planned things, would have been more cost effective to just have a pro come do it! Anyways, might be fun to film the big event!!! Just in case..........
  11. Congratulations Grizz! Beautiful bird and great story too! All the scouting payed off nicely. Way to go!
  12. I sometimes think, the world as a whole is going down the drain. But when you look on a smaller scale, acts of kindness can be found all around us. There have been so many right here in this forum! Teach your children well. It makes a difference. And the world will be a better place. But always keep alert to when it is not.
  13. Wow! You're amazing wooly! That is REALLY cool! Seems your talents are boundless. Keep em coming my friend! Every time you post something new, I'm saying to myself, how does he do that!!
  14. Congratulations Pygmy! Way to go! Who says vertically challenged old guys can't get it done! .....grin.....
  15. Kind of hard judging size from the pic. Mountain Lion????? lol....................... I just had to do it........................
  16. I know I wasn't that good at her age. . I didn't pick up a bow until my late teens-early twenties. And I never had a coach like moog either! Miss Natalie is going to show us all how it's done! So cool to see the youngsters do so well! Moog, you are doing pretty good over there. Raising a budding Olympic archer, and Pro Bass angler!! Nice work Dad!
  17. Nice work!! I liked everything you posted! All are very cool! Keep em coming Zem!
  18. Having a two year old in the blind with you? Bless you! Some day you will both get a good laugh when you tell the story! So cool that the boys are spending time with you in the woods at such a young age! You have plenty of season left to put that ol" gobbler down!
  19. Love that confident look!!! You go girl!
  20. Watched World War Z, for the first time last night. Good movie! I wouldn't have a chance outrunning those zombies!
  21. Seems like the older I get, the less stuff I carry. Still carry a17 year old bow, release on my hand, knife, a pad for my hiney, a couple bite size candy bars and my phone, most every time I head out. And every now and then I'll go "heavy", and add a range finder, grunt tube, and bino's. Now years ago, I'd carry all that plus, cover and rut scents, at least two or three different calls, gutting gloves, enough food for two hunters, extra socks, a climbing stand, rope, cannon quick shot 35mm camera, more deer pee, extra release, and a hand full of other gadgets and gizmos, that I just knew I needed. Well, turns out that I don't really need much to kill a deer and get it out. As long as I pick the right set up at the right time. My back and shoulders thank me now, every time I head out! Go quiet, go light, go smart.
  22. Nice shooting moog! Hard to tell in the pic's, how far are you targets, 20 - 30? Those tusker targets look pretty cool too.
  23. Today is Zach's 13th birthday! Among other things, that gun he's holding in the picture above is now his! I killed my first turkey with it and did the home made camo paint job, myself. He's loved that gun from the first time he shot it. Think I'll put a red dot sight on it for him too. At some point all my guns will be his. To make his own memories with. And hopefully to pass along as he sees fit. But for now, he has another gun to keep clean!
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