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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Hoping that all the young turkey hunters, enjoy the time spent afield with their mentors. These bonds and memories will last a lifetime, and longer. No matter if a bird is taken or not. Have fun! Keep safe. And wishing each of you the very best of luck!
  2. Dead quiet yesterday and this morning. I hope they will be, where I think they will be, in the morning. We will see.
  3. I bought a nice turkey vest years ago. But I re-assigned it for blood tracking in the fall. For turkey, I have a small day pack with a bunch of pockets. Just finished organizing it last night, for the youth weekend. It's got everything I may need in there and all set to go.
  4. Even when I see the occasional black bear on our property, that scene flashes in my mind now!.........lol
  5. I watched The Revenant over the winter. Great movie!
  6. Very nice rifle, and dang good shooting too!
  7. grampy


    I have used them with the "fuzz" and without, and caught fish. With the fuzz gives a bit more action as the the hairs will move around when reeling in. But the biggest thing would be blade color, silver, gold, white, chartreuse are among the most popular. On different days fish may prefer to strike a different color, so always bring a few if you can. And size dose matter! Use smaller ones for smaller water like creeks and ponds and upsize for larger water like rivers and lakes. Good luck out there Paula!
  8. Practicing acting hit, to run off laughing at the confused hunter, shaking his head and mumbling, "it acted like it was hit" to his buddy.
  9. grampy


    Just as effective and much less messy! Panther Martins and small spoons can work wonders this time of year.
  10. With the way you shoot, you won't be needing me!
  11. That is a nice collection of compasses! Very cool! I admit to not using a compass much, as I mostly hunt familiar private property. I do have a couple compasses though. The best one is a solid brass compass, given to me by my grandfather when I was 12, at my conformation. The other is one I picked up when I lived in SC in my 20's. Both have been packed away for years and I really don't remember what make they are. When bloodtracking with Deersearch, I've had a few oh crap moments, as I prefer to track at night, when there are no hunters in the woods. I use a small Garmin and that is usually all I need, as the hunter that is along with me "usually" knows the lay of the land. I also usually have a pretty good, god given sense of direction. But one time I was in Schoharie county outside the little town of Breakabeen, a good chunk of big woods for sure! A hunter had shot a deer that morning, followed blood for a few hundred yards and lost the blood trail. After talking to the hunter, my guess was a high front leg hit, with which we would need to keep the deer moving, to promote more blood loss to recover. So before leaving my truck I set the Garmin to "home" and off we went. The time was about 7pm. We got on the blood trail and it would be heavy for a bit slow down then deer would bed, and stop bleeding, be jumped, and start all over again. This went on for about five hours and I'd guess, between two and three miles of zig zag. back and forth, up hill and down, through small creeks, thickets, hardwoods and field edges. All the while the fog is getting thicker and thicker. But the dog is going nuts as we kept the deer just ahead of us and we were still following a sometimes visible, sometimes not, blood trail. Finally, we caught up to the deer in it's final bed, and I ended the chase at about 12:30 am. The hunter and a couple companions prepared the deer for the drag out. And as I looked into a solid cloak of fog, with a maximum visibility of 20 yards or so in the beam of my light, I took out my Garmin, to see it was as dead as the deer! I'd changed the battery before heading out that night. Found out later that it was a defective battery, even though it was new. So I asked the hunter and his group, "OK, what way is outa here"? Got three blank stares, then three different directions! So back the way we had come, with them dragging the deer. Made it back to my truck just as the sun was coming up., with one tired out dog that I had to carry, three worn out young hunters, and one PO'ed tracker. A strait compass bearing would have saved hours! After this ordeal, I always made sure to carry extra batteries, for the Garmin. And did buy a small clip on compass, that I'd clip on to my collar, but lost it on another bloodtracking trail, shortly afterwards. This is just one of many adventures, I've had over the years tracking wounded deer, at night.
  12. Gotta ask. What Savage are you hunting with? The last couple years, I've used an Axis in 7mm-08 topped with a Leupold VX1 3x9x40, with some trigger work done. For what I have invested, it's been a good shooter and very effective on deer. Although I've made a bit of an upgrade, for this upcoming season, this rifle will still see some woods time.
  13. A cross or arrow head of antler would make a real nice necklace for a hunter too! As well as the turkey feather! With a strip of rawhide. That stuff would sell like crazy at farmers markets and craft shows!!!
  14. Good stuff that Sawyers! I use it too. But remember, nothing is 100% . Always check for them crawllies when you get in and a shower always helps! Lyme disease is potentially life changing in a bad way. Just a friendly reminder, with turkey season so close.
  15. Just had our anniversary yesterday. We ordered out for subs. That's what you do when you're "old"........lol I did bring home a nice card and a beautiful bouquet of flowers though. I do love good Italian food! When someday I get out there, will have to keep Ristorante Lucano in mind! Around these parts, it's Canali's in Rotterdam. Been eating there since I was a pup.
  16. The first time I was chased by dogs on my own land would be the last time. By those dogs anyway. If the butthead owners got more dogs, that did the same thing, they'd join the first ones. No problem, I'll dig the darned holes!
  17. So awesome to see young people involved with these kinds of things! And especially the the young ladies. At 10 years old she is really doing great!! Keep it going! And best of luck to her in the upcoming tournament!!
  18. After a physics 2 class the only thing my brain would want is a nap! Good for you cleaning three guns! Hopefully it is something as simple as a real good cleaning of the extractor and chamber. Good luck young man!
  19. My two grandsons 13 and 15 are both budding outdoorsmen. More so the younger one. They play together on a Rec baseball team and the 13 year old plays travel ball as well. The 15 year old is really getting back into it after a year off. He's a solid middle infielder with good hands and improving at the plate. The 13 year old is a catcher, and will catch most games all game. And a baseball nut! His skills have improved so much over the last couple of years. He's crushing the ball at the plate, and rock solid with a cannon arm, behind the plate. He hit one over 310 ft in practice the other night. He's 6' 1" and about 200lbs. Both boys have been getting some help from ex college players. At this stage our goal is to have them make a school team next year. And not looking beyond that, for now. One goal at a time! On Saturday the 13 year old will get up at 3am, hunt turkey's until 10 or so. Come home, change, make the opening day ceremonies at noon, then play a game at 2pm. Both boys also carry a 90+ average in their school work. I really feel in this day and age, the young people need to be involved with something positive! Sports, outdoors, school club something! Kids today, have many more potential bad influences, than we did in my day. And yeah, I'm a proud grampy. NYbowhunter, you got two lights out lefty pitchers there!! That is awesome! Wishing them a great season!
  20. Not sure how I missed this, but that is amazing work and creativity! The detail,and coloration, especially in the feathers is outstanding! Very cool my friend!
  21. Can also pick them up from our pets. Maybe that's where yours came from this morning growie? From what I've seen so far, this year is going to be bad for the crawllies. I really do despise them things! Do all you can to protect yourselves and young ones while out there.
  22. Looks like a killer spot!!! Best of luck to Haley, get it done girl!!! Nice job getting set up Dad!
  23. You're right Tom. One thing is sure, I won't forget again! After getting our licenses, I must have just checked, to be sure, we had all our deer tags. And I was excited to draw a 4-H DMP. Never gave turkey a thought till almost too late! Guess now, we're good to go. Biggest worry I have left, is getting a turkey in front of the youngster. But I'm sure I'm not alone there.......lol
  24. Welcome Savagehunter! Look forward to hearing more from you!
  25. Yup. It was so much easier when you just told the clerk Super Sportsman. Not blaming this on the clerk where I got my licence last fall. But I ran down the list of what I want, which is just about everything. Maybe they didn't hear or I didn't say, Turkey Tags! But for my grandson's first hunting license, I can't imagine not saying Turkey too???? Still chills me to think what would have happened, had we killed a bird. Being the mentor, that is not what I'd like to convey to my grandson or anyone! Still kinda mad at myself, for not checking earlier.
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